The Phase

The Phase

2013, Conspiracy  -   152 Comments
Ratings: 6.09/10 from 153 users.

It's an astounding coincidence: in the absolute majority of accounts of the supernatural, be they biblical miracles, UFOs or paranormal phenomena, the protagonist had been falling asleep or waking up at the crucial moment.

As a result, there is something out there that has forever altered human history and culture - something we know nothing about.

What are they keeping from us? Who stunted human development and who has something to gain from that? What's hidden inside each and every one of us - and what does it hold for the future?

The practice of phase states of the mind is the hottest and most promising pursuit of the modern age. Unlike in the past, the notions of "out-of-body experience" and "astral projection" have already lost their mystical halo, and their real basis has been studied in minute detail from the most non-nonsense approach.

Now, this phenomenon is accessible to everyone, regardless of their worldview. It is now known how to easily master it and apply it effectively. It gives each and every person something that previously could only be dreamt about - a parallel reality and the possibility of existing in two worlds.

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1 year ago

I WANT TO JOIN THIS CULT!! This is funny! I thought this was like a spoof of something and now realize this guys and Jimmy here are true believers of something that has been known to us for a long time in the medical field as sleep paralysis and Sleep paralysis is a feeling of being conscious but unable to move. It occurs when a person passes between stages of wakefulness and sleep.

Jimmy Dunn
Jimmy Dunn
2 years ago

I have been successful using his techniques. To all the B. S. Comments below I would say disregard them. This guy has a YouTube channel that is sparsely viewed and been up for many years. He has links to his original book as a free download, his latest republication is very affordable and full of updated content with updated data from the thousands of people who have been successful, he is very scientifically based and never goes into mysticism or cult like maneuvers. His Project Elijah is free for all to participate with free training. The only thing I can say about him is it's a shame more people don't know about his work and what he is trying to give to the world.

3 years ago

I'll never judge a fake lookin blonde chick again :P

Linda Best
Linda Best
3 years ago

We are born with our obvious physical body, and also with a spirit body. Just as we are born with a cord connecting us to the placenta, we also have what the Bible refers to as the silver cord. When the silver cord breaks apart from our physical body, that's when we are dead, or separated from the physical body forever. Our physical body is meant to be temporary. That's why everyone separates from physicality, either sooner or later. The reason near death experiencers return to the physical world, is because the cord is still connected to the physical body. When we sleep, the physical body rests. However, sleep is when our spirit body comes out and explores the spirit world. About 40 years ago, I did an experiment through meditation, and consciously was able to separate from my physical body. There was a whoosh to the back of my neck. Like a vacuum cleaner, my spirit was sucked out of my physical body, and exited through the back of my neck. Immediately, I was at the top of the ceiling, looking down on the physical body sleeping. Fear caused me to return to my physical body. I could have explored everything, but that was my first conscious experience. There is absolutely nothing to fear about death. When the silver cord breaks, we are all immediately in our spirit bodies permanently. We can visit earth, but people can't see us, and can even walk through us. There's a whole universe to explore in the spirit world forever. Physical life is very temporary. There's much more waiting for us when we loose ourselves from from our very limited physicality. We can fly in the spirit world, and much, much more.

Sandra L Hale
Sandra L Hale
5 years ago

And Gideon said, "Have a pastry!" roflmao

6 years ago

Why not just ignore what it is that doesn't seem of value and sift for anything of value in what you are watching, rather than getting hung up on or irritated about such things as the bedroom or some gal or russian accent(that is what the subtitles are for)? (There was a gal in this docu? Not my type so easy to ignore. If Raquel Welch, Jayne Mansfield, or Sophia Loren showed, I likely would have noticed.)

Unfortunately young commentor John is too young to know that he is being indoctrinated by extremely limited information, much like his know it all adult counterparts, by the Socialist-Communist Bankster owned CorproGovtMedia complex.

For those of the anti anything to do with Bible, religion, etc. Check out a strictly scientific docu called "The Principle" about the Capernican principle of where we are in the solar system and the universe. It is making some scientists rethink what they once thought. Then check out another docu called "Is Genesis HIstory?" Which addresses the question scientifically. Quite interesting science even if no mention of Genesis occurred.

Those who limit themselves to only science have to have as much faith in science as those who limit themselves to only religious teachings. Why hasn't their faith been shaken when there has been at least as many errors called scientific fact as can be found in the Bible? And many still believe that pseudo science today. Do you think what you were taught about electricity is all there is? Or do you think Tesla had more to teach 100 years ago, that the powers that be don't want you to know, to keep you addicted to oil?

Is there no truth what so ever in science? Much less than advertised but likely some. Then we can take that bit and make use of it. Same is true of the Bible, which has a lot of human psychology and wisdom in it. How can one know which part of science is true and which part of the Bible is true? Rather than thinking you know or deciding you know, if you just put items in the unknown file, additional information and insights will come along until one day you will have an "ah ha" experience. God or whoever you believe designed you, gave you that ability. Something that is likely not to work very well if your ego rules you, rather than you seeing/observing your ego into its proper place.

The quote above about the ignorant being cocksure and the intelligent having doubts is so true. Why not just admit there is no way you can know if you have enough information at hand about anything when first learning about it and that it could be unknown time length before you do, that likely before you is very limited and at best, a person should limit themselves to: this is what SEEMS to be the case UNTIL or unless better info comes along. Unfortunately too many, then avoid any further info on the subject.

The greatest disservice done to hordes of students of any age, is that they are not told that what they are being taught is a theory which may or may not change in the future. For example, in Darwin's Theory of Evolution he leaves it to future generations to prove his theory/s. They have yet to do so. So far science indicates that species cannot evolve into other species, while adapting, they either revert back or dead end like the mule. And that a modern type of man's footprints are preserved by volcanic activity at the same time of a dinosaurs footprint, indicating either man is much older or dinosaurs are much younger. My bet is that the dinosaurs are much younger since carbon dating has serious problems.

The fellow calling this almost awake or almost asleep state, "the phase" is no worse than several others rebranding something that has been known about. No better either. However, he did expose me to some info that I hadn't been aware of, such that people could go find aliens or "the light in a tunnel" in such a state.

I wonder about a couple of things he said though: 1) That some entity has hidden this ability from us. If most could remote view, take a trip without leaving your chair or bed and go visit the enemy's plan room and see what and when they have something planned, then yes, I would agree with him, everything would be transparent if you could check it out. If only useful for personal entertainment, then no, I disagree since that part hasn't really been hidden. It would seem much less expensive and seemingly less bodily harm than taking drugs. If you need to take some herb or drug to do what he describes, then are you really doing what he describes? It wouldn't seem so. 2) Not sure the future would be better with everyone having the two lives as he describes, one awake, one astrally projected or whatever. How long before people get addicted to their dream state and have all the undesirable problems of any other addiction? I'd like to talk to that police officer's wife and relatives.

A caution by the fellow who communicated telepathically or whatever it was, from the usa with Admiral Byrd on one of his trips to the South Pole: Do not invite other spirits in. You may get them and he knew of some who regret it terribly since some had an unkind spirit enter, to put it mildly, not to mention it didn't want to leave. Some had a visit with kind spirits but he said it just isn't worth the risk. However, that was a receptive state he was doing while trying to acquire what Admiral Byrd was sending mentally. Likely different than concentrating on yourself and what you are seeing and doing. By the way Admiral Byrd supposedly confirmed that he in deed did acquire the jist of what he was thinking at the designated time each day, after returning and comparing their notes.

If you don't believe in any woo-woo stuff. What makes you think you know everything? Ever talk to someone who had a sort of exorcism/demon removal? Are they full of beans? How do you know? I have to say, the description seems quite real. They claim to be relieved of what they used to be compelled to do, not angry any more, etc. Maybe a few too many people have let evil spirits under their skin? Or hadn't much of a choice at young ages...

It is too often the practice of those of limited information and experience to criticize and judge those who have a bit more of those. --DU (It seems the mother with teenagers confirms ;) Yep, I do a lot of what could be taken as criticizing those of limited information and experience. Someone needs to, lest they walk onward misinforming too many others, like many a teacher, unfortunately. My hope is to point out that there is a LOT more information out there and if you feel yourself wanting to avoid it, what does that tell you about you and your world view? Enlightenment doesn't come from a closed mind. A mind open to anything is just as silly. There is nothing wrong with putting lots of things in the unknown file or maybe file. To be determined later is fine until you are purposely avoiding.

May all your dreams come true ...unless they are bad for me or you.

6 years ago

This documentary is a pointless exercise in reductionism. It shamelessly chalks all consciousness based anomalies into one "simple" event annoyingly termed 'the phase' as though the cult-leader guy with the terrible english has the only inside track on all mystic/religious/supernatural events in the human experience and the rest of us are just clueless sheep mindlessly following along with whatever we've been told to think of them.

That having been needlessly pointed out (this guy's bs levels are way over 9000, as I'm sure most ppl pick up on immediately. It's not subtle) I do applaud the effort to study these phenomena, even if said study is being botched. Think of all the missed opportunities of scientific/pseudo-scientific investigation that could have been explored instead of trying to one by one recreate and sublimate any and all mystic experiences in human history just to streamline $ into this organization's pockets...

For instance, given access to people with these alleged capabilities, why not see if you can pass a specific message or concept through this 'phase', and test information attenuation? Why not put said volunteers on a task to try to create and maintain a virtual environment like a house or something and see if it sticks? Those are just two ideas without even trying that seem far more productive to me than burning resources to recreate a biblical event just to prove a point to those of faith who would simply ignore your attempts to begin with.

Overall just another hilariously depressing example of a brilliant concept wasted on idiocy, a groundless accusation of global conspiracy, and the meaningless sound of one hand fapping...

7 years ago

There are basic medical principles at play here. A biochemical that is meant to paralyze the sleeping human body so as to protect it from injuring itself is overactive in some folks. Thus, they are still paralyzed while awake. This is called old hag syndrome. It is very classic knowledge. There is nothing spiritual about it. This documentary attempts to encapsulate a number of basic sleep disorders and brand them to this man's description of all existence. I suspect he plans on launching his own cult with followers sheepishly adhering to him because he has coined a word for all sleep disorders as "THE PHASE". Like all cult leaders, he will no doubt have many virginal wives and lots of cash if his plan is successful.

Leigh Atkins
Leigh Atkins
7 years ago

Okay, so is he saying that the phase is just a place in our imaginations where we play & invent crap like bored little children? Or is he saying that it could also be a portal to other dimensional possibilities? Or access to other shared knowledge? Or what?

And to state that this is something that humanity hasn't considered before is rather close-minded coz obviously so many of us have - he just hasn't bothered to see this for himself. Sounds like this guy is suffering from confirmation bias. He's not even interested in trying to disprove his own precious theory, lest he may be wrong & have to consider that there are other explanations for what he's just attributing to the phase as a blanket explanation. Correlation is not necessarily causation.

And if there are other explanations as well, you cannot just sit on this one explanation & write everything off to this. Granted, it does correlate with a lot of evidence gathered from many unexplained things we're still struggling to understand, but I have trouble believing that this explains it all. I'd like to see what 'mass experiments' he did in an attempt to prove that there is no other explanation BUT the phase for all this phenomena he's attributing to it.

Coz if there ARE other explanations as well as the phase, & books like the Bible which warn that there are malicious creatures intentionally trapped there like criminals in gaol, waiting in these dimensional slices for innocent, fool-hardy humans like him, wouldn't it be dangerous & irresponsible to not at least issue this warning to these poor followers lest they also be dragged into the same dead-end conclusion that he's reached?

Our own internal universe is vastly unexplored & we don't understand ourselves at the best of times or what we're truly capable of, so to go blundering into this without caution is foolish. No sensible man would explore a new land without being forearmed, for what proof does he have that there aren't dangers lurking in these places?

This man needs to be more careful & considerate in his approach to this area, especially with all these other ignorant people in tow. Other than that, he has found an area that does warrant more exploration.

7 years ago

I thought that everyone did this all the time. I create, learn and analyze, while asleep. I often wake, with notes on the paper, always near my head. As an atheist this is attributed to lucid dreams. Dreams, in my case, are programmed while awake, then used as a problem solving tool.

8 years ago

At one point in my life I believed in this kind of stuff but it was only a phase.

Sonny Corbi
Sonny Corbi
8 years ago

I've had an out of body experience - I won't go into fine details, but i traveled across town to another home, it was confirmed by the person in the home across town - I never asked the person in the home across town to confirm anything they confronted me with the information - There was no time or space involved, it was all instant - (which tells me that time and space only exist in the manifest state of being - not the pure conscious state, (the reality state), of being - The form that we manifest is but the cab, the bus, the vehicle that enables us to traverse this frequency/dimension - In "real" time -

9 years ago

Asinine on the face of it! Hypnagogic hallucinations are a well known phenomenon. Often occurs in association with "sleep paralysis" and probably underlies the myth of Subuccus and Incubus. And explains "tractor beams" that hold the victim fast. Any event occurring upon falling asleep and/ or awakening is not anything but hallucination.

9 years ago

That girl wouldn't get the chance to sleep if i were there. I wonder if it's the main dude's girlfriend? anyhoo nice video, I once had the sleep paralysis experience but went back to sleep, freaky experience though.

Astral Voyager
Astral Voyager
9 years ago

This is it
Lots of Astral dreams so i

9 years ago

That girl looks like she needs to eat no really

Matuvo Namikaze
Matuvo Namikaze
9 years ago

who goes to sleep with that much makeup on her face..?

Darya Sinusoid
Darya Sinusoid
9 years ago

This is absolutely real! I've never had lucid dreams or sleep paralysis or OBEs before i actually started doing the techniques and researching this stuff. I didn't even know that such a thing exist untill i accidentally stumbled upon it in some youtube video and it got me so excited and inspired! I started my research and practice and after some time it worked i had a lucid dream! I still have them every now and then. However, when practicing and not getting the results that you want, motivation becomes hard to maintain. But you must persevere and it will happen eventually.

I recommend reading Steven LaBerge book for anyone interested. It gives you a good array of techniques to choose from, some of which worked for me.

Now lucid dreaming is my passion, it's so exhilarating!

9 years ago

Well this is horrible, could only stomach 1/2 of it.
Its sleep paralysis. You can take advantage of this,
to lucid dreaming, This is where your " Imagination"
takes place, this is why people experience this nonsense
of aliens/angels/demons/ghosts. This is why they
were taught to chase aliens or angels in that segment,
whatever you wanting, thats waht will appear in your dream.

I do this 5 times a week, very easy to do, once
im out of my body I can fly around, and create my
own world. Its just a dream.

Dreams are emo/imagination/visual based. Anyone
can do it.

10 years ago

i put some of my own personal experiences down to corrupt mattresses (ie) bed-bugs,let me explain you buy a bed and mattress from the store and wait for delivery what if your bed and mattress have been intercepted by third parties and had devices introduced in them by secret forces or perverted members of secret societies then this would explain supernatural phenomena and experiences of the sleeper its a shame really but this is now the way of the western world you would have to destroy your bed to find the bugs which are affecting you!

10 years ago

load of tosh

10 years ago

wait did he fly to that cliff?

Richie Cahill
Richie Cahill
10 years ago

I didn't like the production, but I do believe what it is saying. Been at this stuff for years.

dee bee
dee bee
10 years ago

i think ive experienced something very similar. i seem to be able to fly when i enter the phase, i start jogging and jst lift of. i have also woke up terrified a few times, covered in sweat as if something terrible happens to me jst before i wake and these fellings i have never felt in a awakened state. definetely going to research this more. there has also been an occasion i have awoke but i really hadnt and was unable to move and was horrified before i snapped out and was totaly aware of what has previously jst happened

Barry Kort
Barry Kort
10 years ago

Since there's nothing new here, other than coining a neologism ("phase") to subsume commonplace phenomena associating with dreaming, one wonders what's the point of it all.

My theory is that the real experiment is to discover what kind of comments this overproduced video will elicit.

Well, here's your data point: It elicited this very comment.

Hope you found it enlightening.

11 years ago

I can't understand a thing this guy is saying.

11 years ago

The whole story is just for loughing. The guy looks like a pimp and the girl like club dancer (in best case scenario...). And, by the way, "get into my site, buy my books" etc...I would like very much to know if he has any kind of university degree, if yes in what field and what makes him suitable to conduct such experiments and try to spread the "truth" all over the world. The fact that you call yourself a researcher does not in any case mean that you are also one...

Gemma Lajbrok
Gemma Lajbrok
11 years ago

this is dumb

Mike Notlisted
Mike Notlisted
11 years ago

I hope I lucid dream about that blonde.

11 years ago

This is called sleep paralysis. It's not out of body phenomenon.

Rodrigo Ignacio
Rodrigo Ignacio
11 years ago

really??!!! lol

Maria Flo
Maria Flo
11 years ago

This is actually awful.

seamus watson
seamus watson
11 years ago

What about the multiple person UFO sightings. Can we phase while moving around outside and take other people, sometimes hundreds of people, in to the phase with us. Yet another one size fits all theory, that fits very little. Because we can produce it in the lab, doesn't mean it doesn't happen in life.

11 years ago


Robin Wright
Robin Wright
11 years ago

the phase is part of shamanic experience - all good shamans know this. And have experienced "the phase"
And yes, good-looking Russian blonde makes this film more interesting...less boring

John Charles Rennie
John Charles Rennie
11 years ago

I wrote an article and it did not even show up, what kind of a comment situation is this. Article disappeared???so reputable this website

pha cuez
pha cuez
11 years ago

they should of had the barbie broad speak for the jean jacket wearing immigrant. then maybe wze zould unzerstand twaz zeh twaz trying explainings. azother goofz ball fromz soviet kazikstan. only alien in this flick was the down syndrome dutch c*nt w/ a lisp on top of the mountain.

Rick Kiriakidis
Rick Kiriakidis
11 years ago

I couldn't get through 5 minutes of this.

Paul Gloor
Paul Gloor
11 years ago

Partially lucid dreaming while the brain is in a highly suggestive state.... Is someone trying to start another religion or some conspiracy movement ?

11 years ago

Wtf is this? Aliens and s*it? Comeon... I didn't even lol at this one

11 years ago

Damnit! This is an awesome subject with so much potential. This doc sucks!

11 years ago

I must say the guy may be right with his claim that dreaming state may be at the origin of seeing angels and extraterrestrials. And yes...more could be proven eventually about the possibilities of dreaming states.

11 years ago

this doc stunk and the girl is hot. that is all.

11 years ago

I "phased" out pretty early in this one. If it hadn't been for the blonde I probably wouldn't have lasted as long as I did. If your film has no substance, add some superficial element to hold audience interest. It almost worked as a strategy here.

Steve Howard
Steve Howard
11 years ago

Hmm, no mention of DMT. I'm un-phased, lol.

Dan Indiana
Dan Indiana
11 years ago

It's called dreaming darn it....phase my ass..u just renamed it....the documentary is somehow entertaining because it is about dreams..and the ability to control them somehow..and i admit that is awesome..I wish i could do more of that.

11 years ago

With a text introduction that goes like:
"Now, this phenomenon is accessible to everyone, regardless of their worldview. It is now known how to easily master it and apply it effectively."

Well, that's all I needed to read to completely ignore this documentary.
It could work selling a new type of ink eraser or wood polisher though.

Derek Crawford
Derek Crawford
11 years ago

Raduga is a ridiculous clown. In all liklihood he learned everything he knows from Robert Monroe as have most of the people on the planet who are familiar with the oobe state.
This isn't a documentary; it's a cartoon.

11 years ago

Blondie, although very pretty & in the starring role of this production appears a wee bit too young (for me anyways) to "phase" with. A little creepy for me to think about. She is certainly a young attractive adult, wearing little & gratuitously placed in this film, thus some might attach the acronym MILP to her in place of the other ubiquitous acronym that we're all familiar with on the internet. "Phase" being the operative word. (oops, did I go too far? It's a joke people.)

The position of the young woman @ 8:23 does stir some forgotten but very familiar & happy memories for me from past "phasing". (cue lascivious smile, wink & a nudge-nudge of an elbow) This brings to mind several other age appropriate situations where I could get my "phase-on".

My apologies to all you lovely, intelligent women who regularly visit TDF & appear in the comments ( & overly sensitive men) for my risque comment. It was just too tempting not to take a poke at this topic.

Thank you & good night!

*I just read Ashley Cowan's comment. This probably would have been better as a reply to his/her comment.*

11 years ago

this is a documentary???
What a bunch of Russian claptrap!