The Obama Deception

The Obama Deception

2009, Conspiracy  -   280 Comments
Ratings: 6.91/10 from 222 users.

The Obama DeceptionThe Obama Deception is a hard-hitting film that completely destroys the myth that Barack Obama is working for the best interests of the American people. The Obama phenomenon is a hoax carefully crafted by the captains of the New World Order. He is being pushed as savior in an attempt to con the American people into accepting global slavery.

We have reached a critical juncture in the New World Order’s plans. It’s not about Left or Right: it’s about a One World Government. The international banks plan to loot the people of the United States and turn them into slaves on a Global Plantation. Covered in this film: who Obama works for, what lies he has told, and his real agenda. If you want to know the facts and cut through all the hype, this is the film for you.

Watch The Obama Deception and learn how: Obama is continuing the process of transforming America into something that resembles Nazi Germany, with forced National Service, domestic civilian spies, warrantless wiretaps, the destruction of the Second Amendment, FEMA camps and Martial Law. Obama’s handlers are openly announcing the creation of a new Bank of the World that will dominate every nation on earth through carbon taxes and military force.

International bankers purposefully engineered the worldwide financial meltdown to bankrupt the nations of the planet and bring in World Government. Obama plans to loot the middle class, destroy pensions and federalize the states so that the population is completely dependent on the Central Government. The Elite are using Obama to pacify the public so they can usher in the North American Union by stealth, launch a new Cold War and continue the occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan.

The information contained in this film is vital to the future of the Republic and to freedom worldwide. President Barack Obama is only the tool of a larger agenda. Until all are made aware, humanity will remain captive to the masters of the New World Order. Excerpt from

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2 years ago

They have won and divided you all in the plan. But really oh. It’s a conspiracy. Wow stupidity will rain and watch who comes for you. Beg for us to save you. We will be Patriots. Get to the end of the line cowards.

2 years ago

Stupidity for all that doubt. Boy wait until you pay more than you already paid. Dumb dumb. Joke is on you

Debra Mirizio
Debra Mirizio
3 years ago

you should retitle this The Deception so more people will watch it. When you add Obama's name, the people who are fooled will not watch this. the general public needs to be educated on this

Jon Jonzz
Jon Jonzz
4 years ago

Obama was/is the ultimate George Soros/Left puppet. Media created and media protected. A glib, articulate "snake oil" salesman, who reminded me of a Hollywood facade. Looked good on the outside, but had no depth on the inside.

LeAnn Wimmer
LeAnn Wimmer
4 years ago

There have been so many times I have too mentioned I felt Kennedy was our last true president!! He was a Democrat with a Conservative heart! I am a Conservative yet would have voted for him today!

4 years ago

You are some seriously disturbed individuals. Keep hiding under your bed, and someday you realize the life you wasted.

4 years ago

Do you realize that it has been another 10 years since this film came out. Instead of paying for this, give your money to a worthy cause. You are wasting your life buying into paranoia and fear. For thirty years I have watched you guys prep for the takeover, and guess what, it never comes.

Edward Paul Donegan
Edward Paul Donegan
5 years ago

This is slightly encoded. In 2009 Obama began a genetics coverup including murder. BHO was created from Edward Paul Donegan IVF DNA. My father was in the military, above ground testing affects of radiation study for the DOD DARPA CIA, and his children taken from my DNA rather than my father and mothers. DNA family RFLP has created one of the most desperate murder wetworks conspiracies of all times in story of the first black president, an outrageous prosecution of a writer WARNING about Obama during the election, and the abuses of power such as the NDAA that followed allowing a coverup, a coverup plan still in place through a Trump babygate conspiracy called Foundation X, a conspiracy over which Jen Moore and Kashogi were killed over. The plan continues to distsribute my DNA to create close Obama relatives all throug/h Africa, which is where Irish genes some to eminate from. Edward Paul Donegan IVF date Feb 20 1961 Birthday 11/18/1961

5 years ago

Alex Jones with his internal sources. From one sides he has infiltrated the event and from the other they know who he is and are tailing him. Paranoia mixed with diluted story telling to piece something that would be complex beyond belief. Even if it is discovered and exposed most cant do anything about it. They have all the resources and the military backing them. every one really knows implicitly that some ppl are secretly in charge. this is not a secret. Not really.

5 years ago

There will never be an insider from the bilderberg group. This idea and that one of them is a source ... is ridicules. They are too small and too powerful for any one of them to become a rat for any reason. No one member will ever betray any other. This is highly impossible. The very existence of this group the way it is described is unlikely. if there was such a group no one would know about it. How is it that a secretive group could create such a club out in the open and every one knows who they are and who their members are... Hmmm. I am highly skeptical

Karl Jacob
Karl Jacob
5 years ago

How do I get involved in protests here's in Australia?

5 years ago

Obama is a puppet picked by the elitist wealthy billionaires to dicive the world and the American public !!! For a new world order it 's not going to happen !!! People will not stand for another Hitler !!!

6 years ago

Ellen Hodgson Brown,The Web of Debt, excellent book.I wish Ellen Brown was Canadian prime minister.

Juan Antonio
Juan Antonio
7 years ago

I am not an Obama fan, and I agree it has been a huge dissapointment on his policy. Event considering that, I find this film extraordinarily biased. They wanted to make it so extreme that from half of it you wonder if it is better simply to stop watching it. I finally watched all, and I find dangerous that anyone can make documentaries saying anything and even pretending to be rigurous.

7 years ago

Thinkonit is a white man pretending to be black his comment is retarded at best out of touch to say the least its actually kinda humorous in a wierd bigoted way nice try d sucka

8 years ago

The average white rural conservative who believes in Alex Jones and Donald Trump is not terribly fond of black youths in the ghettos with limited education. It is easy to see why: they simply can't understand those Big Words that those black youths keep using!?

Mark the Shark
Mark the Shark
8 years ago

Oh, I know you people who decry democracy, who want to "replace" it with utopia. I certainly do know you, you are wolves in sheep's clothing. But if you try to replace government by the people in this country with an ill-disguised "utopian" caudillo system, if you strive to hand this country over to unscrupulous vicious right-wing Billionaires, if you want to replace this "corrupt democracy" with a Pure Dictatorship (uh-huh, that's the part you're not saying, but it is nakedly obvious), then you will find that you End nothing but yourselves!

Mark the Shark
Mark the Shark
8 years ago

I used to dismiss conservatives as malicious children. But these are no children at all, they are malicious childish adults who have been taught the wrong thing constantly from birth, they are completely lost to reason or compassion. These are Medieval people who have persisted to now. Ignorant people motivated by hatred and intolerance have caused havoc throughout history. They are not a joke, they are a Menace.

Mark the Shark
Mark the Shark
8 years ago

Thank you or confirming my long-held belief that Conservatism in general is Vile and Pernicious, and pretty much Satanic.

Mark the Shark
Mark the Shark
8 years ago

America ultimately will not tolerate a fascist nativist movement on its soil with an agenda inimical to American values. You are not invulnerable because you are numerous. You are not too many to be all pushed into the South one fine day. Then the South wouldn't secede, it would be Expelled for bad behavior. You are resolutely marching toward a very large Pest Colony.

Mark the Shark
Mark the Shark
8 years ago

Alex Jones is unabashedly espousing fascist nativism here, the same thing that Trump is peddling. He survives and even prospers because a large segment of rural America has historically had fascist nativist inclinations. But I tell all of you to whom this applies, you will have no future in this country if you truly scorn and hate Democracy. Many of you are giving that impression, and that is very unfortunate for you.

Mark the Shark
Mark the Shark
8 years ago

Fathoming the thought behind this Obama Deception documentary is like lifting a rock and watching giant slugs thrashing around in the sunlight.

Mark the Shark
Mark the Shark
8 years ago

Ha ha ha! You Alex people are so entertaining, you have a city boy like me in stitches with your droll right wing Capers. Who needs to go to the zoo to see monkeys do silly hilarious things? I have the world's biggest zoo right here, the Internet! Probing the labyrinthine recesses of your, hmm, thoughts makes me unsure that there is a God, but I think I'm believing in the devil much more now. How can we explain Trump? I watched this program, it's pretty clear now.

Mark the Shark
Mark the Shark
8 years ago

Ha ha ha! You Alex people are so entertaining, you have a city boy like me in stitches with your droll right wing Capers. Who needs to go to the zoo to see monkeys do silly hilarious things? I have the world's biggest zoo right here, the Internet!

Mark the Shark
Mark the Shark
8 years ago

I didn't know Obama was behind everything until I listened with disbelief and mounting horror to your creative writings here. Now I still don't know, but I sure know something about you guys.

Mark the Shark
Mark the Shark
8 years ago

Ha ha ha! You Alex people are so entertaining, you have a city boy like me in stitches with your droll right wing Capers. Who needs to go to the zoo to see monkeys do stupid things? I have the world's biggest zoo right here, the Internet!

Doug Quinones
Doug Quinones
8 years ago

Hi Slaves! Maybe you'll pay attention to who you elect next time instead of who wins the Super Bowl, right?

8 years ago

For everything that was said that made sense, there was one hyperexageration that kind of discredits what was said before. Obama seems such a small part of the corrupt system that I feel he should have chose another title. And for people who disagree that pollution contributes significantly to global warming, can we agree that pollution causes pollution, which kills people now, not in 50 years, so maybe we should do something about it.

8 years ago

When you read some of the comments above you begin to realize how easy it is to deceive the masses. I am afraid some of these people will be in for a big shock when the reality of the NWO sinks in. The hidden satanism, ritual child sacrifice, pefophilia, sex slavery, consorting with annunaki will all be done in the open. Your children may be their next victim, or worse dinner. Obama is a fraud and s list, a UN and NWO puppet. A beast; as he is trans human.

Doug Eugene Edge SR
Doug Eugene Edge SR
8 years ago

This is why we must have a truth teller such as Ted Cruz that wants to get rid of all the insiders and turn our government back to the people. The IRS is corrupt and controls all things with money power we have to abolish the IRS. We the people have the power with our votes to change our direction but we will all need to be educated with the truth. Obama is the biggest liar and deceiver ever he is controlled with his his leader the IRS. What a corrupt world we live in.

Edward Oyugi
Edward Oyugi
8 years ago

The general thrust of the analysis is good. But is pathetically lacking in logic when it draws Raila Odinga into the analysis and to argue that he represents the CIA interest in the region. Why did they not help him to win the last two elections in Kenya if he is their man. If he is related to Obama as the analysis alleges why did Obama not help hime get to power so he could serve the interest of the Western oligarchy better. You got it wrong on this .

George Corvin
George Corvin
8 years ago

There is no good reason why Wall street would want to cause a financial disaster as one never knows which way a financial disaster would turn out. Obama became stinking rich during the past few years and everyone could make a guess how. Hence it is not in the interest of Wall St. to have Obama's on board. Obama is destroying the US economy by many means, one is the mindless increase of the US debt burden. Furthermore creating insecurity cost the country a lot of money, so do military interventions, which produce no results. His increasing of taxes and wasting it, is another sign.. It is more likely that he had supporters from other countries. China wants to sell, hence they are unlikely partners, This leaves Russia and the backers of ISIS. Russia's interest would be the occupation of Eastern Europe, which would be easier without US military and financial strength and Isis would try to increase Muslim influence in another part of the Western world.As Russia's interest is not the US, but Eastern Europe, cooperation between the two is a possibility. That the American people just sit back and do nothing reminds one of the poem of the Lotus Eaters

9 years ago

The delusion here is so thick you need a shovel to clear a path to the crazy. You folks are in serious need of medical attention. Please I beg of you. Seek professional help.

9 years ago

I cannot stand our Government. All we get is the same old story year after year. I am so happy I have seen through the lies. I do not believe our Government will ever serve our best interests. Every one of them can take the express train to hell!!! I would rather die than submit to these pseudo-human beings!

Terry Beaton
Terry Beaton
9 years ago

Barack Obama is in the twilight of his power and does not have the influence to be creating anything remotely resembling "A New World Order". Maybe Hillary Clinton is 'The One'. What say we move on to the future and all the possible evil webs that she might spin. And when she's gone, if the Republicans return to the white house, then all will be as it was. Ahh, safe again, safe again.

9 years ago

The US is either the greatest country in the world or the greatest evil in the world -- and both myths originate with Americans.

10 years ago

Even now the $70-90 billion per month of quantitative easing is being horded by banks, hardly any is being loaned to businesses.

The interest rates will go up and they have all that free money to screw you over.

10 years ago

In Australia and NZ we have 3 magazines you all should read, and I don't think you have nothing of this caliber in the USA

Nexus Magazine ( i have been reading it for 23 years of its 25 years
history. They now have 25 years on searchable PDF for a decent cost.

UncensoredNZ - the first 19 issues you can download for free. Last one issue 33 with Putin on the cover was great.

Hard Evidence

They will truly blow you mind and you need to read more than one issue.

Also have look at Lydon La Rouche, don't agree with all, but has some really interesting deep things to say.

Also look at all books and video's on youtube on Prof Andrew C Sutton. He wrote Wall Street and the Bolsheviks. Look it up on Amazon

At you mid terms this year you can gut the major parties by your vote. Use it properly.

Voting for anyone who wants hemp farming is a start, give you farmers a $2500+ per acre crop, stops 265 billion of oil imports, blow the costs in health system away ( could make it with the other natural remedies far less than half the cost it is, really look up Rick Simpson).

Everyone who is against hemp is because it will blow their monopolies away, it will equalize the 2nd and 3rd world with the first and do you think these people want that, they want forms of salves to exploit.

Snowden is a hero, give whistle blowers have better protection.

Blow all the corporate corruption away.

Bill Binney ex-NSA say's you are a "Police state". Do you think he is right.

10 years ago

Great documentary. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to realize the blatant corruption - look at the track records of these politicians, and who's supporting them. IE George Soros, he's an evil man (just look at his Wikipedia page) yet he funded the Obamacare bill and the writers….Soros doesn't give a fvck about the little people. Hum, I wonder why he funded it…

10 years ago

I love how the IRS, NSA, and the NDAA bring a whole new light to this Obama Deception. It's almost too ironic

11 years ago

The truth is likely somewhere in the middle. I don't believe the altruism of many "leaders", and I don't doubt there is a megalomaniac out there who still wants to rule the world. After all, people have been trying without success to rule the world, from ancient days of nations, to modern, Egypt/Babylon to Napoleon and Hitler. I do however not fully trust or believe this doc either. You think they don't have an objective showing this? I don't believe the president has power. If he wants to change too much they'll off him, kind of like JFK. Somewhere in the middle folks.

11 years ago

Obama is a very ethical fine man trying to lead you clowns along a sound ethical path.

Don't you clowns have anything better to do than come up with these lies.
Don't tell lies.

If you keep busy creating this harmless crap you won't be out doing more malicious things.

Syd Kait
Syd Kait
11 years ago

Racism and sexism are NOT issues these days.... said the privileged white men.

11 years ago

Why do people believe that it matters who is president? While this changes from time to time, the system of money ruling is ever in place. The voting system is an illusion to pacify the masses. If 50 million poor people vote you in based on what you say and the 10 billionaires who funded your media time to get elected are whispering in your ear, who are you going to cater to? The people are constantly lied to every 4 years and nothing changes for the better and most people propagate the system with there participation every 4 years. How can a democratic system where the will of one poor person is exactly equal to the will of one rich person possibly work when the backing and support of rich people is required to get the media time to be heard? No rich person is going to fund the ideas of anyone that makes them less rich. And the only way to make poor people less poor is to make rich people less rich. This is why nothing changes regardless of who is in the white house. All those we see in the media who are running for the office are all cut from the same piece of cloth. If they were not they would not be there. The most powerful vote that can be cast in this system is non-participation by not voting at all.
As long as the dealer of marked cards has people around the table to deal the cards to, he is going to continue to deal them. How will he feel when he looks up and realizes he is sitting alone? The best thing about this kind of rebellion is that it is non-violent and completely legal.
The masses are not being silent by any means when they don't vote. If fact it may be the only way they will ever be heard.

Austin Robinson
Austin Robinson
11 years ago

There's three options one let fate take us, two change to the world to god and three a nuke kills everyone on the face the world.

11 years ago

I've learned from 'The Amateur' that the cult Obama is operating as an Islamic Trojan Horse in the White House. His advisers are Valerie Jarrett and Michelle Obama. He isolates Israel and favors the Muslim middle East because he was orignally a Muslim born of a Kenyan Muslim father and a white atheist. You can read "The Amateur' or read 'The Roots of Obama's Rage.'

Gemma Lajbrok
Gemma Lajbrok
11 years ago

The NWO conspiricists have a lot right: global finance and corporations are the problem, money is the route of all evil, its their solution which is wrong. in fact i don't think they propose a solution. They misguidedly fear international cooperation and state infrastructure. in our globalized world their are too many problems which occur beyond borders to act only at state level. issues such as climate change, food security international conflict etc. state level apparatus is needed in order to protect the vulnerable within a country or state- this is where i disagree most. The British system gives free medical care, it does not attempt to limit it. the US system leaves sick uninsured people to perish! I believe that is a far greater evil than state infrastructure. like all conspiracy theories, the truth lies somewhere in the middle- not in the official line and not with the conspiricists.

11 years ago

I think it's just sad. We are an incredibly intelligent species, yet we let barbaric elitist's rule us still. Its 2012, this little film was made over 2 years ago and its still completely true, nothing has changed, in fact its still getting worse. Every single day we read every where that something in this planet is getting worse or is crumbling or who died in some war we don't NEED TO BE IN ANYMORE! Its all a plan by rich people, think about it, our entire human history, a few rich have controlled a lot of other people that did not have anything even comparable to the wealth they had. It's just sad some of us are smarter than this, yet we have to sit back and watch as every value this country was founded on, ****, even every human right that every single person on this planet should have is hog tied by a bunch of rich ***holes! I just fail to see through human history and pattern that we were meant to really survive...

Marcel Willaert
Marcel Willaert
11 years ago

Democracy has become corrupt beyond redemption. We are all guilty of allowing this to happen. We the people of every nation must stand up and say , NO!! topple our governments and start the change to end globalization and destroy the world bank.

11 years ago

I wish it were garbage.Obama would not know the big picture he another leaders are so well groomed on what to say to the general pubiic but there's nothing to be gained by ignoring hat looks like facts.