Koch Brothers Exposed

Koch Brothers Exposed

2012, Conspiracy  -   89 Comments
Ratings: 8.00/10 from 218 users.

The Koch brothers are the poster boys for the top 1%. Their money and power fuel the growing inequality in America. They're among the most powerful, they're knocking down the working and the middle class and they're stomping on the poor people. The Koch family has been defining the lives of the ordinary, working Americans, under the radar, for more than 50 years. They inherited their wealth and their penchant for secrecy from their father Fred, who made his fortune in the oil business in the Soviet Union of the 1930's.

Stalin himself brought Fred Koch into the Soviet Union for building pipelines and teaching them how to be oil engineers. Fred came back to the United States after taking money from the Soviets and used that money to start his own oil empire in the US, amassing some 200 million dollars. With his wealth and power he began to wage a systematic attack on the American values, including funding the John Birch Society. It's a far right, racist organization that sells communist conspiracies everywhere. They even accused President Dwight Eisenhower of being a Soviet spy.

Fred Koch was against the civil rights movement, saying that it is communist threat and that the white children should not go to school with black children, because that would lead to mongrelization of the races. This is the climate that the two brothers, Charles and David, grew up in at home and then they inherited a big pile of money from daddy Fred, and then they put that into their own organization and they built it up to where it's now - a 100-billion-a-year enterprise.

Koch industries is the second largest privately held corporation in the country. They have holdings that range from oil and gas, to paper products, forestry, consumer goods, plastics and ranching. They have operations in 45 states. The most important thing is not that they have wealth, it's that they're using their wealth to ride roughshod over the American people.

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Gabriel Ciccaglione
Gabriel Ciccaglione
10 months ago

The back of the R8.. #nuffsaid

Last edited 10 months ago by Gabriel Ciccaglione
Philip Kelleher
Philip Kelleher
4 years ago

You don't have to be Einstein to see the Koch propaganda in the comments below.

Terry West
Terry West
4 years ago

I find it impossible to believe that you are peddling the notion that our colleges and universities are controlled by anyone other than radical leftist (Socialists)! I have no love for the Kock brothers but George Soros among other leftist billionaires are using their money to install socialism!

Bob Wyman
Bob Wyman
4 years ago

An "agenda" matters little to those who can think for themselves> College students are displaying no intelligence at all and the adults here are indignant about what? Their own non-thinking?

Bob Wyman
Bob Wyman
4 years ago

If they are buying government and politicians then who is selling? Government and politicians. We were supposed to have limited government and our government started calling itself "Democracy" and they take the money, made laws and the people did not educate themselves.
So what if the Kochs have money? If they spend it then it gets spread around, that is good. Shut the politicians up.

6 years ago

From this docu I learned that the Koch bros are one of the few fighting against the EXACT same thing the Socialist-Communists (Rockefeller, et.al.) have been doing for many decades, making huge grants to universities that would accept their Marxist agenda professors to teach the teachers. Thank you Koch for fighting the Socialist-Communist-Progressive agenda! So now we have all the govt school indoctrinated Socialist-Communist-Progressives emoting their clueless hate on this forum.

The Koch Bros. are amateurs compared to Soros and the Rockefellers on the Progressive New World Odor side, spreading hate and lies, stirring up the emotionalized govt school indoctrinated useful minions ...who are so clueless they love Obama but hate Bush who was fighting for the same evil Progressive agenda. Seems to work every time: Get the people fighting among the parties so they don't realize what is really going on.

"Progressive" is a misnomer for just another flavor of Collectivism as are Socialism and Communism. If you want to live in the former Soviet Union move to some country like that. Some African Socialist hell hole.

Harry Reid is one of the biggest bought liars in congress taking money hand over fist. A person could write a book on all the "pot calling the kettle black" in this docu. Please watch many other docus on this website to get an education about what the Rockefellers, Soros, etc have done and are doing to this once great country. Any reasonable parent would prefer a neighborhood school they can control rather than sending their kids to a huge govt indoctrination center they have no control over. Even in a poor district, if the folks got off their dead butts they could see to it their kids got a top education. If you want ballet, pay for it yourself, why should I pay for your kids ballet? All those unnamed "special" school programs? All kids need is a good reading writing and arithmetic. The things many schools fail to do a good job of because they are too busy emotionalizing the kids with BS.

Monsanto? = Rockefeller. CFR, TriLateral Commission = Rockefeller, and many others.

How is it such a hit piece gets so many people to focus in on what they are showing and buy into it? Govt school Marxist emotionalization indoctrination. Sad that so many are afflicted.

Get a clue, minimum wage causes job loss. Just recently Red Robin, an upscale burger restaurant fired about 570 due to minimum wage increase. People will only pay so much for a burger. That means they can only afford so many employees at a certain wage. The Socialist view is that they should be paid for existing, for shouting, even if you have to go into debt to do it, and the usa has, trillions.

Pointing fingers at rich people does what? Does it make you feel better? Get out your calculator and divide all those rich people incomes by the rest of the working age population and see how much you will get. From the Kochs? Maybe 21 bucks each.

Philip Mercurio
Philip Mercurio
6 years ago

I cannot stand the koch brothers. They love only money and those others like themselves. They used oil lines in poor upkeep until they gave out, causing a giant oil spill, then understated the oil loss on their balance sheet to boost their perceived profits, while at the same time destroying the environment. No principles, no shame, only blindly following the golden rainbow at any cost! They should have been sent to the moon long ago.

6 years ago

Biggest piece of proganda I have seen in a long time

ÏŸÏŸ - C. Spangle
ÏŸÏŸ - C. Spangle
7 years ago

The Golden Calf has grown up to be a hollow Bronze Bull... the devil is a two faced hermaphrodite...
muslim brotherhood = mahomet = baphomet = jewish mammonism

les cee
les cee
7 years ago

Just remember!
Kock Brothers are major corrupters.Selling shit rolls for everyday fools, they need world markets.If they do not have President in their pocket, they can loose big chunk of business.
They want to keep going corrupted way.
They want to take away, your last chance, to decide your future.
Supporting crooked Hillary, they have assurance, her 500% and more after immigrants, timely enabled to vote, will never let you decide own future and your children.
THIS IS YOUR ONE TIME LIFE TIME CHANCE. History will settle with you.
PS; Torch of statue of liberty sticking up from beach sand, does not look promising.

8 years ago

Why moderate my comment. You gave Jhbomb full uncensored access to foment genocidal hatred. My comments are taken from testimony in the Eichman tria land Nueremberg records. This comment is a truthful statement of the facts which are entirely essential to take this hate torrent you are allowing from the realm of discussion to understanding the true nature of those who continue this hatred.

8 years ago

Jhbomb creates fiction. Germany had the largest economy in the world when the Nazis began their genocide. Germany had most of the most brilliant scientists and physicians of the world before the Nazis took over. They shot children to death in the arms of the parents. They marched naked children into chambers where they defecated and urinated and vomited as they died from the poisonous gassed. The Nazis gaped at the suffering and literally masterbated while watching naked young women being gassed to death. They performed hideous medical experiments on children without anesthetic. They gassed, shot, tortured, buried alive over six million jews and four million Christians. They had salve starvation camps where millions died being forced to work. Jhbomb is sick and places as his friends in this world the sickest, most demented twisted people. In fact his history is inside out. The Leninist socialists spawned National Socialiams. Hitler started as a socialist. The twenties the communists sent help and money to the Nationalist socialists because they shared the goal bringing down democracy and establishing a genocidal dictatorship. They then would fight each other for the control . Without communism , nationalist socialism would not have become strong, and without Nationlist Socialism the communists would never have taken control over Eastern Europe and wage war around the world. History is like clock, where high noon on top is democracy and as you go both left and right, nazism and communism meet at the bottom at 6 o'clock. The Nazis did not stop Bolshevism. They opened the door by destroying democracy.

8 years ago

Wayne Manzo and Mohammed Humaid provide the Nazism , anti semitism of a genocidal paranoia. I sat next to a German immigrant to America who was liberated from a Mercedes manufacturing slave camp. They ruined his health. They killed his entire family. When the Manzo Nazis took control of Germany, Germany, despite the depression, had the largest gross national production equal to more than England and the United States combined. The Nazis destroyed Germany leading to the death of over 50,000,000 people in the Euroopean war. The Manzos and Humaids will destroy America, too. We will go through good times and bad times, but if we have true faith in G-d and overselves, we never will need hatemongering and paranoia gibberish. Fanatical Islam seeks the destruction of the Judeo-Christian World. They go after both Jews and Christians and seek to destroy both religions by fomenting hate between us. The Koch brothers attend church and never saw the inside of a synagogue and would not know who Rashi, the Ramban, or Rabbi Akiba or any of the other great scholars or teachers of the Talmud. The Jews gave christianity to the word, saved christianity in Germany, France, and Spain. However, the paga neo-christians need to destroy the name of G-d from the face of the earth. The only way to do this is to destroy the Jews. For, without the Jews, there is no Christianity. Beware of the Manzos and Humaids of the world as they will only bring destruction and death to us all.

mohammed humaid
mohammed humaid
8 years ago

Our cousin Jews are strangling stupid Americans who slog it only to surrender to the Jewish lobby that is controlling everything in America from Congress all the way down to controlling the lives of ordinary people. America has nearly three millions in jail most of whom are poor African American who committed petite crimes while the Jews are ruling America. The worst bit is that senates and Congressmen compete to appease and please their Jewish masters.

Robyn Luongo
Robyn Luongo
8 years ago

So I guess those of you that are pro Pimp Daddies Koch have a lot of money! Why the hell else would you make such statements? Why would you care about a documentary about billionaires other wise?

9 years ago

I wish people were intelligent enough to understand a documentary is not when you have an opinion of someone and then set out to prove your own opinon in film. In any case, would anyone like to take a wager that the person behind this "documentary" won't be making a follow up entitled "George Soros Exposed"? Of course not. That wouldn't fit his agenda now would it?

9 years ago

The description of this film is ridiculously full of hyperbole meant to cause a certain emotional reaction in the reader. Because of that I'm under the impression the Koch's are a threat to organized Jewry. This site promotes conspiracy flicks of a ridiculous nature such as alien and UFO conspiracies but doesn't have anything exposing the parasitic and complete control of the west by organized Zionist Jewry. The whole conservative vs liberal crap is a distraction to hide the real puppet masters and group behind the downfall of the USA-Zionist Jewry. Rather than get all upset over what I have posted do your own research and learn the facts.

Hugh Phillips
Hugh Phillips
9 years ago

Hate the Koch Brothers...actually despise them!

Joe Hbomb
Joe Hbomb
9 years ago

"against the civil rights movement, saying that it is communist threat and that the white children should not go to school with black children, because that would lead to mongrelization of the races." - They are right on!

10 years ago

"The suit coats say "There's money to be made." They get so excited nothing stands in their way."
Drifting - Pearl Jam

These two a** holes are not alone, they have the entire capitalist pig buying their bull s*it.

Wayne Manzo
Wayne Manzo
10 years ago

The Koch Brothers are Super jew kikes and it is the last name that
they use to connect the various Koch Kikes together. It was the Koch's
that built the World Trade Center and left out alot of parts so that it would fall down when impacted by jets. A reward for this type of terrorist activity is the wealth of the nation__they can have as much Super jew kike money and own as many businesses as they want as long as all the workers are Super jews or are slaves of the Super jews__the Koch's can be destroyed very easily and it's called using
the Anti - Monopoly laws and also exposing the Terrorist Tactics
of the Koch's and the Super jew race! Send them back to SS Real or
Russia! We don't need Telepathic, Collectives controlling and owning

10 years ago

I'm sorry, but this is really a little silly. 70% of Americans are social liberals and fiscal conservatives. We want the gov't to be MUCH smaller. Close foreign military bases, End Obamacare, Close the DEA, and DHS, End the "War on Drugs"... There are PLENTY of ways to trim the size of the gov't without touching Social Security (to boot, the gov't OWES Social Security Money). What has the gov't done to balance the budget? Cut the Cost of Living increases to disabled veterans instead of cutting Welfare... Yeah... Our government is SOOOO responsible as it is, and the Koch Bros. are the REAL problem... yeah, okay.

10 years ago

Sad that two men that could make the country a better place are funding for the disruption of lives in poor and middle communities.

I don't consider them Americans.

kelly kass
kelly kass
10 years ago

Sociopaths, these two will not be missed when they die.

10 years ago

Can't wait for the documentary exposing the evils of George Soros and the true background of B. Hussein Obama.

10 years ago

I will skip this one. I suffer from hypertension & I am certain that if I do watch this, it will be the end of me. I don't want to actually die from anger. Not today anyway.

10 years ago

The Koch boys are the Charles Manson to our being Sharon Tate. Sorry to offend by this analogy, but it is the truth. Even Ms Tate would agree, I'm sure.

10 years ago

What a pile of crap. A lot is out right lies. The comments carry no weight in common sense either. Run, run, run away...

10 years ago

they are both getting old and one thing what they fear the most is getting old. they will die one day and there will be 2 motherf.....s less.

10 years ago

Fred Koch calls Eisenhower a communist but he has no problem helping Stalin's communist state develop their oil reserves. Principles don't mean much when there's a buck to be made.

John Defalque
John Defalque
10 years ago

It's disturbing that they want to resegregate schools-going down that road will surely lead to the reinstitution of slavery.

John Defalque
John Defalque
10 years ago

The Koch bros own 2 million acres of the tar sands-they could name it Athabasca and make it the 51st state, If they aren't stopped, perhaps they will own all land in Alberta north of Edmonton.

10 years ago

I wonder what they would be doing now if it wasn't for daddy dearest.

10 years ago

I am not one to condone violence, but I'd have to agree, after watching this documentary I'd find it hard to imagine many people would be able to hit their brakes in time if they recognized either of those two crossing the road.

10 years ago

It surprises me that these people arn't assassinated. Lotta people with lotsa time on their hands.

Arthur Brooks
Arthur Brooks
10 years ago

Maybe everything Koch connected should be disconnected. That filthy creek would benefit from HEMP and so would the people.

10 years ago

It is times like these I wish I was religious and believed in hell.
If they keep poking the ants nest, eventually the population is going to come out in mass and swarm.

San Pedro
San Pedro
10 years ago

So this is the Umbrella corporation :-)
But it matters not how they act, in the last moments of their life, when all of their emotions burried so deeply comes rushing out, they will create their own personal hell. That is the way universe worked, works and will work till the end of light :-)

10 years ago

Madame la Guillotine was made for just such stiffnecks as these. Of all the wealthy people in the public eye, I can't think of any more thoroughly disgusting than these two.