All Documentaries - 104

Odessa Girls

Odessa Girls

2012, Society

Odessa, on the frontier of the ex Soviet Union, is the new tourist magnet for Americans. But what brings them there? The pioneer spirit is strong with these Americans who are taking advantage of Odessa's reputation as home of...

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Royal Babylon

Royal Babylon

2012, History

This is an investigative poem about the criminal record of the British Monarchy. Heathcote Williams has devised a form of polemical poetry that is unique, no-holds-barred personal and political. It is a great collection of...

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The War Game

The War Game

The War Game is a fictional, worst-case-scenario docu-drama about nuclear war and its aftermath in and around a typical English city. It was carefully researched and based on actual events which occurred in World War II during and after...

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Body Beautiful

Body Beautiful

More and more young Australian men are willing to put their lives on the line for the perfect body. Study showed that they're bowing to social pressure to be bigger and stronger. In the quest for the perfect physique...

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The Weight of Chains

The Weight of Chains

What was Yugoslavia to the people who used to live there? Some say it was the symbol of independence. Others say it was developing and changing country that could offer everything to everyone. A society of self-management for all...

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Breaking the Taboo

Breaking the Taboo

In 2011 a group of world leaders including seven ex-presidents set up the global commission on drug policy to end the forty year war on drugs. But wars are easier to start than to finish. The war on drugs...

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The Invisible Nation

The Invisible Nation

The Algonquin once lived in harmony with the vast territory they occupied. This balance was upset when the Europeans arrived in the 16th century. Gradually, their Aboriginal traditions were undermined and their natural resources plundered. Today, barely 9,000 Algonquin...

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The Mars Underground

The Mars Underground

This film captures the spirit of Mars pioneers who refuse to let their dreams be put on hold by a slumbering space program. Their passionate urge to walk the soil of an alien world is infectious and inspirational. This...

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