Science - 22

Secrets of the Mind

Secrets of the Mind

In Secrets of the Mind we gain insights through various tragedies that have affected others, thanks to the logic and insights of Professor Ramachandran regarding what he calls the most complex organized matter in the universe....

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The Mystery of the Human Hobbit

The Mystery of the Human Hobbit

2009, Science

Is the hobbit a new human species or nothing more than a modern human with a crippling deformity? On the far-flung island of Flores, in the Indonesian archipelago, a team of archaeologists happened upon a tiny 18,000-year old...

Before the Big Bang

Before the Big Bang

2016, Science

If the big bang marked the beginning of our universe, then what existed before it? The four-part documentary series titled Before the Big Bang explores various theories which seek to explain this intriguing mystery. We know...

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Are We Alone in the Universe?

Are We Alone in the Universe?

This documentary investigates one of the most controversial questions of the past hundred years... are we alone in the universe? This is not one those films that claims to have conclusive proof, but rather a look at the serious...

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The Immortalists

The Immortalists

2014, Science

Is there such a thing as a cure for aging? A pair of medical researchers are betting there is, and they've dedicated their lives to finding it. The Immortalists follows their efforts as they work to unlock the secret to...

Future: Humans

Future: Humans

2003, Science

Future: Humans holds nothing back as it begins in a fury of scientific fact and unhinged matter of fact attitude. As the documentary moves along, its style of storytelling feels similar to that of the History Channel...

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Human Cloning

Human Cloning

Panayiotis Zavos is a controversial fertility doctor. He said to The Independent that he had already cloned human embryos and transferred 11 of them into the wombs of four women who had been prepared to give birth to cloned...

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Einstein's Quantum Riddle

Einstein's Quantum Riddle

2019, Science

Is our reality defined by sensible laws of order or by weird and random connections across space and time? In the Canary Islands, a dedicated team of physicists are seeking a definitive answer to this age-old question....

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More than 90 percent of all organisms that have ever lived on Earth are extinct. As new species evolve to fit ever changing ecological niches, older species fade away. But the rate of extinction is far from constant. At...

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Cloning the First Human

Cloning the First Human

Doctors Panayiotis Zavos and Severino Antinori claim they are ready to embark on the greatest human experiment of our age. They say they will attempt to clone a human being. Most people think the objections to this are ethical...

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The Planets

The Planets

Employing computer graphics, space race archive material and first-hand testimony from scientists around the world, The Planets is comprehensive and spectacular account of space exploration and discovery. This series is a historical production about the history of space travel...

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