Eye of the Illuminati

Eye of the Illuminati

2012, Conspiracy  -   90 Comments
Ratings: 7.45/10 from 269 users.

Eye of the Illuminati is an in depth look at the state of the world, and the agenda of secret societies and the ruling class of the developed one world government system.

This documentary was created in order to explain the origin and methods of control over the human population, studies and practices of the occult and secret societies, and how it has an effect on the way we live our lives on a daily basis.

It also explains the history of human development, psychology and religion, and how sacred knowledge has been hidden and passed on for centuries.

It attempts to explain the role of the secret society and discusses some key members of these groups and the history of the ruling class.

Much research went into this project so the information is highly compressed to form the complete picture and many varied subjects are discussed.

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1 year ago

I like it I want to join now

1 year ago

Link doesn’t work. Where else can I watch it!?

3 years ago

I like in because is good job

3 years ago

Link doesn't work anymore

Dr. Jay
Dr. Jay
3 years ago

It is so sad to see that now in the corona times you see the effect of illuminati on governments and the WHO ( world horror organization) actually act as their trumpet, to control even more then ever before and make us salves while killing us softly.

6 years ago

thanks for your comments. I review all and then make my own choice as to what to believe. Sadly, I believe more of the "bad" then the good comments referring misinformation.

Reap what you Sow
Reap what you Sow
6 years ago

...and we deserve every damn bit of it.

7 years ago

If you don't believe that illuminati exists and has existed for a long time, you are definitely one of the people who are blindly following scripted societal system perfectly orchestrated by the collective entities of power a.k.a illuminati. We all are free people of earth with a possibility of a free will to do anything but you chose to be controlled, manipulated and let your free will be destroyed by the powerful entities pulling the strings behind the curtains. I feel so sad for you and I warmly welcome you all to be rid of the shackles which has been put upon you, to silence you from questioning about such powers currently controlling the direction the earth is going forward into the future. Dear brothers and sisters, it is not too late and I urge you to stand against these evil powers and be your own freethinking human beings with a free will like you are supposed to be.

Leigh Atkins
Leigh Atkins
7 years ago

It never ceases to amaze me how it is that the non-spiritual people feel that they're the only ones qualified to educate us on how or why we are spiritual or where our tendency to be spiritual even came from.

If you're inclined towards spirituality, as far as the institution is concerned, even though you've had more spiritual experiences than they & probably even have a better understanding, you aren't qualified to comment & your insight should be ignored or pushed aside, & you may indeed even be a 'wacko' or a religious 'kook'.

Just listening to 'my history' being dictated to me, rambling on & on is painful & it's obvious that these 'qualifieds' are just clueless, with their dry hypotheses devoid of understanding...

7 years ago

Despite the fact that the maker of this documentary is trying to make you assume certain perspectives and interpretations here and there, and among other things is not knowing Fibonacci well enough to know how it’s spelled, there is a lot of good information in here and at least for me it lead to a bunch of different ideas and connections to be further explored. Thank you for putting the almost 4h piece of work together.

Bilbo baggins
Bilbo baggins
8 years ago

Most of the comments here are for sure third eye blind ' not the best documentary but it gives a small view of a bigger hidden problem to many sheepole following the lemmings off the cliff not.aware of the cliff right in front of they're face

Road Less Traveled
Road Less Traveled
8 years ago

All of the stuff about fluoride and the calcification of the pineal gland is interesting. I don't know what to make of it, although I've heard of it before. But then, at least in the US we are constantly dosed with fluoride. It seems profoundly difficult to unflouridate ourselves. And even if we did, is calcification permanent?

And if the pineal gland is the third eye, or gateway to higher consciousness for humans, what would we be seeing, understanding, or experiencing with a non-calcified gland. Now, I know that probably most mystics would say that unless people went within (through meditation, yoga, drugs, whatever), it still would not activate. I have to assume that this is true because we don't really have evidence of common folk being super-enlightened in pre-fluoridated societies. Otherwise if that weren't true we would assume that those people in countries without fluoride and calcified pineal glands would be tripping balls all of the time and riding the consciousness clouds, yes?

Just speculation and questions.

Road Less Traveled
Road Less Traveled
8 years ago

Just for reference at minutes 2 hours 55 minute as the narrator is discussing drugs as gateways to other dimensions, he makes the interesting note regarding "Space Meade," which is created from Morning Glory Seeds. Morning Glory seeds contain a well-known psychedelic drug. However, it is not LSD, as the film states, but LSA, a relative of LSD, with a slight molecular difference.

Just for interest the Aztecs were also known to take Morning Glory seed concoctions to enter altered states, as well as magic mushrooms.

8 years ago

...censoring our 1 st Amendment Right, which is NOT a Privilege, to the very end. It is merely confirmation of the Absolute Idiocy that is leading the jugernaut of destruction of Individual Sovereignty. Have fun in the near future. Idiots.

8 years ago

Referring to those masters as ruling class should be re-categorized as the piles of sh-it at the very least; since these things are no longer human beings in any manner of communication. Unfortunately I am certain that the applied damage is way too late to stop this catastrophic crash of America, and all the fools that are much too brain-dead to identify their very soon to occur, violent, and utter demise.

9 years ago

This is a great watch, which culminates at the end with a worthy message no one can deny. There is a lot of really good information in this documentary, if you know what to look for. (intellectual skepticism always required) With that said, I suggest watching this program several times to glean what is needed for true enlightenment. If you are unable to do this, (impatient) then you will never understand the real nature of the world around you. (why are people are so easily manipulated?- why the existence of the global pyramid scheme?) Answer: Stupidity, weakness, and evil go hand in hand!
Any questions?
P.S: 'Enlightenment' should not be confused with the immoral 'illumination' revealed in this documentary.

Eric Lawson
Eric Lawson
9 years ago

This was a little hard to follow . Nonetheless was interesting to watch Peace!!

10 years ago

Some people just watch these videos. And just cy out conspiracy theory. Anyone would know to do research. Or just to lazy to do so. Everything we are taught is fabricated. History, science changed to what they want us to believe. History altered along with science. Just a bunch of sheeple an koolaid drinkers. The same old saying our government would never do this. It is called conditioning. We are like frogs in a pot. Heat being turned up slowly.

10 years ago

I haven't watched a legit documentary about the Illuminati yet they are all a bunch of stupid theories and pure fabrication the Illuminati are in the shadows and should be left there because only the IIluminati knows what the IIluminati is all about !!!!!

Mike A
Mike A
10 years ago

They lost me and I stopped watching when they tried to parallel the story of Horus to that of Jesus. Don't get me wrong, if this was true, then I would keep watching. However, this documentary was supposed to be about truth and the Illuminati. How can I believe what they say about the Illuminati if they lie about the story of Horus to make it fit their theory that Jesus was a copy. To set everyone straight, if you read anything about Horus, you will see that:

1) Horus was NOT born of a virgin. His mother (Isis) put her husband (Osiris) back together after he was ripped to pieces. She could not find his penis, so she fashioned on for him and had sex with him, from which Horus was born. You might say that since she didn't have sex with a real penis, it was a virgin birth, but come on - it is a stretch to compare the two.

2) Horus's father was NOT Seph. His father was Osiris. Sep (not Seph) was Osiris's father and Horus's grandfather. Again, a huge stretch to make a square peg fit in a round hole. While we're on the subject, Horus's mother's name (Isis) has absolutely not resemblance to that of Mary.

3) Both births were NOT announced by angels and shepherds. There is no record of Horus's birth being witnessed by any angels and since he was born in a swamp, it is unlikely that there were shepherds either.

4) Horus did NOT raise Osiris from the dead. Horus's mother (Isis) put Osiris back together after he was dead - this is a far cry from the story of Jesus raising Lazerus. Horus did avenge Osiris's death, but he did not raise him.

5) Horus was NOT crucified with two thieves. In fact, Horus wasn't crucified at all.

The film makers, under the guise of revealing the truth, were obviously just trying to put forth their own agenda by offering up their own set of lies. I am a big believer in the Illuminati and the threat of a new world order, but people like the film makers cannot make the case that others are decieving us if they, themselves, are deceiving us.

john john
john john
10 years ago

i actully really liked this... i can be a bit of a tin hat beliver at times and also very sceptical about this life in terms of religion and even my own mental state . but i like this it seems like maby some of it is flaky and somethings are spot on but it dosent matter watch it take what you can from it and grow thats all we can do. owe and if your reading this I LOVE YOU whoever you are dont give up becouse im not going to

Tamara Leigh McIntyre-Crilly
Tamara Leigh McIntyre-Crilly
10 years ago

Lake Louise is in Alberta not British Columbia......pretty big mistake there....from a proud Albertan :)

Albert Potato
Albert Potato
10 years ago

Remember Kramer had the "Kavorca"? IDK if the sp is correct

Dean Edgington
Dean Edgington
10 years ago


10 years ago

Nice 4 hour pep talk.

10 years ago

This is informative, but this is also a conditioning film,even though we should remain peaceful make sure you are meditating on Jesus we are not gods and we should not display our selfs as one.

11 years ago

going from " ...all world leaders are a part of the conspired theme!" to end with "...we must tell our leaders that we want change!" is a bit of a cock-eyed mentality!

11 years ago

"it's better to be sceptical wrong than blindly right,"

- the one eye'd one -

11 years ago

that's it this is the stuff to hide my head in while this stream of being ends lol

11 years ago

There's a circle around the earth that's k25 miles long, almost as long as the equator! Learn something new every day ;)

Dan Indiana
Dan Indiana
11 years ago

Don't get me wrong....there are like 50% true facts in the video..but if you mix them with 50% bull**** then you are not better than a clown.

Dan Indiana
Dan Indiana
11 years ago

Clowns compilation made by a boss clown.

Christian Tintin Johansson
Christian Tintin Johansson
11 years ago

Everybody has Changnesia, everybody forget the past and we make the same mistakes by ignoring the fact that there ARE forces that try to get as much power as they can over us a s a species.