Bilderberg'$ Club

Bilderberg'$ Club

2015, Conspiracy  -   33 Comments
Ratings: 7.55/10 from 206 users.

They began meeting in secret in 1954. Their membership was comprised of the upper echelon of society; the most powerful and wealthy figures from the fields of academia, politics and business. The groupќs founders included tycoon David Rockefeller and Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands, both elite leaders within the oil industry. What may have started as a simple meeting of the minds, where current issues could be discussed, analyzed and debated, would soon morph into something far more sinister in its influence.

Cloaked in the shadows from the light of public scrutiny, these emperors of industry began to form their own self-serving agendas, and wielded their immense power and resources to redesign the world in their vision. They called themselves the Bilderberg group, and their organization still exists and operates to this day.

Today, this old institution must function in a climate which has become more aware of their particular brand of back-door dealings, thanks to a new wave of savvy investigative journalists and a searing and insightful new documentary titled Bilderberg'$ Club. The film takes on the monumental task of peeling away the secret history and ongoing influence of the organization.

The group's current membership, as stated in the film by interview subject and editor of the American Free Press Jim Tucker, are "a bunch of unscrupulous, lousy, rotten international criminals." More specifically, there are only a handful of core members who remain consistent, while many others are invited to join in on an as-needed basis. During their annual meetings, which take place over the course of a weekend, everyone from Bill Gates to heads of state may be included in the group's private circle, depending upon the potential value and influence of each invited member on the topic of choice. As reported in the film, the decisions they agree upon behind closed doors profoundly impact the shaping of policy and public consciousness on issues as pressing as the price of oil to support for the war in Iraq.

In shining a much-needed light upon its unprecedented levels of secrecy and powerful world players, Bilderberg'$ Club bravely contends that the group's lobbying powers represent nothing less than a threat to the democratic process.

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ophelia jadefeldt
ophelia jadefeldt
1 year ago

When i saw Alex Jones, the white racist fascist pig there I switched off. I mean, like he cares for anyone or thing but his obese self.

2 years ago

18th December 2021 now. What are we all doing now? I have lost almost everyone I know to this. They will not listen and treat me like I am insane. I guess my son and I wait until e are taken by force and made to take the "cure" I will pray the world wakes up before that though

3 years ago

Yes, the Bilderbergers exist. Rich, powerful, well connected people always find ways to get together and talk... Why would they talk to the Alex Jones' of the world? MORE IMPORTANTLY, this doc shows the evolution of paranoid conspiracy theories that created Q Anon. Thanks for that.

Bill Farley
Bill Farley
5 years ago

Knowing the world's population will double in the next few decades and knowing the chaos this will create on a global basis, one wonders what this sinister organization is planning to either cope with or eliminate the problem.

5 years ago

Those who live in drug cartel countries and try to jail those drug kingpins, along with those who help them are far braver than anyone in usa congress, FBI, Justice Dept, etc. These NEVER go after the biggest criminals, being the subject of this documentary.

These secret agenda groups are all about treason and subverting the laws and what is good, of every nation. Their agenda? Reducing the power of the people by taking their wealth and taking their guns. Converting the world to communism. Population reduction.

Some folks I know think there are too many people in this world and say it should be reduced ... yet they always think, much like the criminals of this documentary, that it should be someone else that should be "reduced". Yet who better to "reduce" than those who think it is such a problem? Personally I think it would be interesting to go visit some floating cities in the future. How about some polar cities? Designing for that could be fun. Because people pack themselves into a traffic jam, they believe the world is too crowded. These people have zero imagination and need an enema of their stale mind.

Clearly, waiting for those we pay to do their job is not going to get the evil swamp drained. "Let someone else to it, I voted," is the mantra of the majority. So we will get evil people doing evil things to us, until the lazy people are starving and/or hurting so bad they are left with little choice but to act. When that will be is unknown.

A good example of this is the yellow vest movement in France. Already one of the highest taxed people on the planet, Macron, a Rothchild minion, set to tax them ever more. Would the people have voted for them if they had known the truth about him? Probably not but this is the problem of the lazy minded. They don't do their own homework and then suffer and complain later. Brilliant that.

6 years ago

since there is a reporter from the Guardian there, the real meeting(s) have probably moved elsewhere. In the past though, there were decisions made that influenced the world. Such as in the 70s according to F Wiilliam Engdahl, the decision to raise the price of oil in order to put the developing world that didn't have its own oil into debt slavery. Or the names of politicians invited that later became heads of state. As in 1991 a governor of the small state of Arkansas is invited. Who gets elected despite bimbo eruptions. Mostly we just got to hear different people talking without any meat.

6 years ago

whether it one currency or three it is a dangerous consolidation and centralisation... you may recall he frog that was slowly boiled to death it all happens incrementally unless people actively put globalist forces in check... that is the underlying reality of economics and power... no room for complacency.

7 years ago

These People control the world by controlling the Cognitive Map of how people think... billions of dollars are spent on the best Artists to convince you buy crappy products and to create the illusion that you are free to choose, which is simply a half truth... which is still a lie. . Things are changing though.. people are waking up and realizing "Ah man we are still slaves." You can't control the amount of population anymore...unless it's by force... thus is the reason now for control over the internet... the free flow of information is something they didn't expect.... so the NSA, the Snowdens' the Julian Assanges are right ... there is something very wrong and almost Nazi in origin of what they are currently doing with our technology and our economies... The tide can easily be pushed back... and we can regain our liberties and still keep our technologies ... My biggest fear is that many of the Psycho Super Rich People will have no problem creating a plague or a war in order to eliminate most of the population in order to keep their status and power... that's what frightens me... but Evil always prevails when good people cease to do anything...

7 years ago

Thanks for all the good job that they are doing,all my love for them

9 years ago

These People control the world by controlling the Cognitive Map of how people think... billions of dollars are spent on the best Artists to convince you buy crappy products and to create the illusion that you are free to choose, which is simply a half truth... which is still a lie. . Things are changing though.. people are waking up and realizing "Ah man we are still slaves." You can't control the amount of population anymore...unless it's by force... thus is the reason now for control over the internet... the free flow of information is something they didn't expect.... so the NSA, the Snowdens' the Julian Assanges are right ... there is something very wrong and almost Nazi in origin of what they are currently doing with our technology and our economies... The tide can easily be pushed back... and we can regain our liberties and still keep our technologies ... My biggest fear is that many of the Psycho Super Rich People will have no problem creating a plague or a war in order to eliminate most of the population in order to keep their status and power... that's what frightens me... but Evil always prevails when good people cease to do anything...

9 years ago

if you were that powerful would you not try to maintain the power ,why do you assume that it is all for bad reasons, you are illogical "Inquisitive"

Richard Neva
Richard Neva
9 years ago

These guys and gals are worse than The Federal Reserve Bank in robbing the world!

9 years ago

Daniel Estulin has to join the rest of the human race and stop coughing into his hand. an absolutely disgusting habit!!! i wonder how many other hands he shook during that conference. i'd bet the cameraman got a nice, firm handshake after his interview. (retches)

9 years ago

Low information content. Lots of dead space, sidetracks and wasted time. Could have compressed all this into 3 minutes. That dude speaks fast and sloppy Spanish and had little to say.

Jake Harris
Jake Harris
9 years ago

Why do they even have the old dude in the red sweater yammering on? These guys are like Alex Jones- maybe they have a basis for some of what they say but then they go off past their evidence and make it crazy.

9 years ago

every open information has been deliberately placed for controlled consumption
to nurture further disposition.....'conspiracy!', they say ...while others
refer to 'business as usual'.

Janeen Clark
Janeen Clark
9 years ago

the money system and government create these type people built into their systems. they are systems of domination as the rule set. its time to create a new type of system that is not based on domination or profit or competition, but one where human value ,life and earth, are the most important concerns. if we don't do this while there is still time we will go extinct. in the last 100 years of money-ism , we have been using up the resources of this planet as fast as possible to fill our landfills with the precious minerals and resources that once gone are gone. we have used up almost everything because our systems are based on infinite growth as well as domination and profit. these systems were not come up with from getting masses of people together and asking what types of system will best run the planet, instead they slowly evolved to be what we have today. they have barely changed in thousands of years politics and government have not changed along with religion in 3k years. the money system at its core values has not changed either. it can be said the idea of authority in general (government ,money) is an identical system as religion even though most do not identify with them this way here are the evidence for that. how often do we question the entire premise of religion form the inside out? never. this is incompatible with the type of psychological construct it is. money is identical government is identical . think about this science is a different kind of system that constantly adapts and conforms to reality science is the only difference in our lives how we live now and what we have in our homes tech etc. compared to living in a grass hut naked. science is the only thing that has advanced peoples lives for the better . this is an excellent benchmark as a comparison. lets take government and money and look at them this way , we see they are identical to roman times and are built from the roman system that fell form the same reason we are now, the systems do not put what actually is valuable as valuable, instead we live in a fantasy world of consumerism and the prison of domination like the romans did 3k years ago . we are letting these systems continue to exist. why? we are the citezens of earth .we decide what happens. no one can control 7 billion people if they do not allow it , if they are educated if they value humanity if they want a better world with real progress. we can look at the evidence of history and see what has made our life better ,we can use internet systems and technologies to eliminate money and government so there is only citizens of earth no artificial boundaries or constructs controlling our life and death. we need nothing others than people ,manufacturing and distribution of goods while using internet type systems monitoring the earths resources and calculating effeciency from real science. we can have a free society that means no price tags no reward and punishment (controlling behavior) just a family of 7 billion on earth managing a household (economy) we are one and the same, we are valuable the human brain is the magnificent creation of the universe and people should be loved .

9 years ago

Important revelations for the uniformed. However, if you are someone who has been following this group and others like it, this film doesn't really reveal or offer too much that isn't known. It does serve to reinforce the knowledge that the world's citizens are relatively powerless to interfere with these little private clubs, or whatever it is they manage to accomplish under the cloak of silence and stealth.

Fabien L'Amour
Fabien L'Amour
9 years ago

I don't understand why Mark Anderson says it's hard to get the names of participants for the Bilderberg meetings. I found the 2014 meeting list of participants on their website with a simple web search.

The topics discussed were also released in a press release and were as follows :

Is the economic recovery sustainable?
Who will pay for the demographics?
Does privacy exist?
How special is the relationship in intelligence sharing?
Big shifts in technology and jobs
The future of democracy and the middle class trap
China’s political and economic outlook
The new architecture of the Middle East
What next for Europe?
Current events