97% Owned
97% owned present serious research and verifiable evidence on our economic and financial system. This is the first documentary to tackle this issue from a UK-perspective and explains the inner workings of Central Banks and the Money creation process.
When money drives almost all activity on the planet, it's essential that we understand it. Yet simple questions often get overlooked, questions like; where does money come from? Who creates it? Who decides how it gets used? And what does this mean for the millions of ordinary people who suffer when the monetary, and financial system, breaks down?
Political philosopher John Gray, commented, "We're not moving to a world in which crises will never happen or will happen less and less. We are in a world in which they happen several times during a given human lifetime and I think that will continue to be the case."
If you have decided that crisis as a result of the monetary system is not an event you want to keep revisiting in your life-time then this documentary will equip you with the knowledge you need, what you do with it is up to you.
rather poorly produced documentary both in its shooting/editing but also in its content. Not sure who those young fellas are to be called in such a technically complex debate. The 'how to eliminate inflation' theory put forward around mid-movie is simply naiive and poorly expressed: "making sure that money is issued in the economy only for productive investment, for productive goods and services, [...]for helping small businesses, which creates jobs, which creates additional purchasing power which means there is no inflation" rather vague and industrial-age like kind of statement. Although in line with A. W. Phillips' curve to some digree.. the truth is that when more people are working, they have the power to spend, which leads to an increase in demand. And prices (inflation) soon follow. The opposite is true when unemployment rises. Generally the focus of the question is wrong, the focus should not be on inflation, but on unemployment.
Economical crisis are design by the multi billionaires so they could manage to pick up the pieces left by the poor people after their fall in an easier way. So convenient you don’t say? The rich gets richer on the poor gets poorer. But in a crisis it’s a faster fall. A very well oiled machinery.
A bunch of people in the comments think progressive idpol lib sis really tanky. 0/10 in these comments, go find an article somewhere instead.
Movie was entertaining.
So is Bitcoin or something like it, the answer? I don't know. But at least it is or was a good start, if not more, to a solution. Now that it jumped to $4000, besides wishing I had some, I am beginning to wonder if the banksters see it as the wonderful side step to many of their and govt's evils that it is, and I wonder if the banksters are running it up just like they have been doing to the stock market, to make it seem scary to one sector while seeming hot and attractive to another so they can burn them. And like their run up in stocks, at some point, will have to dump in order to book a profit. And will they drive Bitcoin down hard to scare a larger number away from it? All done with what they shamefully call Quantitative Easing, being your future tax obligations. Manipulating markets certainly isn't capitalism, but Bitcoin giving needed competition to the banksters who steal first through inflation, robbing the value of your labor by diluting the money pool and then by deflation, making the value of that money they have stolen from you worth more and what you own worth less; after which they scoop it up for pennies on the dollar when they grind the economy to a halt so you lose your job and are desperate. Then they repeat their long term game all over again.
Apparently the bankster owned media, cia, and minions throughout govt really hate Trump postponing their time table. They certainly want you to buy into their propaganda so they can move forward with their deflation and dismantling the usa to create their marxist utopia, in which they will have total control. It will be too late for the socialist-communist-marxists when they are bleating like wild sheep captured in a corral in their friendly forest with some free food inside the gate. Too late for all of us, unless you prevent the marxists useful idiots to the marxist banksters who despise anything that can compete with any of their corporations called banks, oil companies, media, etc.
Thing is, after you've been captured, they don't need to feed you any more unless you work like a slave for next to nothing.
Please, you marxists, quit peddling your propaganda(lies). If you truly believed it, you would move to a country with that system. It is pure BS that the whole world needs to be converted to a marxist system for it to work. If it doesn't work on a small scale then it will work even worse on a large scale, regardless of what he claimed. Rhodesia is waiting for you. I know someone who will buy you a plane ticket if you would only go live your dream where it already exists. A once prosperous agricultural country that fed its neighbors, obliterated by caring and heartfelt marxists. Join them. Become all you can be. Or in a former soviet state where the least amount of capitalism is allowed. Don't go away mad. Just go away.
To consider marxism to have less corruption than capitalism is flat absurd. Corruption and cronyism is built in with no way to get rid of it. Like all of the various flavors of collectivism, marxism, is all about getting rid of the competition for everything. For ideas, for a free press(which now only exists on the internet) for products and equipment. Marxist call this being more efficient when all proof is the contrary. Innovation is stifled because it would compete with vested interests who line the pockets of their comrades in charge.
Not particularly a fan of the english but one fine bloke said it well in another docu: Self governance is always superior to better govt.
People have been diverted from the most important question: What has and would make me more free and what has and would make me less free?
Every law, every tax, every system, be it monetary, economic, or otherwise, should be viewed from that perspective lest you get distracted with something that sounds good or feels good or seems logical, excepting that it strips you of yours ...and much more importantly MY freedom.
You have no right to impose on my freedom unless you willingly submit to me imposing on yours.
@Wald0 and other Marxists(Socialists-Communists): Most of the terrible ills you assign to Capitalism is in fact caused by incremental SOCIALISM and FASCISM(Corporatism). Why not discover what Capitalism ACTUALLY is prior to being a typical Marxist trying to divert attention from all the damage you have done voting for and promoting Marxism by pointing fingers at something that cannot in any way be called Capitalism and calling it evil Capitalism, when it is FAR closer to Socialist Fascism(Corporatism) with a fair bit of Communism in the years of obama.
Such is the typical scam artist and propagandist, INCORRECT LABELING. What you are seeing as horrible Capitalism, is in fact the true face of Socialism, Corporatism, and a fair bit of Communism. The true face of the Democrat party IS slavery, first through iron chains on plantations, then via debt chains through the Federal Reserve. Were the Bushes any different than the Clintons? Not at all. Great friends really, both fighting for One World Marxist govt. More incorrect labeling. Bushes are Rinos. Republican in name only. So are far too many in Congress in bed with the enslaving one worlder democrats in Congress, in Academia, in the Media, in Central Banking. People need to quit whining, quit waiting for someone else to do your job, shed the party mentality, and see to it wise, incorruptible people are running from ALL parties for all offices.
How about some actual facts regarding the political parties:
Unfortunately as it is both parties advance different aspects of what the Marxist banksters desire: Big govt socialist and corporate control over everyone(enslavement).
Capitalism is merely freedom to trade with who ever I want. If I choose to trade the eggs my chickens laid for the neighbors butter he churned from his cows, that is Capitalism. Granted, there should be a place where those who don't care to provide any value that anybody else wants, can grow some food and have a hut for shelter, rather than Marxist vote buyers being able to steal from the egg and butter producers, pocket that while only dribbling a little free food and such to those they can fool into voting for them. However, it is likely the less fortunate too would choose to trade corn for beans and so forth, making them Capitalists. Do you think they would desire govt getting in between their trades also?
Does such a Capitalist system require banksters at all? Or need govt other than to provide a ready defense and arbiter of those weasels who try and cheat someone as Democrats and Republicans have shown their propensity to do throughout history? Does Capitalism require Corporatism and/or Socialism both which require a corrupt and large govt to succeed. Who in fact owns most of the major corporations? The banksters. Who promotes Marxism(govt control over your life)? The banksters (Rothschild, Rockefeller, etc.), the owners of the Central Banks.
What monetary system cannot be gamed by the big boys to screw the rest? What monetary system, economic system, political system provides the most freedom and opportunity? Any system will be manipulated and mutilated by the cunning unless YOU stand guard rather than leaving it to someone else because you are too greedy to spend any time doing so.
Do we really need a Central Bank (in light of the State Bank of North Dakota which has been doing well for many decades)? In light of the fact we did without one prior to having one weaseled upon us in the dark of night; then not enough standing to then oust it. Do we need them charging interest for something our govt could easily do?
If you want some respect, quit supporting those who disrespect you. Dump the big commercial banks and join a CREDIT UNION where YOU are the owner NOT Rockefeller and his cronies, or independent community and business bank. Was it necessary to "save the big investment banks?" Apparently not, despite the claims of collapsing the world financial system, since they never stopped doing what caused them to go broke, in fact they have doubled down on their gambles. It is highly likely the coming crisis will be much worse than the first one. So in reality every last bit of your future tax obligations to save them was wasted; part being skimmed into the pockets of the bank officers and the owner banksters. And they will want you to do it again but call it a bail in instead of a bail out. Depositors will be screwed just like they were in Cyprus.
Capitalism requires a LIMITED govt. Both are necessary for FREEDOM. More govt = less freedom every time.
If you prefer security to freedom, move to some European socialist country like Greece. That is what most of them are heading towards anyway. Check their financial situation. Socialism works until the money runs out and it always does. Same for Communism; check the financial situation of China. Even in Sweden they had to cut back on services years ago. Now in 2016 you have to pay them to hold your money, negative interest rate bonds as do several other countries. As goes socialist Sweden so goes socialist USA after them. Thank your friends at the CFR who Hillary caters to.
Don't trade your labor so cheaply if you value it as worth more. Then the person who needs labor can find someone else. So that puts a cap on what labor is worth. If you are tired of laboring for pennies then do something of greater value.
What does a banker consider financial terrorism? Barter enhanced via silver coinage. If they hate it, it must be good. Silver is cheap enough not as worth it to counterfeit like gold. Already in circulation or was until usa inflated their coinage like the Romans by removing most of the silver. We had silver certificate dollars that could be exchanged for an ounce of silver. In the usa, by simply getting rid of the Federal Reserve, going back to pre 1964 money and having what we had at the time via the Glass-Steagall act that Clinton repealed: Commercial Banks and savings banks separate from Investment banks. We would be ok. There are some better options than just those banks being separated but that would work.
As @Philip Wong indicated, Govt vote buying politicians cannot be allowed to coerce banks to loan to people who cannot pay it back. Yet, why didn't banks take such a situation to other politicians that could help them from shooting themselves in the foot? Why? It was all a ruse. Who was in the pocket of whom? It is a wonderful thing for both govt and bankers to be able to blame the other when they actually work together to rip us off and pocket as much dough as they can.
Freedom isn't free. You have to stand up instead of ahead of time and protect it rather than whine and point fingers. No I am not talking about duped soldiers sent overseas to protect bankster interests. I'm talking about ensuring decent people are in charge instead of snakes.
One of the things that should be done is to make loans with interest and speculation illegal, as to eliminate all debt completely and everywhere. I wonder what these criminals that call themselves bankers, which is just another acronym for a "thief", and a "crook", would say about that? Hey, isn't giving loans and collecting interest illegal already? But not for banks. Nobody should be able to make money from "thin air", only from production of a real produce - manual labour. Yes, I'm actually saying that the bankers should get a job, a real one.
I'm no expert but has anybody stopped and noticed the parallels of Peak Oil and our economy? Basically the theory says that cheap oil has passed it's peak and no matter how you view the economy, we are headed down hill. It is said that all other new oil discoveries are the harder to produce oils imbedded in rock. I don't hear or read much about this topic but I think it is an interesting coincidence that we have proposed to have or are in the middle of cheap peak oil consumption
The female narrator sounds all wrong and seems to lack knowledge in the field she is delivering. sounds like if she is given a script to read of on. you can clearly hear the full stops, commas, and quotation marks in her speech. No i.e. or example scenarios. not appealing at all. they would be better off using only the clips from the economics analyst. That aside, another great doc on how economics and banking work.... good stuff
Fairly partisan documentary. Many of the charts are misleading or irrelevant and some of the solutions offered by contributors are woefully simplistic. Anyway I did learn a bit watching and overall it wasn't bad.
A little off point but the female narrator sounds all wrong. It's like their voice-over artist couldn't make it and they got the receptionist to read it.
Look 178 and others confused like you,
The formula is: the international monetary system created by private banks own the corporations cartels by its permanent debt thus keeping the workmanpower like you and me under tight control; the fonny governments are somewhere in the middle, depending on the level of services provided to its citizens by direct debt to the firsts and bow to the seconds, working themselves as corporations, "regulating" to make sure that everything keeps going this way. So, where are the States and all those theories we burst ower brains discussing about? Nowhere! The World Is A Big Lie.
I am so frustrated by how many people think that more government regulation and interference is what is needed to save the economy. Government regulations and central planning are the things that have ruined the economy. Somebody sees a government subsidized corperation like Freddie Mac playing dirty, and they blame capitalism. Nobody says, "Hey, why is my tax money being used to help cushion this corporation?" That's socialism, fascism, whatever you want to call it.
We already have a legal peoples bank called the credit unions who only lend money that other members save to other members so any profits made is returned to all members in the form off a dividend yet people are skeptical of these banks that been around for a very long time.Providing a service to people who could not get credit any where else,so it educates borrowers to also become savers..
An excellent documentary, but will likely fall on deaf ears, because most people have no grasp regarding the history of money, or why the monetary system is incapable of repair. Since the worst of all addictions (greed) is running the world, people have been brainwashed to envy the lifestyles of the rich and shameless, emulating the very people they should be revolted by. Ultimately, global capitalism will only lead to global slavery. I leave the readers with 2 quotes from Albert Einstein:
1) "Man, like any other animal, seldom questions his own situation, unless goaded by circumstance".
2) "Communism, socialism, nationlism, militarism, (etc) while constituting diverse political ideologies, ultimately all lead to the subjugation of the individual by the state, putting an end to personal freedom, and liberty."
You are correct in many ways about this. However, what if your house builder is also working from self interest? Using cheaper material, and cutting corners to provide favour to himself? Why would I believe the bank has my interests at heart, and not ask for accountability? Why do we still feel that some people are worth more than others? This is evident in the distribution of wealth, and the protections placed upon that current set of distribution. Socialism failed for many reasons, one of them was "one for you, two for me, one for you, three for me.... "
I agree with a lot of what this says. I study Economics at university, and find it very frustrating when people complain without understanding they money system. There are problem and many very clever economists have spent many years trying to improve the money system. Has anyone who ignorantly complains on here about the system ever read books and articles in economic journals. Do they know who Keynes, Krugman, Hicks or Pigou is? I say trust a builder to build your house or learn how to build a house better and apply that knowledge.
complete bs. contradictory in many instances. based more on theory than fact. you cant expect me to swallow this kind of tripe. You propose nationalizing the banks and the ability to lend. you expect the private sector to manage this system more effectively? or what happens if we simply reduce the amount of debt money in circulation and raise interest rates? not just real estate but all commodities go down in value, as our ability to purchase them at the current price decreases. This causes all of our investments to decrease in value. This makes it so that honest people who have saved their entire lives for retirement, lose big. Ultimately would cause a recession the likes of which the world has never known. Irresponsible and predatory lending is obviously detrimental to our system and is the underlying cause of the financial crisis. But credit as a whole is not our enemy. It is a valuable service that like it or not is intrinsic to our current economic system.
£ = DEBT + DEBT = slavery
was good Zeitgeist is better Jacque Fresco he's got a solution now his ideas are becoming more popular as people take note of this broken economy,shame he 90 now from WW1 and age of 12 he known the system was broken and promotes an economy based on our resources one big inventory you can say made possible by current and emerging scientific knowledge, technology and innovation. And more important people get along.
No Religion no more fossil fuels War we can dream
But what would i know :)
Materially POOR people have been sold the illusion "political democratic system" which they are told the majority rule but in reality they elect an economically powerless individual to represent their economic interest to the few materially RICH. The sad thing is, even the elected persons don't realize that they have no economic power until after they are told by the RICH how they want to invest their assets and employ (enslave) the POOR in the process. The system is rigged and the RICH will not have it any other way. Try to change the system and you will feel the full force of the RICH's POWER and AUTHORITY.
money is suppossed to be of equal value to the object you are buying it is an exchange of equvalents -Profit is derived from paying workers less in monetary value then their labour produces.......which is measured in socially necessary labour time taken to produce said product the value of all commodities produced in capitalist societies is likewise based on socially mecessary labour time-less human labour less value produced....mechanization is killing capitalism ability to producee new value thus crisis. Labour value is seen as variable capital it depends on the balance of forces in soceity. Capitalists will continually attempt to give workers less money as the less they give workers the more they keep for themselves. And this always seems to go into the pocket of the ceo labour capitualizations that is. unions give up 40 million in benefits and the next thing you know the ceo gets a 40 million bonus. They are unified in this agenda world wide. But currencies take on a life of their own and they are also manipulated. So we also have interimperialist rivalries going on...I think it is the Pound and the US dollar vs the Euro and that is the soruce of Europes problems...their economies were blown up with economic weapons of mass destruction. Unregulated banking what is that? The South American drug cartel hedge fund....of the CIA? Corporate interests have always taken precendent over all other considerations when it comes to US foreign policy. Domestically depending on the political consciousness of the working class and this is it in a nutshell, progressive policies could be adopted but even here not without vulgar political currents rearing their ugly heads. Global Capitalists Agenda is to weaken nation states; de-regulated through trade agreements, militarize the population, smash organized labour, resinstitute serfdom at best.
Thorough doc. Recommended. My only disagreement is that Cameron / government are somehow ignorant of the situation. I don't accept that.
BS. A quote from the doc "banks are restricted solely by their willingness to lend" (restricted on how much money they can produce from thin air). But that is total BS, they are restricted by how much reserves they have and these reserves are manipulated by the CB. So the CB executes full control on the money supply and banks are simply the channels through which the CB operates.
Also, the fact that the share of paper money has decresed means nothing. The CB is "printing" digital money as successfully as it prints paper money, so it is impossible to say that when money supply is digitalised, then commercial banks somehow started issuing money. That's total BS as well. If money supply is digitalised, it means that the CB has digitalised its transactions, one has to look at the balance sheet of CB, but i guess its too complicated for these "economists" to do so.
Whatever, I've only watched 20 minutes, maybe it will get better. Although I suspect, that this BS is a central idea of the doc.
I have seen 30 minutes now and I still do not understand how the banking system works.... hmmm.
Check Youtube: "Raytom / Nowhere"
This is a pretty good documentary. It lacks serious detail on the topics it covers, but it covers a broad range of topics concerning the financial industry. It's definately worth a watch, and the topics it covers entices the viewer to do some more research on the various topics it covers. I'd give it an 8/10.
I know that growth is unsustainable in the long run, but I can't imagine a system any different or better than the one we have. Growth is unsustainable, in the long run, because there's only so much land and so many resources. As the population grows, more houses are built, more businesses are built, more apartment complexes are built, etc that consumes food growing land. At some point, the amount of availiable land to grow food isn't going to be enough to feed the population. That's just the food aspect of it. That's not taking into account the natural gas that heats our water and our homes in winter. It's a finite resource as well. That's not taking into account oil which lubricates our motors, creates our plastic, and creates our gasoline. There's only so much oil. There's also a finite amount of coal which is used by power plants to heat water, turning it into steam, to power turbines which generates electricity. Our resources are finite and can't sustain infinite growth. There will be, in the future, albeit a long time away, where there won't be enough resources to sustain civilization. Anybody with a lick of sense can see that this is indefinately unsustainable. I don't have the solution. I don't think anybody does.
There is another documentary on this site called "Are you good or evil?" that discusses psychopathy and the genetic/environmental factors that create the creature with no conscience. Turns out science is proving that psychopaths, from a genetic perspective, are much more prevalent in society than we would want to believe. What prevents them from becoming full-blown serial killers is good childhood environment. But they ARE present in positions of power such as corporate executives, etc.
Take this knowledge and couple it to the doc under discussion here and you begin to get some idea of why things developed historically as they did. The narcissism disease of the power-elite will eventually destroy the planet. But since they lack any conscience, they simply do not care. They only care about themselves.
The human race is eventually doomed to extinction, just like the dinosaurs. I hope it happens before we kill off everything else and only leave the bacteria and cockroaches.
Its more of guide in how to keep the scam rolling on.
awful documentary, misses so much of how the economic system in this country got to how it is and gets tied up in the confidence trick as though this money management scam is even half based in reality.
for people who dont see the whole picture,this docu gives you a very good idea of the wealth stealing in all countrys around the world.
It has subs and needs too unless you speak russian greek italian spanish french and english.
simple maths 1+1=2 bankers math 1+1 = 4 i hope that explains how banks work.
The developers of this documentary are obviously motivated by jealously.
The last wealth producing (exporting) industry in the UK is getting strangled by idiots. Without the exporting wealth of the city of London, how to do intend to pay for your social services? communism?
boring uninteresting and badly organised feels like watching a long intro
Free banking is a big part of the answer. End the Fed. - This documentary still seems attached to government intervention. So long as you can't break your love affair with the state you'll never get to the heart of the problem.
At last this documentary is offering the beginnings of workable solutions. A few more like this and even politicians will be able to know what to do.
Money is needed because commodity production has become generalized. Prior to indutrialization I could trade my goods directly my candle sticks for six months worth of bread or that horse or something. Industialization made money necessary to represent this exchange of equivalents. So this begs the question where does profit come from. It happens when people have nothing other than their labour power to sell to other poeple who own the means of production. They buy your labour power but labour produces more value than what you are paid for it. You earn your wage in the first hour of work the owner of the means of production keeps seven. And that dear friends is where profit comes from.
Money is supposed to represent the inherent value of the product you exchange it for in the market. So the question is how is value determined? Under capitalism value is determined by the socially necessary human labour time it takes to produce the said product. As living labour is constantly expelled from the production process due to mechanization more products are produced also less value. Hence you have a crisis. Not of under production but over production. This makes sense now doesn't it. You will never find this out if you go to Princeton and get your MBA why because this is Marxism-the best critique of capitalism ever produced is eschewed by the bourgeois academy thus robbing the people the very tools they need to deal with the problems of global capitalism. An example we cannot have grand narratives....say the post modernists. That is an anti Marxist stance hidden in fancy words but we have a global economy I would think we better have a grand theory to take it on-head on like Marxism value theory. Better yet let's get right down to the politics and get into Lenin and Trotsky-in the West they give us Ghandi and Chomsky-why? Look at how things are going in India and the USA and that will tell you why these icons are presented to today's youth as agents of social change.
This documentary does not explain it's central point well at all. It's much more complicated than saying money is created as loans. I'd prefer to see some mathematical model explaining how it really works.
As I suspected, the economy is artificial. It reflects nothing of true value that people need. It (money) represents at best- debt. The human animal, like any animal needs shelter, food and water, and a source of entertainment. Wall street economist all say we need the "talent" of wall street to make our economy work, because we need it. As the documentary shows, the economy doubles every so often, but nothing has doubled but the amount of debt that was created from nothing to begin with. From that perspective the "talent" at best are side show magicians fooling the shills. We are the shills!
W/out watching the doc. but having read a page of comments, Y'all miss one pertinent fact; the economy is an artificial entity that rewards greed to the detriment of the earth.The right sneers; go hug a tree. I do every day. It doesn't pay as much as hugging a wall street bankster but it is more satisfying and I am not likely to catch something nasty. Now for the doc.
If men were allowed to have as much sex as they want,regardless of what their relationship status or religion is,the world would be a much calmer,happier place.It's not their fault,it's just how they're wired.The reason men want power,money,and status is, ultimately,for pussy.Let em have it for God's sakes...
i seem to be having messianic predispositions i forgive you all ,it just makes me wonder how long have i got to unify the divided spirit of world and the self?. if ive come here again to be destroyed by my self, to forgive myself ,to teach myself and as part of my destiny to live a life were i can give of myself for the benfit of the whole then i embrace destiny, i have not come to this life, in this time,with this body, to be a leader and i have lived a life as to make shore of this and to make shore that i can never be turned into one, the truth i present to you is from the unfied spirits/energys of the universe, i will it into your conciousness and for thousands of incarnations it will echo through your being untill u remember who and what you are.
no system,that is to benefit the few,can only sustain to the length of the masses extinction!
that is viral maths!
now i see TRUTH these comments are all just controlled propaganda nice work folks ive got a message for you from the grandmothers" are you all mad? what the hell are YOU thinking?we JUST want to know? when we said MEN could be warriors ON the EARTH it wasnt this so you could create this crazy military industrial machine , destroy everyone and lose youselfves in trying to do it. you HAVE no HONOR because u have forgotten what it is,to B BRAVE is to not be possessed by fear. everything you fear and despise and wish to destroy is inside you. you wish to control the whole world but you cant even control the thoughts in your own mind ,self importance and ignorance are the enemy we all share because these are what causes man to harm himselfs and the ones he loves and this planet which WE are the conciousness of thats speaking to you now and it is both ignorance and self importance which is cause off ALL the problems you are now facing as a race, if every ONE could UNdERSTAND ?this,the world could be a MUCH better place and dont forget we are the grandmothers we LOVE aI l, we ONLY hope you realise in time, we WANT you to be the BEST you can be 4 benefit of EVERYONE........
Phillip Wong. You're flat wrong. Liberate your mind and see the reality. Not what you want to see.
You grew up in a bubble. And you are still there.
DEBT SLAVERY IS… To lend for profit over time…. .. if i make you a large loan, and set it up so that a large percentage of your labor goes to make payments to me, and the total cost will be no less than double the loan, and.. if you ever fail to make a payment, even if it is the last one… YOU LOSE EVERYTHING… and i take it all… and YOU GET NOTHING…. if I do that to you… then for the period of time.. during the loan repayment period.. you are my debt slave, who must work to pay your debt, and if you do not, everything you own can be taken, and all you are investing in lost and taken as well, and you… as the borrower… are under contract for all of it… A CONTRACT… OF DEBT SLAVERY. that… is how it works.
THAT IS HOW IT HAS ALWAYS WORKED…. in fact usually in history… the lender.. was also the employer, and landlord.. and market owner… and allowed them to truly rob people… but today… everything is broken up… but the lenders… are still making money by enslaving us to their debts, and owning parts.. %.. of our productive value.
Because wake up… THAT IS HOW IT IS TODAY….. right now… this is your world.
it seems like.. "why do you banks ALLOW US to buy (unnecessary) expensive things?" Because people cannot control themselves n sometimes listen to mass instead of having their own thinking, makes the whole world, banks, monay ecc. the culprit, but NOT the people`s greed. I don`t think the system works perfectly, but some aspects are completely ignored: both sides make mistakes - the lender and the borrower of monay.
I know a taxi driver brother of a lawyer millionaire. I also know a construction firm oligarch brother of a pharmacy clerk. Being rich is better than being poor and that is a Fact. This has nothing to do with being happy which is better than being unhappy, or more clever versus daft. It is about life and how it pans out in different ways. To me, the maneuvers polititians make have nothing to do with poor people wishing they were wealthy: they are just hard decisions of a system. Poor people will always be jealous of the wealthy and that is a good thing, it keeps us motivated in daydreams. I feel lucky just to have the ability to dream of money and to be alive where I have A/C and lightbulbs.
By the way, I am not saying that if a bank steals a billion dollars from people people should get away with it.... I am just saying that BBQ and drinking around NYC and call it a protest is like comparing a handy release watching porn to the real thing.....just a fun illusion.
Its very simple like the guy said, provide capital and credit for small businesses and production, but regulate speculation to a certain extent to curb inflation. Its not bad to be in debt, as long as it is responsible debt based on trust.
These people don 't know shi*. Yes, money is created from bank loans. How to repay those loans? By borrowing more money, and create more loans. The end goal is to produce productive assets. Money is never created out of thing air, it is created to be attached by assets( human capitals, or otherwise).