All Documentaries - 105

Tupac: His Final Hours

Tupac: His Final Hours

Tupac Shakur was the most successful hip-hop artist in the world. He was no different than the king of rock and roll Elvis Presley. 2Pac was the king of rap. To his legions of fans he's the ultimate gangsta...

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Fracking in America

Fracking in America

Energy independence. Two words that became very important in the U.S. politics. For years now, the United States has tried to lower its dependence on foreign oil for its energy needs. With stability in the Middle East in question,...

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The Lost Caves of Giza

The Lost Caves of Giza

In 2008 a set of mysterious and long-forgotten caves was rediscovered by a British exploration team comprised of Andrew Collins, Sue Collins, and Nigel Skinner-Simpson with the help of engineer Rodney Hale. The caves were found through solid background...

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Who Really Invented Vodka?

Who Really Invented Vodka?

Vice traveled to the front lines of the Vodka Wars and discovered that the tortured history of Russian-Polish relations can be saved in a bottle. In the fall of 1977, Poland instigated a trade war with Russia over the...

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The Battle for the Arctic

The Battle for the Arctic

The Arctic holds thirteen percent of the world's undiscovered oil and thirty percent of its untapped natural gas, which is trillions of dollars of potential profit. And that means, here in the far north, issues of sovereignty, security, environment,...

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Dracula: The True Story

Dracula: The True Story

The world's most famous vampire has been undead for over a century. The famous novel Dracula, written by Irish author Bram Stoker, was a mixture of reality, superstition, fearful fantasies and history. Stoker's role model for the novel was...

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The Last Rhino

The Last Rhino

It's a creature from a bygone age, older than mankind itself. Greed and corruption, myth and superstition, had brought the rhino to the brink of extinction. For millenia its best protection, the rhino's horn is now its worst enemy....

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The Drunkest Place on Earth

The Drunkest Place on Earth

Uganda is the alcoholism capital of Africa. One favorite type of booze the locals make is called waragi. Vice team is going to go make some, drink some, and hopefully not go blind. In 2004, the World Health Organization...

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Choosing the American President

Choosing the American President

The voting is over and President Obama has won a second term. This election took place against a background of rallies and conventions, social media, biting political satire, and billions of dollars of television commercials blanketing the airwaves. Through...

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Symbolism in Logos

Symbolism in Logos

During the 20th century, urban environments got taken over by corporate logos. Studies have reported that an average person is exposed to about a hundreds of logos a day. Few people however ponder on the symbolic meaning of these...

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