Iron Triangle: The Carlyle Group

Iron Triangle: The Carlyle Group

2012, Conspiracy  -   59 Comments
Ratings: 7.55/10 from 108 users.

Iron Triangle: The Carlyle GroupThe Bush family, the Saudi Royal family, Osama Bin Laden’s family and Donald Rumsfeld’s inner circle – these are just some of the high profile figures who have played a direct role in the rise of one of the most powerful and influential and secretive firms in Washington.

The company is called The Carlyle Group. And in the wake of the events of September 11th and the invasion of Iraq, its power and influence have become significantly stronger.

The company operates within the so-called iron-triangle of industry, government and the military. Its list of former and current advisers and associates includes a vast array of some of the most powerful men in America and indeed around the world.

This program exposes the history of the Carlyle Group, from it’s inception as a private equity firm to it’s precent status as one of the largest defense contractors in the world.

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2 years ago

Our whole government and world governments are completely corrupt. They make $$ off of misery and death. That’s just sick, sick, sick.

Fascists are Left wing
Fascists are Left wing
2 years ago

Corrupt Fraud President Biden is staying as a guest of the Carlyle group, right now (Thanksgiving 2021). Nothing says greed like the Leftist Fascists of the DNC.

2 years ago

And the new Virginia Gov was CEO of this dark firm.

2 years ago

Good job! Jesus bless you all!

Brian Jacobsen
Brian Jacobsen
6 years ago

Good vid. It's Disgusting how nonchalant these one presenters are. The destruction and Murders of hundreds of thousands of not millions of innocent people. All in the name of a buck. Wouldn't it be a perfect world if you drop Bush his cabinet and the Carlyle group in downtown Iraq. Tell its citizens these are all the people who caused me this mess.

6 years ago

Do not take the law into your own hands.Make your appeals to the judicial arms of the governments.

Marsha Marciano
Marsha Marciano
7 years ago

The Carlyle Group bot a Moble Home Park and is working to push home owners out or trying to buy their home a fraction of what they are worth. Imposing high percentage leases because they feel we are in the heart of Silicon Valley

Cedrik Thibert
Cedrik Thibert
8 years ago

Well, it's hard to deny that 9/11 was an inside job now...

9 years ago

A great documentary that exposes the political, military, and financial connection between U.S leaders, and the corporations that profit from the American taxpayers support. Although much of this information is already out there for those who make a point of paying attention to the world around them, sadly it remains unknown to the majority who are distracted by political party propaganda.
What is more disconcerting is how many innocent people pay the price in countries that refuse to play ball with the IMF, and World bank, who sanction this corrupt behaviour.
P.S: The idea that if the people knew the truth, the Bush/Cheney's of the world would never be elected is to me ridiculous. Even if the people knew, they would still support it, because to rail against it, would only increase their personal risk, and bring financial hardship to them, and their families. Ultimately, it boils down to a simple concept.
The majority of people support evil nonsense as long as they are on the (dark) side that benefits. (quicker, easier, more seductive - Yoda)

9 years ago

I would like to know how the Bush family can hug their grandkids with bloody hands. They will leave their fortune to their grandkids, made by the deaths of thousands upon thousands of people .

9 years ago

I for see the Bush family burning in Hell for what they have done to America and the World, how many people have died so they can make MONEY.

9 years ago

some very shady business going on there, and I fear that it s much worse that is being led on this documentary...

10 years ago

One thing's certain, there will always be wars. Out of chaos come order, and symmetry. Just as forest fires are crucial to restoring vitality, and the big bang resulted in the beautiful spiral dance of the universe, so to have the struggles and strife in our history done for man kind. There will be balance, that is the nature of everything.

11 years ago

The first 1:45 is in German. I almost stopped watching this until I skipped ahead and realized it switches to english.

12 years ago

After watching this how can people say they want capitalism unregulated? This is exactly what you have to look forward to, except it will not be hidden and there will be much more of it. Not to mention the offenses that would take place right here at home. The current system isn't perfect, it allows many corrupt practices. But if you remove it things will get tremendously worse. You don't throw your car away when it has a flat, you fix it. This is the same thing, you don't throw away your government or regulatory system because it is broken, you fix it. Or we can sit back and expect the huge corporations to put people before profit, country before short term gain, etc. Now do you really think that is going to happen? If so I have a nice bridge you might be interested in, I'll even throw in some nice ocean front property in Tennessee!

Gary V
Gary V
12 years ago

Blood money ! The only reason that our troops & hundreds of thousands of civilians are dying in the Iraq & Afghanistan wars is to make money for the Carlyle group, Of which the Bush, Blair, Bin Laden & Saudi Royal families are all major shareholders. 9/11 & 7/7 were both staged to justify these wars & allow the Carlyle group to make many billions of $'s for these shareholders, through defence contracts, arms deals & rebuilding contracts. Al Qaeda & Saddam's WOMD were both invented by these people, again to justify these same wars. And who will be the only people who will benefit from these wars, yes you've guessed it, the shareholders & paid employees of the Carlyle group & other such companies.

13 years ago

They were under scrutiny back when Bush started the Iraq war. The Bush daddy played a significant part in this company

Ron Burgundy
Ron Burgundy
13 years ago

this is just one layer o the Onion

13 years ago

It is very clear that all the nations work together in their corruption and deception and is driving by the greed of materialistic things that are ultimate valueless. It's very sad that many people have to suffer for the gain of few. The rich get richer and the poor get poorer but everyone shares the same faith. Jehovah will sort out the bad from the good at heart and only time will tell who receives salvation. The world has been a place of siege and conquest since the beginning of time and won't end until Judgement Day.

13 years ago

Really enjoyed the documentary,

What I really appreciated though is having the objective side of the story,
Rather than being completely critical and stacking favour against the subject of the documentary.

13 years ago

Why do Americans love War so much? I've been asking myself that question for a long time.
I've done my fair share of research and their seems to be a lot of 'conclusions' if you will.
Americans originally came from Europe. The Brits and the French. 2 Nations that have always been war mongers... back when proving your strength actually meant something.
I suppose that is the core of it?
I guess we'll never really know why, but I hope someday the Americans will stop causing fear in the world. They seem to be greatly afraid of 'something' themselves.

Screw defense and military spending. They should spend that money on saving the planet from our stupidity, and more unbiased religious based Science.

13 years ago

I first came to know the Carlye Group in a Pol Sci class in 2001. Right after the "inside job" of 9/11, I was told by the instructor that I was not to write my final essay on the fact the Bushes' sat with the Saudi as the event took place. She informed me that "The Carlye Group was not a topic of the semester, and to relate the essay to topics on the "listed." They make the gun that make the wars that make the profits. Isn't that the "Good Old Party's" method of operations. Like the instructor of the class(forgot her name), the media (owned by The Carlye Group) misinforms the public to focus on "the list." I did the paper on discrimination in education and got an A-. But the satisfaction was the look on her face when knew I had seen beyond the "list."

gnip tuck
gnip tuck
13 years ago

Living in a Capitalist regime, OR NOT, does not change the fact that if you are in a position to use, deceive and do harm to innocent unsuspecting folks for personal or ideological gain - you better be ready to pay for it - period!

And 'forests', need nurturing. Because the 'trees' depend upon its biodiversity and "balance" for survival. Nothing to do, or helped by: greed, apathy, megalomania and pretentiousness from our so-called 'leaders' and their rebelling 'acolytes' who claim to speak for the 'people'...where in some camps, some have even, suddenly, discovered a taste for 'tea'!

Regardless - there are conspiracy theorists from all camps and colors in between. And then, there are its apologists...

Are we getting fed up yet?

13 years ago

ehhhh little to no substance. we live in a capitalistic country; thats not some big secret conspiracy.

don't overlook the forest for the trees, people!

even conspiracy theorists have agendas

13 years ago

i didnt really think this was that great, like i knew most of it already, and its not too hard to believe that there are some shady things going on in the " iron triangle". thats my personal opinion

13 years ago

These people make me sick.

13 years ago

Good documentary. The fact that the media has not focused on something like this and only occasionally covered it speaks for itself. I mean, come one, this would be a 'bomb', a sensational news for the media, something to chew upon and sell good for a long time. It is quite obvious on this example that we learn through media only what someone else has decided we should know about. That's scary...

13 years ago

WOW! I love this site. EXCELLENT work guys.

13 years ago

saw it before, but this is shocking all over again....

13 years ago

This is must see. 98% English w/Dutch subtitles.

13 years ago

It is in Enlish. It just starts off in Dutch.

13 years ago

It's about a conspiracy between politicians and business groups, it's true but it is about a conspiracy.

14 years ago

Why is this documentary in the Conspiracy section ?

14 years ago

it's dutch

14 years ago

what language is that? <:-)) could be nice an english. or every language text subtitle maybe would be cool

Lisa O
Lisa O
14 years ago

This is a very important documentary! It is not in English for the first few minutes, but wait...the rest is in English. It is a must see if you want to understand the relationship of the Bush family and the Carlyle group. This film uses very reputable sources.

Ade Mark
Ade Mark
14 years ago

Is there and english language version of Iron Triangle? What is the link to it?