Donald Trump: Make America Hate Again

Donald Trump: Make America Hate Again

2016, Politics  -   83 Comments
Ratings: 5.64/10 from 346 users.

What happens when an ego goes too far? That provocative question provides the prelude to the documentary Donald Trump: Make America Hate Again as images of Benito Mussolini and Adolf Hitler fill the screen. Many viewers may find the film's thesis a bit too extreme, but it nevertheless contains a series of observations that prove acute and revealing.

The film argues that a certain amount of ego can spell a healthy recipe for success, but when it's allowed to run amok, it can prove disastrous to everything it touches. Is this the case with Donald Trump? The filmmakers certainly think so. They support this logic by running through the seven characteristics of narcissistic personality disorder, and showing how Trump fulfills each of them with a continuous display of soundbites from the man himself.

As it's presented, the offensive nature of much of this content is undeniable. We see the numerous disparaging comments he's made about women, and the schoolyard insults he's thrown at each of his opponents on the election trail. We're shown the most incendiary segments of his campaign speeches when he's called for a ban on Muslims entering the United States, and questioned the character of illegal immigrants who pour into the country from Mexico. We witness the vocal support of his candidacy from prominent hate groups and their most visible spokespeople, and his initial hesitance to vociferously denounce their endorsements.

These clips are either damning or rousing depending upon your political persuasion. Whether you believe Trump to be a thin-skinned hatemonger or a politically incorrect savior of the conservative movement, it's difficult to deny his ability to provoke visceral reactions from both sides of the aisle. The same can be said of this film.

Donald Trump: Make America Hate Again recognizes Trump's singular gifts of salesmanship and appealingly outspoken presentation. But it vehemently denounces what it views as his dangerously uninformed platform. Undeniably left-leaning in its analysis, the film is infused with a great sense of urgency because the stakes couldn't be higher. After all, Trump could very well hold the winning key for entry into the White House on the election day.

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4 months ago

An 80-year old narcissistic child with a bad temper tantrum. He is purposely dividing the people, serving the banksters who are wet-dreaming every night about divide-and-kill depopulation.

Aaron Hemme
Aaron Hemme
11 months ago

Donald Trump is an unfit piece of New York white trash criminal con man who deserves a taste of his own bad medicine to be shot as this clown could not properly manage World War Meteorite, find the Pentagon was missing $21 trillion dollars as a lifelong businessman nor solve a 16-year Taylor Energy oil spill in a post-Deepwater Horizon era. Farmers should be sending all their manure to all of Donald Trump's luxury properties to install large shitty retention pond lakes since he likes to create so much dog shit gaslighting Murdoch Fox News backed fake news generating highly divisive politics just for win a very stupid popularity contest touting 'great' media ratings to globally embarrass him for his really childish narcissistic dumbass shenanigans/antics as mismanaging tv personality as this is not governing in the face of a historic global crisis to not don't trust this grifting Russian asset Baby Boomer fool/scammer to watch my imaginary dog. He is just reaping what he has sowed to have the guns & verbal abuse viciously/personally pointed at him since he likes bash highly competent people as I'm just solving some old business to put him out of his misery.

1 year ago

Trump wish he was half the man hghtler was

1 year ago

Party politics are to divide the people. The politicians put on a show, trying to make people believe that there is difference between the left and the right. The truth is that the politicians are controlled by the banksters who wants to divide the people and kill people behind the curtain. One master and two goon squads--that is the reality.

2 years ago

And America now has Biden and Harris (AKA
100 days in, 100 days of failures at all levels!
Let's Go Brandon!

2 years ago

Trump was the weakest, dumbest, most corrupt president in US history. And Joe Biden absolutely destroyed him in the 2020 election. Thank you for your service, President Biden.

2 years ago

People hate to hear the truth, the guy is a sociopath even a independent like me can see that

3 years ago

What garbage!! The Real purveyors of Hate is The Democratic (Nazi) Party, the msm, and Big Tech. President Trump (The Real President) merely exposed them for who they truly are.
"When Tyranny Becomes Law, Rebellion is Duty"

3 years ago

So many Trumpettes calling 'the left' Nazis without acknowledging that neo-Nazis are all Trump supporters.

Textbook Putin.

Jon Jonzz
Jon Jonzz
3 years ago

The Real Hate is coming from the msm, the Democrats and their Nazi goons (Antifa, BLM). The American were not fooled in 2016, and they will not be fooled in 2020. MAGA Forever!

3 years ago

Never has there been so much hatred in our country as there is now, and, no, it's not coming from Trump. The Left has been consumed with hatred since Trump was declared the winner of the 2016 presidential race. Within minutes of the announcement social media was being flooded with demands for the murder of an American citizen, Donald. One internet analytics company counted over 12,000 such demands for Trump's murder on Twitter alone. Now that's real hate that should alarm decent Americans. Unfortunately, decency is in very short supply on the Left. Tens of millions of Americans were called deplorables, racists, homphobic, etc., by the morally repugnant Hillary Clinton. That is, she was and continues to foment hatred to this very day. Hate and intolerance are the lifeblood of the Left.

4 years ago

Spreading Coronavirus, Another criminal Act of Trump administration Biological Terrorism

Jon Jonzz
Jon Jonzz
4 years ago

Trump is leading this country in the greatest economic, social, and national progress since Reagan. And yet, the Democrats and the Left (Soros) continue to try and convince the American People that somehow he's bad. They have Failed miserably

Trump 2020 & beyond
Trump 2020 & beyond
4 years ago

Trump derrangement syndrome.These side effects will only last you snowflakes 5 more might be alittle light headed and woozy afterwards for a few extra months but it will about 5 n a half years to go.try not to melt before then.

4 years ago

This film was a big fail, clearly! Didn't make a dent in the widespread support that Donald Trump enjoyed and which put him into the White House. :-)

4 years ago

And by the way, America was NEVER as uncivilized and hateful *before* the Kenyan came on the scene. Just look what he "achieved" with his relentless race-baiting and hate-mongering. Don't blame Trump for the uncivilized, hateful, violent, immature MESS that the U.S.A. has become since those eight miserable years with the Big Zero.

4 years ago

Nobody was/is more NARCISSISTIC than the Chicago Thug, a/k/a The Big Zero. Nobody!

5 years ago

what can the working man do when all our jobs are sent overseas by the globalist one world order corporations? Only Bernie Sanders refuses to take money from the global ist corporations. There is a comspiracy to undermine the working class white man and only Bernie Sanders is free of the taint from globalist Soros-sponsored corporations. Jared 666 Kushner has taken control of Trump through his daughter Ivanka. Only Bernie Sanders can save us from this papist cabal.

5 years ago

@Anthony: Typical mindless emoting. It is why everyone but the govt school still indoctrinated types who never woke, are the only one's still clueless, the only one's still watching the major media. If you turn it all off, you no longer will be emotionally triggered by the constant lies from the Globalist Communist Propaganda Machine called the major media. Give yourself that chance to wake up, to look into some real facts about what you support.

Look up the criminally evil history of the Socialism you bought into via the govt school indoctrination and the major media. Right now you wouldn't know a real fact from a devil's pact, which is all flavors and forms of Collectivism.

Note to the clueless: Sweden is not a Socialist Country. It like most of the other Euro nations are Capitalist Welfare states, not unlike the usa only more so.

Clue #1: If your indoctrinators told you the truth, you would have never gone for it. "Rules for Radicals" the playbook of Obama and Billary, instructed to do just that "Lie, lie, lie, and continue to lie because the masses will never go for it if you told them the truth. And are they lying about something good?! hahahah.

5 years ago

president Trump. Is all that gives America the chance, to make @ame4ica

5 years ago

president Trump is all that gives America the chance of making America great again after8 years of going down The Drain with OBUMMER!How do I go about getting power

5 years ago

For all those who want a free college education and other free stuff. You would be much further ahead by starting a business and self educating when not working.

I have learned more on my own than I ever did at university. A FREE education is waiting for you right now on this website and others. When everyone in and outside of government has their hand out, wanting from you and your biz, then you will understand what the problem with your type is.

Actually, you must already know that it is much easier to extort from others, like most unions do, than to make and earn it yourself, otherwise you wouldn't be trying to do just that.

Laughing my gizzard off at this biased collectivist agenda video. When you have the globalist collectivist media on your side like Obama, that did the best they could to hide the truth about the constant lying of the most narcissistic ego maniac ever to hold that office. All you had to do was read the European press or go to any of the several independent news and info websites to see that is true. In anticipation of winning he redesigned the Presidential Seal but his handlers managed to persuade him to tone things down and to act more covertly than overtly. He did put up Muslim-Islamic tapestry though. Obama should be hung for treason; giving billions to his friends the Muslim Brotherhood (and Iran) having some as Czars and advisers.

Now Obama is claiming credit for Trumps turn around of the usa economy. If the Obama droolers want to believe that because they refuse to check the data ...that wouldn't surprise anyone. That failure to check facts with independent sources rather than buying the Globalist propaganda major media and Obama, is what has caused most of the problems we still face.

Trump's biggest mistake was not having people beside him that knew who all the Globalist Minions were so that he wouldn't appoint any. As well as clear out all the Obama hold overs which of course were globalist minions. It seems he is not allowed to get rid of them all or the Globalist bankster cabal would place crosshairs upon him.

The truly crazy part is that while we begrudgingly but calmly suffered through Obama and his anti American Collectivist policies, the collectivist Democrats (Globalist minions) are having a meltdown, refuse to accept defeat, and are still trying to snatch victory out of the jaws of defeat, after having lost, despite all the vote hacking and dirty tricks. They hate that their lives and the country is better off. They want misery for the peons and won't be happy until they get it. That is the communist way.

Proof? Several of the Democrat Socialists of America (DSA) admit to being Communists and they run the Democrat party whether old school democrats want to believe it or not. Watch Project Veritas, the pond scum spill their beans.

If you want even more Socialism than we already have, why not move to where that is already? The fact that you don't move to another country that has all the Socialism you desire, says a lot. It says you desire to make Everyone miserable. That is the communist way. All the peons must suffer at the hands of the ruling class so they can feel superior.

6 years ago

From my perspective this documentary stinks of ingratitude. Trump did not need to run for President - he is giving the last years of his life to this country - He is right about the politicians - do nothing but talk - completely useless. Trump is standing up to the special interests who are really running our country - the politicians are just a charade. There were only 2 real candidates - Bernie and Trump - Bernie sold out - case closed.

6 years ago

As if Hillary was not filled with hate. Hillary was also and egomaniac along with her nasty husband and Obama and Bush and Nixon and on and on. So I'd say what's your point but I can see your agenda quite easily. Trump thinks like most of America and that's always been true. So this video is a fail.

6 years ago

Couldn't watch it all. Reminded me of the last presidential election.

mike m
mike m
6 years ago

Mid july now and no fantastic health care, no wall, no huge travel ban, lots of fighting amongst the party, world wide low trumpy scores, ,,,,,

tweets are the only new big story of potus policy and they get lots of disgust and low opinion of them from most thinkers.

colbert is king and trumps in a slump.

wonder how his brand will fare when the fan is done spinning this stuff?

putin is happy. im happy [with colbert},,and ,wow, what a load of entertainment so far!!

7 years ago

This communist propaganda piece could have been much better had they watched more North Korean state television prior to producing it.

Real Radish
Real Radish
7 years ago

HA HA HA. That was great.. I needed a brainless comedy for the evening.

Brian Levy
Brian Levy
7 years ago

I think that the number of disparaging reviews of this documentary are extremely sad. The thesis presented is not new. However, it is extremely pertinent. The right-wing appeal to the uneducated and the dispossessed. It is extremely easy to make bold promises that one will fix the ills of society by blaming everything on others. The rational arguments required to counter this nonsense requires a degree of intelligence, education and thought. The challenge is how to communicate complex and nuanced arguments and also accept the mistakes made by those genuinely seeking to find a better way to those who are probably incapable of understanding.

This weeks events have clearly demonstrated that the Overton Window continues to shift to the right. The saddest aspect of all of it is that, as is always the case, those who support the kind of nonsense perpetuated by people like Trump with his band of right-wing billionaires and fascists (e.g. Bannon) are the very people who will pay the highest price for this folly.

Brett Manton
Brett Manton
7 years ago

America is full of haters. Your Nation began by hating Native Americans. You unashamedly displayed your great hatred by lying to then, decieving them, stealing their land, raping and killing their mothers and children. And, proudly boasted about it to a disbelieving world. America, the land of the hater & home of the ignorant and proud. Youse haters are so full of hate that youse can't even think straight nor can youse see straight because your hearts are just so full of hatred. I can't imagine what hell will be like for people like youse who hate so much. God help you all.

Mr. 'I voted for TRUMP'
Mr. 'I voted for TRUMP'
7 years ago

All you web sites with your democrap-tic agendas & hateful engeries.
Im ashamed to even call you my american brothers & sisters !!

democraps are crying like 11 year old children now that TRUMP is our president,
democraps want all the rules and even , (some they just make up along the way) ;
to go their way. "its all a democracy as long as the rules work for ALL , not just
a few of you lowest denominator democraps.

Your childish , violent & very selfish !! you should try to grow up , stop your hateful
ways , and realize that not things can be to your mind (?) set , nor will it EVER be !!

7 years ago

I will simply never vote for someone that retweets Il Duce. My grandparents lived through the second world war in Holland and were traumatized for life. The nazis didnt care about the so called aryan people. All they cared about is power and money.

7 years ago

What a hit piece. Total cherry picked, out of context, collection of untruths, half truths and lies.
Hillary is the Nazi - Trump is for the citizens if the USA. Hillary has done NOTHING for America. She has produced nothing and through "Clinton Foundation" has shaken down every thug dictatorship and rogue nation to enrich herself. (see "Clinton Cash) What is wrong in running the USA like a business? (devoid of cronyism)
I cannot understand why anyone would vote Hillary over Trump. Are they missing an ethic gene?

7 years ago

If the Americans portrayed in this film (and that includes Trump) really want to stop terrorism then they should stop participating in it. It's as simple as that. The idea that you can invade a country, completely destroy its infrastructure, force its people into submission and then expect them to be well behaved is absolutely ridiculous. And lets not forget that the US has invaded more countries on the planet than any other nation in history.

The parallels between Hitler's rise and Trump's rise are very similar. Post WW1 Germany was beaten into submission, its war debts were crippling, inflation rampant. Hitler found an easy scapegoat in the Jews. America today is debt ridden, the financial collapse of 2008, the continual flight of jobs to cheap labor markets. Trump has found an easy scapegoat in the Muslims.

The irony of guys like Trump is incredible. He wants to make America great? The US is the joke of the globe when it comes to health care, its the only western nation without a real health plan. It's one of the most expensive countries in the world for post secondary education. How can you possibly make a nation great when its health and education are getting weaker and weaker?

I think the answer is he doesn't care, he's like every other billionaire, its all about profit. He is all about building the military and guarding all those overseas US corporate interests. Climate change is a fraud, he is going to push every oil pipeline and frack every neighborhood in site and he is going to use force. I don't know if he is truly a narcissist but he is certainly a bully and likes to be surrounded by other bullies, just like Hitler.

Finally I would like to say that there is nothing wrong with socialism, its a healthy dose of socialism that makes a nation great. Its good to see more and more people demonstrating for their rights and the rights of their communities. Its the only way to effect change in today's world.

Peggy Matycich
Peggy Matycich
7 years ago

This movie is gospel, plain and simple. Should be played at every theater in the United States and should also be broadcast on many television stations before it is too late.

gabby wolff
gabby wolff
7 years ago

this isn't a documentary film. This is just a bunch of cherry picked youtube video's smashed together into one video.

7 years ago

Nobody knows what a Trump POTUS would look like. Everybody knows what a Hillary POTUS would look like.

That's why it's easy to vote for an egomaniac like Trump...Hillary is far far worse.

Rev. G
Rev. G
7 years ago

For those of you complaining, that this is a hit piece on Trump, put out by HRC supporters, you don't know anything. This same organization (Reich Wing Watch) put out a documentary, about HRC that was just as hard hitting, 9 months earlier. (Look it up) Also, some of you need to stop watching Alex Jones & find the nearest mental hospital!

7 years ago

How can Trump be compared to Hitler?? Ok sure he is appealing to the fears of the American people but those are justified fears in the aftermath of the twin towers, pentagon attacks,, of recent attacks in Europe and the middle east.. The jewish people were living peaceful lives in Germany creating business,, they were no threat - that is a scapegoat to compare the two leaders! That said, Trump is a terrible choice as is CLinton... Im glad i am not american with those choices :/

7 years ago

Way interesting. Makes ya think how close we are to the eve of destruction . What about N Korea Mr Trump, They already have the nukes to do us in before any other minority you are against. GOD bless Jewish folk everywhere.

Joseph Carl Ruger
Joseph Carl Ruger
7 years ago

The dead end is approaching and unless Bernie Sanders becomes POTUS, Trump will. And he will send the world to war in a heart beat.

7 years ago

The billionaire class have taken over the press and the political system and are afraid they might lose that control so they Sent one of there own don't be fooled we need change but for the good of all people . Trump and his lavish lifestyle is at steak that is his motivation .The change will only come when people realize that the word does not exist for the 1% that have the most .Job where sent to countries with the cheapest labour cost so the 1% could have more and then capitalized on the people's financial situation junk bonds bank bailouts where all orchestrated by billionaires .The changes that where promised after WW2 where never given So now the billionaires are looking to space in stead of fixing the world that there greed has destroyed. Hatred and fear leaves us blind to there goals.

7 years ago

sounds like a lot of BS

Rick M
Rick M
7 years ago

You comment Where you state "If Trump is "ALLOWED" to become president is a bit concerning to me Who is it that would "Allow" him to be president.? Obama?. Funny you should mention this in the context you did because these are my thoughts on the entire process

Trump will eventually be in a winning position & if he is about to beat Hillery they will indict her on charges for her past crimes against the American people Timing is everything folks...

This will allow Obama to cancel the election by writing up an executive order to effectively suspend the 22nd amendment thus granting himself a 3rd term.

. If it is Bernie, they will say "the threat of civil unrest of Donald Trump becoming President is too much to allow it to happen ...They will plaster all the unseen footage of the paid violent actors at all the past Trump rallies on TV &internet to show the false , fake civil unrest .Probably make a few more video's with shootings and racial hatred , this will be deemed unacceptable even though it is fake ...Again this will allow Obama to executive order himself a 3rd as President
This act of canceling the election and 22nd amendment nullification will "WILL" in fact cause the REAL civil unrest eventually allowing them to finish off their plan of implementing martial law due to the civil unrest of effectively stealing the election away from the American people. & we all know while under martial law constitutionally protected rights no longer exist ,
Then again what do I know
Just my 2 ยข

Patricia Lopez
Patricia Lopez
7 years ago

Regardless of my opinion about Trump, this documentary is misleading and comparing him to Hitler is Ridiculous. !!!!!

7 years ago

Im not a fan of Trump, but this documentary is filled with disinformation and it makes me sick. Trump ISNT the reason or the influence behind american's rebellion. Multiple decades of lies, deceipt, wars, oppression, false flag operations, abuse of power and the imminent loss of freedom are the core of this uproar. And its an absolutely legitimate response in the face of injustice.
Do not give up!!

8 years ago

"It is a happy circumstance in human affairs that evils which are not cured in one way will cure themselves in some other."
--Thomas Jefferson, letter to John Sinclair, 1791
Comments fro those who don't live in the U.S. can be ignored. Jefferson said it right "evils which are not cured in one way will cure themselves in some other.
The vote allow errors like OBAMA and maybe Trump is the electorates way to correct the OBOLA errror.

8 years ago

American people think wise before voting presidential candidate. Bush government fight two wars in the name of terrorists. This problem is not solved and again raises in new form ISIS.
Trump is giving same false promises and bombing the terrorist organizations. There is something deeply rooted in this problem and best people try to find out these causes like religious differences and poverty ,more..... All countries are cooperate with each other and try to find out solutions for these problems. These are all my personal opinions. ALL THE BEST FOR AMERICA.

Margaret Moore
Margaret Moore
8 years ago

"Make America Hate Again" is pointing out the very real danger of mob violence currently being stirred up by the irresponsible machinations of Donald Trump. Once a critical percentage of angry citizens endorse this man's hateful messages, calling him righteous, our society will support all kinds of criminal behavior. At that point all bets are off for the safety of a peaceful American democracy. This film is warning to everyone with a brain to pay attention and START THINKING - not just react.

8 years ago

Would be interesting to know who paid for this political announcement and why?