Military and War - 7

Invisible Children

Invisible Children

Without having seen the suffering in Northern Uganda, I'm appalled frankly, it's a moral outrage to see thousands of children that have been abducted, that are maltreated, that go through the most horrendous torture by the rebel...

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I Know I'm Not Alone

I Know I'm Not Alone

This film came out of the director's frustration with watching the nightly news and hearing generals, politicians and pundits, explaining the political and economic cost of the war in the Middle East, without ever mentioning the...

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The War Tapes

The War Tapes

Three soldiers offer viewers a close-up and deeply personal view of the war in Iraq in this documentary. Filmmaker Deborah Scranton gave digital video cameras to three National Guard volunteers who were called up for duty in Iraq...

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The Fog of War

The Fog of War

In this grimly compelling film, documentary filmmaker Errol Morris tackles one of his most perplexing and ambiguous subjects: former defense secretary Robert McNamara, widely identified (and in many quarters reviled) as the...

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The World at War

The World at War

The second World War had a profound effect on the course of the 20th century, and unfortunately, its horrors, including ethnic cleansing, terrorism, despotism, invasions, the curtailment of civil rights, and rampant nationalism,...

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