The Modern Racist Paradigm

The Modern Racist Paradigm

Ratings: 6.44/10 from 63 users.

The Modern Racist ParadigmThis is a well researched documentary that exposes the White Media's long-term agenda to standardize Caucasian people as the social norm for general society.

Through the globalization and centralization of the White media and its constant propagation of repetitive images depicting Caucasians in positive roles and as protagonists while usually depicting Non-Caucasians as background characters and antagonists - which are often connected to negative themes and stereotypes - the media elite have been able to effectively condition general society into subconsciously adhering to a racist social hierarchy in which Caucasian people are at the very apex.

The documentary addresses many modern-day internalized racist psychological dispositions (subconscious forms of internalized racism) which are unknowingly passed down from generation to generation due to the globalization and pervasiveness of Whiteness a cultural assimilation process of which, is directly derivative to historical European expansionism, colonialism, and imperialism.

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3 years ago

some really good stuff in here. as a child i never realized Aladdin was so racist. so true that the media controls our opinions

Tex Shelters
Tex Shelters
3 years ago

Not bad until the comment about "The White Zionist Paradigm." Leave your Jew hating out of it!

5 years ago

I'm white, spent the first 32 years of my life in North Long Beach, grew amongst and naturally into black American culture, was attacked by whites for being a "n***** lover" throughout my teens, attacked by blacks, mexicans and asians who didn't know me for being white in North Long Beach and assaulted by mexican LBPD officers for being a "wannabe mayate" (whatever the spelling is). Seems to me there are white people out there continuously victimized over race despite acting the right way their whole life. Spreading BULL**** hyperbole of white racism this, white entitlement that, as if no one with white skin was ever anything other than a villain is the true "construct" here and it damn sure wasn't perpetrated by a caucasian. I challenge you all to do some research, for the sake of humanity, lest the MORON MAJORITY _continue_ to allow control via division, perpetrated by the true enemy: the MULTI RACIAL, multi national 1%

9 years ago

Propaganda. Propaganda everywhere.

ali emery
ali emery
9 years ago

I am white and have traveled extensively all over the world. As far as I see ALL the human race in racist to some degree or another.I don't mean just black or white, but whithin Africa itself there is a tribal mentality, which I see just as bad, depending which tribe you happened to be born into.India has the caste system.South easy asians are prejudiced too.I know It's wrong and I for one have black and Asian friends and would be the last person to be racists in any form, but we have to face up to it.I have been treated very differently in Africa because I am white so it goes both ways I am afraid.

Jane Doe
Jane Doe
10 years ago

I'm of african heritage ( but I've lived in different countries in my life, mainly in Europe) and like to be honest, the whole "race" thing is *tupid in my opinion. I've found in my experience that it's mainly only americans and other africans (I don't use the terms 'black' or 'white' because i find them to be dehumanizing and s*upid) outside of the continent of Africa that are like racist. but not like fully fledged but just in the way they view things and from what they say you can sort of see their underlying racial view points. the africans being racist I find is through their looking at their role models whom are normally "african-americans" and they're racist (not all but the majority have that mentality wired in from a very young age) which they then learn. but yeah, that's just my own personal experience. but I find it stupid though, people who describe themselves by colours and associate with colours are just furthering "the divide". if we all just described one another by our heritage, or culture, or hobbies, or what we like and dislike everything would be better. And also not try to box people into a set image. And also, I find that American society is really the one that has been spearheading this whole racial campaign which is slowly infecting the world due to hollywood and america's influennce over the globe.but yeah....i didn't watch the documentary, just wanted to air my opinion.

10 years ago

I thought this was slow, low quality, under researched and had no story to follow. The long excerpts to read were cumbersome and just proved that there was no flow or story, and therefore there needed clarification and direction by way of overly long texts. The idea and the issues are extremely important, but this documentary did not do these issues justice.

10 years ago

didn't like the commentaries in between. Guy fails to realize that white men are also choosing to be with Asians. Dating outside your race has been taboo in most every culture at some point or another. also the comment that we are conditioned to forget history so we can remain guiltless. Well, i didn't participate in history when i wasn't alive. I do want to learn more, but I will not feel guilty for other decisions in the past, I have my own things to get right and f--k up that I can be proud or guilty about. I don't need every generations shittiness on my shoulders.

11 years ago

At 5:20 I disagree with "the best way to defend racism is to ignore it." The best way to get rid of this idea of separate groups based on their color, is to quit fueling it. Stop classifying people as though they were separate groups of people.

People are discriminated against for being a little different. And there could be many ways to address this, but ultimately it requires a new mind set. Quit seeing people as different because of physical attributes. Maybe quit watching TV as well. I would estimate that 99% of this modern racism is due to mainstream television stations, programs, and especially the news.

11 years ago

And by the way, you think it's hard being a black person growing up in America? Try being half Iranian, freshman year of high school, and a bunch of middle eastern terrorists fly two planes into the twin towers. Everybody knew I was middle eastern, and leading up to then, there wasn't much ripping on the middle eastern people, save for the occasional darker skin differentiating, so when 9/11 happened, there were no boundaries. Black people in my schools growing up just didn't get made fun of or stereotyped. Because at that point, it wasn't okay, there were rules/standards that us children were brought up by, so it was politically incorrect to make fun of black people openly. But when 9/11 happened, there were no rules concerning middle easterners. I know for a fact that I've been called "sand n1gger" and "towel head" to my face, by complete strangers, more times than all black people reading this combined. You think you know persecution, we have a black president for f*ck's sake, wake the fu*k up you racism perpetuating propagandist!

11 years ago

Funny...with all the little 'Fun Facts' in the beginning of this documentary about how basically the white man controls and has a say in everything, why don't they put up there, "oh and by the way, this country is made up of 72% white people"? LOL......

nik radjenovic
nik radjenovic
11 years ago

How many racist in this thread !! If the black persons invented or achieved 50 % of what white people did it would be strange that white is a standard. Because everything that you see around yourself is achievement of the "white" people, it is normal that Caucasians are social norm.

11 years ago

How can you not take a documentary seriously that interjects words like 'wiggers' and uses Tyra Banks and The Happy Hooker Goes To Hollywood as references?

11 years ago

When Caucasians undergo plastic surgery, which ethnicity are they trying to become? Wanting bigger eyes or an uplifted nose doesn't mean you want to be white.

12 years ago

Why is it that from the third segment onward this documentary stops placing selected quotes in between segments complete with their sources, and begins simply giving us exaggerated commentary? It started off good, but then instead of offering any sort of solution or call to action, they simply keep pointing the finger at the evil white man and call it a day.

Brian Eubanks
Brian Eubanks
12 years ago

In my cultural ethics class we ran the test with the Black Good first and the results were different. We were thrown off by the reversal of which button was Good and we scored more towards black preference.

Marnie Watson O Brien
Marnie Watson O Brien
12 years ago

*asian girls, not asian curls. Whoops.

Marnie Watson O Brien
Marnie Watson O Brien
12 years ago

I don't think it's racism= in the definition we use. But neither is ii a result of multiculturalism, because multiculturalism implies equality in everything, absolutely everything and that simply doesn't exist. I mean, everything is completely homogenised now, everyone wants to look the same. I'm white coming from ireland where the vast majority of people are white, but I've noticed it, in magazines and the radio and television. Ok, maybe in ireland, there just isn't a culture of multiculturalism, but I'm also factoring in american and british media. white people are always the main actors in films, or the main models or whatever, and there's a condescending attitude when someone who's black or asian or whatever in as an actor or whatever , it's self congratulatory and most of them fit stereotypical roles. And were black girls straightening their hair , or asian curls curling their hair be a result of multiculturalism, then white girls would be twisting their hair into afro's and wishing they had dark asian eyes; no rather it is a reslt of homogeny, a homogeny where white is the chosen uniform. Race is outdated, it was scentifically disproved in the seventies, and I don't like using the term black or white or whatever, it's an us and them. We are all just differing shades of human, I mean, we all vary on one colour. I'm "white", and I'm very very pale, other "white" people are freckled etc. how do you define someone from black to white? and more importantly, why do we have to define people? "British asian, Irish woman, afro american etc?" why can't we just accept people without asking them to renounce their history, their culture? Multiculturalism is more than homogeny. I'm sorry this is very rambling.

12 years ago

This is not a result of racism. This is a result of diversity and multi-culturalism. Plain and simple.

Winston Smith
Winston Smith
12 years ago

This is silliness and whomever made this is focused way too much on race.
There is no question we all want to fit in but this is because we are such social animals and yes this affects people. I also agree with the traditional images shown by the media but this is changing. It wont be long before Caucasians are a minority in America but they have historically been the majority (one in 10 people in America is African-American -that is the same amount of people as are over age 65 and both groups are increasing).
What the maker of this doc needs to learn is that there is No such thing as race. Not the way u'r using it anyway/ What we call the different races has to do with how the human body responds to different environments after thousands of generations. We all came out of Africa 150k & 60k years ago...and we are ALL very closely related. In fact no two of us are farther apart than 50th cousins and the greatest genetic diversity is found in Africa. If a meteor hit the planet tomorrow and killed everyone but a small tribe living in the jungles of New guinea this small close knit group would still preserve 80% of all human genetic variability.

12 years ago

The test on part four was incredibly stupid.

12 years ago

i wish nobody cared about race! Racism and discrimination ruins so many things...why is it so hard for us humans to get past don't see dogs judging eachother by the colour of their fur now do you? This documentary was very informative however...its good to bring things to the surface so that it may be dealth with instead of keeping things unresolved and taboo but remember there are also other important things to worry about like disease, famine, death...etc (we all bleed red! if colour is so important in a society...)

12 years ago

In my experience, black people are far more prejudiced than white people now. But it seems to be accepted and tolerated, which is NOT fair. If a black person were to walk down the street with a t-shirt that said, "Black Pride" no one would think twice about it really. But turn that around to a white person with a "white pride" t-shirt on and OMG...they're just a terrible racist! Hmmm...How is that fair? I'm sorry...but I have every right to be just as proud of my white Caucasian heritage as they do their black African heritage. I don't feel one bit bad about it either!!!

Joseph Waters
Joseph Waters
12 years ago

Unoriginal, cut and pasted, and overall: nothing I haven't heard before. I mean, using CNN polls? c'mon.

12 years ago

the proof for me is the outcome, every point can be proved or dis proof, by wat u black ppl think of yall selves, and wat value do u c reflected back at u in the media, think of your last image of a black female, thts not O.WINFERY, THAT WAS POSITIVE, BEAUTIFUL & sexy wit darkskin?

david lisle
david lisle
12 years ago

Crap documentary. Very anti-white in its views, but of course that's not racist! I'm tired of being fed pc bs and anything that's anti white including violent crimes are never labelled as hate crimes or racism.
Nobody is perfect and neither are there superior peoples.
Ethnic groups need to accept responsibility for their contributions to society both positive and negative. Blaming other groups is irresponsible and repressive.

Bryson Pullins
Bryson Pullins
12 years ago

Just because some labels their youtube video "Documentary" doesn't mean it's true...

13 years ago

what an amateur. this doc is sooooooo bad.

13 years ago

It was ok, it makes one think, but it was really really really dry on any actual numbers.

I would have loved to see citations, numbers etc. The anecdotal examples very pretty cool and convincing, but I still would have liked to see some numbers as well.

For example, in the experiment at the start, they never said how often black boys/girls chose the white doll. Was it most of the time? Half the time? All the time?

13 years ago


13 years ago

I watched this doc and I have read many of the comments. (I don't have the time to read them all. Yeesh!! This is such a touchy subject to so many!!) The doc makes many good points although I wasn't really anticipating having to read a book to get through it!! I wanted to read the comments to see if anyone made mention of the many anti-Zionist comments in the film and I was disappointed to not see a single comment upon that. Even after people watch this doc I think they still don't get it. And I think that applies to the makers of this film, as well.
13 years ago

I never realized how racist people still are until I began to date someone who wasn't white (I am). It's the 21st century in Canada and we still get looks, comments or even attacks when we go out together. There is absolutely nothing okay about that.

13 years ago

I think that whole racism story is full of holes. We are all humans but it's stupid to say that there is no difference between whites, blacks, yellows, reds.... We have different physiology (my english language level doesn't allow me to explain but you can find it online :) ) Why all best sprinters are black people? what, they are training more :) THERE ARE DIFFERENCES. Should I hate them for that? No... But if you say to some black guy "you're black" you're a racist... and it's ok that black guy say you're white and he's not a racist... so what... I am white... And there is always whites vs blacks... what about yellow ones... and the term afro-american???? How do you call black guy from Senegal who live in Europe? Afro-european :) and all the white americans are in fact euro-americans :) Indians are Americans :)
and round and round we go... never ending story... live your life like a human, if you don't like the place you live- live somewhere else

13 years ago

Rascism still exist. Perhaps not in the context that it did in the past, but pervasive internalized rascism has reared it's ugly head in one form or the other throughout history.

I am a native of the south. In the state and county of my origins, there are many people who are still living who can tell you about horror stories of their everyday experiences with hardcore rascist. Perhaps rascist are not "hardcore" anymore, but rascism still exist, and Nakor420 needs to seriously have his head examined. He needs to get theraphy for his internalized self-hatred. I suspect also that he is a closet "hater", and has not come to terms with that. Despite all the suffering and injustices that I have endured as a child and witnessed some of the suffering of family and neighbors, and listen to the true stories of others who came of age during the civil rights era and beyond, I still have faith that most people will do the right thing and judge you by the "content of your character", and not because of your race creed or color.

In addition, it is interesting to note that Mr. Nakor420 has failed to note that throughout all the Presidents that we have had in the U.S. , it is so irresponsible for Nakor420 to dwell on the fact that we now have a "black" President. Come on, this has been the only one throughout history, and look how much struggle and for how long it took to achieve that fact.

This after so many people lost their lives in the struggle for civil rights, lost lives, homes, and property. My grandfather lost property on his farm more than once, that was destroyed by rascist just because he attempted to go to the polls and vote. This was despite the fact that he paid taxes, was well established in his community and owned property and love and respected his fellow man.

I would love for Nakor420 to walk a true walk in the path of a black man (or woman for that matter) just for one day, much like the two brave souls who were white did in the early 1960's (there is a movie and a book about both individuals), and maybe he would open his deluded eyes, take the scales off and stop thinking that blacks have arrived. He does not appear to view the issue of race in america from a compassionate realistic perspective, but from a jaundiced, self-important, ignorant, uninformed view. Please.



13 years ago

and the funny thing is that when I was a teeneger I wanted to seem like Chinese, and I used to put my glasses on my eyelids in such a way that my eyes looked slanted.
Anyway, the documentary was good but I think they should avoid citing entire paragraphs.

13 years ago

As an Asian woman, I in fact had and still face racism. However, I did not let it defines my life. I know I can stand up for myself under the protection of laws and that I have every right to do so. I do not let the media affects how I view myself and my own existence. It's more of how strong-willed you are and whether you truly think white is better or color is better. All depends on your decision. Yes, racism still exists everywhere, remember EVERYWHERE. Regardless of what country you go to, there will always be racism. But what can you do about it since it's not your minds to control and the cultures of your own? Now that we're in America, where the laws allow us to be equal. why don't we accept it, protect it instead of looking back at our pasts and loosing out the fun? Who says you can't fight for your own identity? But before then, tell yourself that no one has the power to tell you what to think other than yourselves.

And trust me, the "white" influence does have a great impact on Asian countries, and possibly all over the world, base on the increase in plastic surgeries. All I have to say is, accept who you are and the world accepts you. Don't let anyone categorize you and don't categorize people due to your own experience/judgement.

13 years ago

I am white and only like dating black women and they seam to like me alot is that wrong?

13 years ago

I am white and only like dating black woman is that wrong thy seam to like me

13 years ago

I guess these actors could use some acting skills when they cannot even pronounce a simple word like Allah. It is actually easy even for an american ALL Ah.... hehe I will leave it at this.

13 years ago

I think Asians are so much more beautiful than whites. I am white and most men I know agree with me! So sad they take that beautiful aspect of themselves when it is part of what makes them look so cute.

Sieben Stern
Sieben Stern
13 years ago

tyra banks talking about racial issues makes me laugh. her job is to live in a glass house and throw stones.

As a 'white' person i get tired of being called white... I'm german - hungarian - moravian - czech american! XD

Take responsibility for your own thoughts and the media you expose yourself to. Most women in the magazines they talk about are so photoshopped they aren't even human anymore. :/

this docu lost me when they picked on Final Fantasy. e__e**

13 years ago

This doc is SUCH rubbish. These days there is more racism AGAINST white people than against minorities. Black people HATE white people. You don't see black people being violently attacked in white nieborhoods just because they are black anymore, but this happens in black nieborhoods all the time now. If the power structure was by and for the white man, Obama wouldn't be president right now. And as far as "white standardization" world wide, people in " Brown" countries HATE white people. White people can't even visit most other countries because they could be kidnapped and murdered or ransomed. The paradigm described in this doc no longer applies. If two men of equal talent applied for a job, one white, and one black, who gets the job? the BLACK guy, because the company doesn't want to appear racist. OR they are bound by affirmitave action laws to do so. When two people of equal standing apply for aid such as food stamps, they give it to the minority without question, but a white person has to jump through 1k hoops. What if we had a WHITE history month? There would be riots in the damn streets. A black woman in our country now has more rights than a white man, this is fact, and it's time for black people to stop blaming everything on the white man and start lifting up them selves. When a white person is poor and unfortunate, they don't sit there and say " I have no oportunity because the English oppressed my ancestors in the colonies." I've been to jail, and guess what? The minorities in jail are SHITBAGS. They DO commit the crimes they are in for. Are we supposed to let gangbangers get away with muder so we don't appear racist? How many white streetgangs do you see out there selling crack and shooting people? Almost none. It's not because of race, it's because of culture and upbringing. I grew up poor as shit, but I didn't go to jail because of that, I went cause I broke the law. Socio-economic excuses are just that, EXCUSES. It's time for us all to just be AMERICAN. Stop being black, stop being white, and start being American bretheran.

Pamela Quinn
Pamela Quinn
13 years ago

My sister bought our niece a black doll in the 70`s, we are white. I thought it was nice my sister did that.

His Forever
His Forever
13 years ago

Ok. Here's the real solution --- racism happens. It's universal. It's been with us as long as we've had "races" to prefer or dislike. Evolution would support it in that you favor your own race in order to propigate genes as close as possible to your own. Why would it then be immoral or even "bad" in such a line of thinking?

But, if you believe in God, and that God has created all of us in his image, then preference for your own race (and discrimimaiton against others) can become sin (true racism), just as any other aspect of a person's life that is out of balace is sin. The solution is to love God with all your heart, soul and mind, and then love your neighbor as yourself, no matter what the color of that person. I've spent much of my life as a "minority" white among Asians. I think I really do view people more as individuals rather than just by the color of their skin. God looks at the heart, and not the outward appearance and so should we. In fact, with God as my witness, I've never personally met an "African" I didn't like. My best friend for several years was a black man from Ghana and I loved him to the depths of his soul and he mine. We are still friends to this day.

His Forever
His Forever
13 years ago

My brother worked in a prison. He said that the minority population there was like 8 to 1 white. Why? Well maybe because they were committing more CRIME than the white population. You can't blame it all on the white man's biases. Or the media's.

There is some truth to the documentary in that white skin is preferred. Even in the Philippines the lighter colored skin people are preferred for actors, etc. They use skin cream to whiten their skin. I laughed at my wife when she wanted to wear a sweater in the sun (in Oregon) sweating and panting . . . I asked "Why?" and she said she didn't want to get dark in the sun . . . something I never worried about for her myself.

The Asian eye surgery stuff was very interesting.

13 years ago

Get over it huh? Well I may not be black but it looks like someone wants to discredit the findings in this film. Just don't go crying to anyone when some racist person does something nasty 2 u

13 years ago

So you've never heard of Timothy McVeighguess or Charles Whitman or the Uni bomber? I guess we can agree on the part where u said u r not trying 2 sound very clever dumbass. So in your mind only people of Islamic origin are terrorist then. Well pull up 2 the KKK rally meeting next time and c how much they embrace u if u even think of calling them terrorist!

13 years ago

Good documentary.. I am also curious why so many Asian girls date white guys. It's so high that when an asian buddy of mine (male) and I took a strole downtown and counted the 1st 10 asian girls with a boyfriend we were able to count 9 out of 10 who had white extinction of the Asian man.

To say the least, he was depressed.

tiff g
tiff g
13 years ago

This seemed like a school project that a 2nd year Soc major may have done...

13 years ago

good god... this is extremely biased... eventhough there are still some valid points being made.