Alien Planet
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Alien Planet

2005, Science  -   95 Comments
Ratings: 7.60/10 from 25 users.

Alien PlanetImagine a world like our own, just 6.5 light years away – but teeming with life forms unlike anything found on Earth. Take a simulated journey into the near future, where astronomers and biologists alike marvel at the potential of Darwin IV, a nearby planet with two suns, 60% gravity and an atmosphere capable of supporting life.

Having identified Darwin as a likely home for life, scientists send a series of unmanned probes to the planet. Initially, the expectation is to find microscopic life. But the probes soon find themselves in the middle of a developed ecosystem, teeming with diverse creatures of all sizes.

Peering through the "eyes" of the probes, marvel at the planet's bizarre inhabitants – like the lumbering Groveback, which supports a mini forest of vegetation on its back; deadly Prongheads who hunt in packs like wolves; and the graceful Gyrosprinter, an elk-like creature with a body dotted by luminescent biolights.

The look and biology of each animal is based on the laws of evolution and physics, then modeled to fit the hypothetical environment of Darwin IV. Leading minds in the fields of paleontology, astrophysics and astrobiology explain how these creatures might evolve otherworldy characteristics like hollow bodies, "jet" propulsion and piercing tongue skewers.

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5 years ago

why do you religious freaks come here?

actually, scratch that - it shouldn't be any surprise nowadays why you are compelled to pull your **** anywhere, about anything, or anyone, that goes against your batsh*t religious agenda.

SweetJubelia Lumayno Navarro
SweetJubelia Lumayno Navarro
7 years ago

I believed that there are planets that existed with life but, I know and I believe that we are alone as humans. We are the only one existed with an extraordinary intelligence. And I believed that we are created by God perfectly, somewhere out there is like an animal formation only. That's all. This documentary didn't deform my faith to God. Instead God is really amazing! Imagine we cannot occupy this entire universe for explanation there are many things we cannot answer because God knows what He was doing. God Created all the things as Genesis stated. Started " Let there be light" and the pharase "lets make like OUR own image" talking to the God - Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit!
God bless us!

Mark Zukas
Mark Zukas
12 years ago

Totally enjoyed the possibilities,too bad the technology doesn't exist within my life-time. My faith allows me explore what science can explain and the rest...well that's what faith is.

Sabin Russell
Sabin Russell
12 years ago

this is the beauty of not knowing
we can imagine anything we want
i'm sure there are star gazing forms of life looking at our pale blue dot
and wondering if there is something else out there
something more than the world they know

Blake Russell
Blake Russell
12 years ago

Please. This isn't even science. Absolutely ridiculous.

Sabrina Harley
Sabrina Harley
12 years ago

i want 2 c this world

Ella Silver
Ella Silver
12 years ago



david serrano
david serrano
13 years ago

these guys have been playing "spore" for too long!

13 years ago

pretty good documentary. I just want to know why Jack Horner is in this video giving his opinion. He doesn't say anything interesting and kinda seems like an idiot because after every long pause in speech he gets further from the topic lol. I like Dr. James Garvin because he wont stop talking with his hands, every word has it's own unique hand motion.

13 years ago

Thanks for another thought provoking doc. A lurker, coming out of the shadows am I. This site has changed the way I think about a lot of things, or at least begun the process of change by considering alternative viewpoints to the ones crammed down my throat by 'the system'.

I am going to stop reading comments before watching documentaries, however. It almost ruins it when the first comment is so depraved / ignorant / closed minded.
Dok said it best, I shall in the future, filter out all other commenters. Just kidding you guys rock! And now on to watch this doc.

13 years ago

Thankyou so much for this video. We loved it. We learned how scientists prepare for travel to unknown places. And we LOVED exploring too.

Nadia Porterfield
Nadia Porterfield
13 years ago

That was fun but I won't be signing up for a mission to Darwin IV, I think I'll wait until they find a planet of the fluffy kittens and cute things.

Mark Hill
Mark Hill
13 years ago

Im sorry but I have just seen some people talk about "god" im sorry but how does god have anything to do with life on other planets? and if we are going to talk about reliegion isnt is possible that god made another planet with life other than earth? they have already found focillised bacteria on mars which is classed as life, my not be intelegent like humans(most of us anyway *god*) but nether the less it is still life.

13 years ago

This doc is great. If you have any type of imagination you will enjoy this. This is what theoretical science is
about. We need docs like this to show us what direction we are headed. This one day will be factual not science fiction.

13 years ago

OMG! Godzilla is in the planet Darwin haha.

13 years ago

woooo you guys are nerds get a life i gots homework ps get a life fag

Ra Ra O La La
Ra Ra O La La
13 years ago

ooooo you just got pwned by doc

13 years ago

All you sad, sad beings that iterate such responses like, "All fantasy/theory; I give up; blah blah blah, etc" and those of you that completely cling to the misinformation spouted from the Bible and its regents [The actual text itself is not misinformation, if you know what to look for, by the way) which do not understand fully the symbols behind the numbers that are given in the Bible make me fear for the human race.

I lament the very fact that you so willingly turn something down and do not allow your imagination to pursue a subject matter intellectually. I do not usually get on the bully pulpit about this stuff because I don't have the time or energy to argue (nor do I like to push negativity into the world, but sometimes people need a kick in the posterior to finally EVOLVE), but it seriously bothers me that a human being would choose to shut down like that and decide to snuggle up to a life of routine inside a little box where everything is the same and anything that would differ from your routine and idea of the world is banished utterly. You are like automatons that just herd from one place to another in your day to day life, subjects of group think, satiated by instant gratification and subconscious hypocrisy.

Ugh, it is disgusting. Allow your minds to wander a little bit, venture to new heights rather than stagnate at the bottom of the proverbial pool of existence afraid to let go of your myths and fables to which you so cling like a perpetual newborn to a mother.

Sir Francis Bacon, a 33rd Degree Freemason and a great mind once said, "A small amount of philosophy leads one to Atheism, but a greater amount of philosophy brings one back to God".
Consider that and consider that "God" may not be a being, but a number in a mathematical equation which is understood by a variable for which the human race still wishes to solve.

And no, I am not Christian. By far, not Christian.

I'm done. I'm sorry if I offended anyone, I don't mean anything personal. I'm sure you are all great people that I'd enjoy to have a beer with, but damn.

13 years ago

I once read that if you counted all the grains of sand on any given beach, it still would be far less than all the planets in the universe. To believe that God created this huge universe just for the human race has to be most arrogant (dumbest?) idea I've ever heard and I've heard a few.

Assuming God did create the universe, how could he have told a bunch of primitive hunter-gatherers the details of that creation? Modern science is still at the early stages of understanding it. If God told todays academics the details, they probably wouldn't understand what he was talking about. God would have given the early humans a dummied down version of the creation; one that would have made sense to them (i.e. Genesis). A lesson in physics would be an unlikely topic around a Neanderthal campfire. If you must believe in a God created universe, at least use a little common sense.

13 years ago

Religious people out there, cool your jets. This movie is just about what could be and not what is. Do I believe in evolution, certainly. However, I do think god exists as well. And just for your information, sick of lies, it's called Darwin 4 because the expedition was called Darwin.

13 years ago

"you under estimate the probabilities and the facts that science and math are an integral part of the biblical record. Not to mention that mathematically, even Dawkins admits that the possiblity of something or someone of intelligence may have created, yes, CREATED the universe. We are here. Something/Someone started the whole whizzbang, we ALL can agree on that"

did you know that the bible says the earth is only 6000 years old? or have you never read the bible. so which one are you a christian creationist or "evolutionist". you cant just say god started the big bang when your "holy book" says the earth was created 6000 years ago.

or are you telling me that the big bang happened 6000 years ago? you know there is actual proof that the earth is 4.5 billioin years old.
creationist or "evolutionist"?
or are you someone who believes God created the universe 4.5 billion years ago? that would then make you NOT christian.

you confuse me and you confuse yourself.

13 years ago


"The problem with people like you is you don’t see intelligent life when you look in the mirror so you have to seek it on other planets."

How the heck did you know I had a two way mirror used to peek into your pathetic life? Amazing! Tell Johnny Knoxville I said hi.

13 years ago


"Are you the same Steve-O from Jack@$$? You sound like him."

The fact that you first insult me and then claim, "No offense to you," shows your utter cowardice and is very telling of your lack of spine. Also it would be wise to note the fact that humans must be taught EVERYTHING. The only things we know from the womb are lust, greed, pride, and violence. Your only survival instinct is probably knowing how to buy groceries and dial 9-1-1. The problem with people like you is you don't see intelligent life when you look in the mirror so you have to seek it on other planets.

13 years ago


Are you the same Steve-O from Jack@$$? You sound like him. The chances of another planet being able to support life are NOT 1 in 1 to the power of sixty trillion. You are clearly mistaken. Maybe those are the chances of an earth clone (which is unlikely) but a planet doesn't have to be an exact duplicate to sustain life.

You asked if we are that bored with life on earth so we have to find another planet? Hello, it has nothing to do with that. We as individuals and we as a form of life are hardwired with the instinct of survival. It is natural for us to spread our wings and spread out. I thought everybody knew about this instinct of survival but apparently you were never taught that. No offense to you. Now you know.Learn something new everyday. Right?

13 years ago

The chances of a planet being able to support life are 1 in 1 to the power of sixty trillion; from a mathematical standpoint I would argue those are not very good odds - whether you are religious or not. Are people so bored with life on this planet they need to be exploring these kind of fantasies? Maybe we should all get off the internet and go experience it some more.

13 years ago

well instead of all these random numbers of life on other planets look up the drake equation, it says only in the milky way galaxy the would be 10000 communicative civilization. meaning there could be many more non advanced planets in our galaxy, and why is god more likely than the big bang, a guy in the universe that hears all our thoughts sees everything, creates any and everything in 7 days and will send us to a burning prison to be tourmented forever if we dont praise his name, but a guy flying around the planet delivering gifts, geeze, now that is nuts

13 years ago

telling a giant floating squid on darwin IV where we are in the universe?? not a great idea ike.

13 years ago

You all suck. Just watch the goddamn movie. And no, the irony is not lost on me.

Oh, and sick of lies, I'm sick of your fascist lies. Your kind is the reason bloodletting was an acceptable form of treatment.

13 years ago

"cant religion and science co exist?"

No, actually they can't, not without fundamental compromises from either. Religion has its own set of rules which will often contradict science and vice versa. If you need proof of that, ask Galileo who questioned the 'science' of religion and was ordered to shut up or burn alive.

13 years ago

"I’m confused as to why they have people commenting on the creatures on Darwin (in the video) as if this actually happened. I thought this was all hypothetical?"

Religion is hypothetical too. Religion is based on faith in a creator with no PROOF. I have nothing against religion but the FACT remains that we humans do not know for sure. A religious person may believe that God is a fact but scientifically, he/she is not. It is all blind faith. I am not saying that there is even anything wrong with that. We all need SOMETHING to believe in.

13 years ago

I'm confused as to why they have people commenting on the creatures on Darwin (in the video) as if this actually happened. I thought this was all hypothetical?

13 years ago


13 years ago

Hmmm, one of the most silliest things I have ever wasted my time on. First of all the crits in this doc on the planet Darwin don't even make sense. Seriously, the Sea crit thing would really look like that? Not a chance it could no matter what it's density was nor what the graviuty was on that planet. This is all most as bad as Zietgiest Refuted, which is the stupidest doc on this site!

13 years ago

I gotta say I believe in God, but i also believe it to be fact that there is life other then earth out there. There are way to many Galaxies in the universe other then ours for there not to be.It just makes sense that there would be life out there.It would be foolish to claim other wise just because of your belief in god. The church itself said that life on other planets wouldn't matter to there belief. Planets in our very own solar system have evidence of once having oceans, and oceans are teeming with life.I'm not saying that it disproves God.Like I said I happen to believe in God or at least life after death. But god has nothing to do with the Idea of Life on other planets. You just need an excuse to act better then everyone else. And all the people trying to disprove "Santa" as you say. Your not welcome at my house until my son is out of the Santa faze XD

13 years ago

Has anyone realized that the narrator is Dr. Cox? From Scrubs, the actor, John McGinley.

13 years ago

lol actually heres some ''Evidence'' to disprove santa if u do the math it would take him moving at 4.7times the speed of light to visit every persons home on the planet in 24 hours,,and since magic is just superstition and faster than light travel is not yet possible any logic driven person can see this aint possible, on the other hand we have alien life on other planets now heres ur evidence more than 13billion stars in our galaxy and more than a 100billion galaxy's so thats roughly 13,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 stars in our universe now if only 1 in 10 of those stars has a planet capable of supporting life that still leaves 1,300,000,000,000,000,000 well thats not even the right number but u see all the zeros? that my friends is a mathematical certainty for life in the universe. and most of these creatures are created using scientific reasoning and study of earth creatures to create a creature capable of living in these environments, id also like to throw u non-believers a bone and say go and watch the documentary ''blood rain and star jelly'' all the way through those events have been witnessed for thousands of years and even recorded in ancient texts if u don't believe go and see for yourself.
thank u and good night

The Dude
The Dude
13 years ago

Seriously people, where in the video did they say "God doesnt exist, go science!" cant religion and science co exist? who says god didnt create evolution and science, i find it very inprobable that one day a higher being said "oh, let me snap my fingers and the universe will exist!"
and for sick of lies, just enjoy the show, who the **** cares if its fantasy or not? take time out of praying 24/7 and have some fun, because if im not mistaken, its not a sin to study science or have ideas, that time passed when the popes stopped being corrupted
and for those religious people who are going to say im going to hell, read something else than the bible

Carl Hendershot
Carl Hendershot
13 years ago

Worth a watch.

13 years ago

its a fun doc dont take it too seriously and dont dismiss the fact that somewhere in the universe there could be a planet like darwin, like earth. i dont this has nothing to do with god lol science exists u can see it u can touch it. i cant see god or touch it. that doesnt meen i dont beleive the universe has a creator. god is science and science is god.

13 years ago

Hawkings' Universe Doc had much better Aliens =D

13 years ago

Why are religous nuts commenting here? It's a documentary about a possible alien planet and what could exist out there.

13 years ago

I think it would be interesting to partake in such a thought experiment. Such work demonstrates a great deal of multidisciplinary collaboration. To see scientific and technical minds applied to a creative project like the creation of Darwin IV is inspiration to learn more about our ever-growing universe. I believe in God and I don't see any contradiction between the existence of God and the origins or the universe/evolution. God is an entity separate from matter, space and time, and thus God cannot be argued scientifically.

13 years ago

i think it was awesome, and it wasnt childish at all - it brought to mind some of the theorys that are very much overlooked by simple minded traditionalists - as educated as they think they are - they are not, but the film was awesom

nik morling.
nik morling.
13 years ago

there is no god. the universe is the answer.

Cliff T
Cliff T
13 years ago

Sick of Lies, why should we take the word of someone who reads books full of them?

Anyway, thought this doc was interesting but those creatures just seem infeasible. Jet propelled birds with a skewer for a face, 7 story high colossal monstrosities that walk on water (which isn't water, but some algae kind of thing) feeding through its feet. And that huge 5 story creature that has trees crowing on its back. Seriously, who came up with these things. There is no way that has been ran through an evolution simulation. They look like total imaginations to me.

Even the smaller animals seemed a bit too exotic with 90% of them being bipedal. Hell, they even had the idea of making a four legged animal become a two legged one by fusing it fore and hind legs together.

I do agree with one thing though. To have larger creatures, the gravity would have to be less, and that would mean a smaller planet.

13 years ago

Regardless of anybody's opinions of the film. I think we can all agree that "Sick of Lies" is the most hilariously ironic name for a religious person.

And the math in the bible says that pi is 3 or something. I wouldn't go about trusting that.

13 years ago

one more thing

the producers seemed to be engaged in a bit of hucksterism. one scientist stated as a principle that alien life should very different.

and by god, that's what they did. in a dense atmosphere, with significant thermal activity, rather than gliders, we get jet-propelled flyers.

rather than grazers, we get huge rock-eaters. on a planet with no oceans, only a small sea, we nevertheless have a water atmosphere.

the robots took ridiculous risks, etc.

a lot of it did not ring true. it seemed more a rather outlandish bit of entertainment dressed up as science.

The shielded star-ship and use of probes was cool, though.

13 years ago

Soott you cannot reason with people like “sick of lies” They rely on a 2000 year old fantasy book.

LOL try books with an s, even the believers don't believe in the same god, so Sick of lies, whos god is the right god?

13 years ago

@charles b you must be referring to what will be discovered on Earth in the future. Nothing but rocks. Look around. Yes this is fiction but how hard is it to believe weird looking things could exist. We are the weird looking things. Religion is a person thing so why not just be happy you and your wife are going to heaven when you die?

13 years ago

I wish one could think and try to define what "inteligence" means when saying "intelligent life". It is a very, very relative term, and too often applied lighmindedly. Attributing to homosapiens term "intelligent life" at this stage of development and time and space....relative to what? Are we gods who know what "intelligence" means??