

2013, Conspiracy  -   101 Comments
Ratings: 7.89/10 from 137 users.

Fluoridegate is a new documentary film, made by By Dr. David Kennedy, that reveals the tragedy of how the United States government, industry, and trade associations protect and promote a policy known to cause harm to our country and especially small children, who suffer more than any other segment of the population.

While the basis of their motivation remains uncertain, the outcome is crystal clear: it is destroying our nation.

Dr. Kennedy is the Past President of the International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology. His BA is in Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology from the University of Kansas (1967) and his Doctorate of Dental Surgery is from the University of Missouri (1971).

He is a world lecturer to the dental profession on the safety of dental materials in the human body. His lectures include (among others) addresses to the World Health Organization, the American Dental Society of Europe, the German BGD, and Brazil Rio Eco-Odonto.

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4 years ago

Damn son.

harlette rider
harlette rider
4 years ago

why not? they used the same thing to get the toxin in our water..lies all lies.

Phillip Kalaveras
Phillip Kalaveras
5 years ago

Eric J. Wickes, you may be alert as ever but you lie through your rotting teeth. People from India have some of the best bones and teeth on the planet that is why they supply the medical schools around the world with skeletons that must have perfect bones and teeth and I doubt very much if there are any parents who ween their child with Mountain Dew.

8 years ago

@Kurt or anyone listening to him. Do NOT drink or give your child distilled water! Distilled water is 100% stripped of vitamins and minerals. So when you drink it, water will do what water does, dissolve and transport. It will strip your body of vitamins and minerals and make you extremely sick, and could kill you. In a child it wouldn't take long as they are much smaller. Please do NOT drink distilled water!

9 years ago

Finland have much better housing than in U.S.A.

Richard Neva
Richard Neva
9 years ago

I have known this for years and I refuse to drink the crap that comes out of my tap, I live in a small NY town that fluoridates and refuses to listen to my complaints, they think I am nuts. So, I by pass all that and buy bottled water and I am all the safer for it.

Patty Ritchie
Patty Ritchie
9 years ago

Very well done! I think it would be stronger if they would have presented the levels of fluoride found that caused osteosarcoma and liver cancer in rats.

Richard Neva
Richard Neva
10 years ago

I presented this material to my water board in Norwich, New York and they looked at me as if I were nuts! I refuse to drink the water coming into my home because of the high level of fluoride that Norwich, New York spikes into my water! This is clearly a travesty and a crime that is being perpetrated on the poor citizens of Norwich, NY. This problem is mirrored all over this country in an attempt to poison to death all the citizens by spiking their water with poison! A real crime here! I pay a water bill but I must buy my drinking water in 5 gallon jugs which I do. My water bill is no less though. They have us where they want and that is murder one.

Richard Neva
Richard Neva
10 years ago

I live in a NY town that routinely poisons it's inhabitants with fluoride and they make us pay for it! It is the greatest unpunished crime of the century. Norwich, NY 13815 and the people in this town do nothing because they are all drugged to death!

10 years ago

Don't let fearmongers and conspiracy theorists imperil a nationwide program that's benefitted the health of millions of children over decades. VALID follow-up studies confirm flouridation's safety and effectiveness. MISINFORMATION spread to uninformed audiences by people with self-serving agendas becomes accepted fact, despite the absence of confirming data from respected sources. As a society we are more at the mercy of quacks and charlatans than our grandparents were. We have the Internet to thank for that.

10 years ago

Oh dear god does anyone think that the government sees the babys born of woman as rats i,mm really saddened and sickened!

10 years ago

Dang man reallYYYY?? Lol who the f*** just decides one day,"hey ive got an idea...lets put fluoride in the water supplY!" god this sucks.

11 years ago

the government puts fluoride in our water to help our teeth. well,that makes it a medication......right! its illegal to force medicate or medicate unknowingly the masses. a great international law the u.s. put in place after we found out what the nazis were doing to the masses. fluoride is a poison and bi-product that would be a great cost to corporations to dispose of properly. hey,put it in the water! we should be allowed to choose our own medication. plain and simple. there is no argument.its un-american. ofcourse by todays standards.....i guess its totally american!

Jerry Michaud
Jerry Michaud
11 years ago

and news flash see how many state have now banned fluoridated water

Jerry Michaud
Jerry Michaud
11 years ago

only one inaccuracy.....In Canada, it is impossible to avoid fluoridation , it everywhere, u cannot buy water without having fluoride!even my child physician called me stupid for stating what is described in this video , and our cities are still claiming the benefit of fluoride via billboard. fluoride was also used in ww2 by the Nazi as mind control to reduce revolt in prison camps , and speaking of rats, fluoride is the main ingredient in rat poison, and bonus it is also the ingredient in ADHD drugs!

11 years ago

Fluoride in my BEER OH HELL NO! Houston we now have a problem!

Ron Eheman
Ron Eheman
11 years ago

The CDC, ADA, AMA, local Health Departments, and all organizations that endorse fluoridating public water have a duty to present the toxicological studies that are required by the ANSI/NSF Standard 60 Health Effects.
No federal agency has taken responsibility for fluoridation. The EPA set up the NSF International, a private, non-profit company, and in 1988 replaced its own drinking water additives program with NSF/ANSI Standards 60 and 61, which set public health standards for all chemicals used to treat water and products coming into contact with drinking water. These federal, public and private endorsers of fluoridation are unwilling to demand the studies needed for compliance.
ACCOUNTABILITY is vital to maintaining public trust.
SAFETY is critical to a high standard of living. We protect the citizenry through quality zoning ordinances, regulatory oversight and enforcement of the law.
The very strong evidence to discontinue a well-accepted public health intervention is the ABSENCE of the toxicological studies REQUIRED by ANSI/NSF Standard 60. NSF, repackagers and the suppliers/manuf¬acturers are not able , or unwilling, to produce them. We need to see the original studies and all the data involved and not some review or opinion of them. Where are they? Endorsements, MSDS sheets and hollow promises are not enough. Publish them or provide a source where everyone can see for themselves if their chemicals, medicine, or drugs are "safe and Effective".

Shayne Chester
Shayne Chester
11 years ago

To the people who are saying that it's wrong to use children to push their agenda...The fact is that flouridated water effects the children so they should have a say. The little girl even said her class conducted science experiments on the matter, so they saw it with their own eyes, no one planted that information. Stop underestimating our children. They need to stand up for themselves if the adults won't. Unlike guns, which our children don't have easy access to, to make it their issue, water is something that they consume daily.

Lyle Coulter
Lyle Coulter
11 years ago

Im interested in knowing how many high ranking people in the aluminum or fertilizer biz drink and bathe in the fluoridated water on a daily basis. Do they subject themselves to their own "healthy" industrial waste products?

11 years ago

The government machine is a crafty bitch, I'll give her that. I am well my family is well i am thankful, and done on this subject. Down with Fluoride!

11 years ago

The use of children is used in the media everyday, just look at sandy hook. Why would you put a child on the news? To employ any response? Do it right and you will get what you want.

11 years ago

Its mind boggling the amount of children affected by these diseases. Oh! We can treat it, for a price. Some will survive. But what really blows my mind is what the f*ck is causing it and why can't we stop it there? I have an idea. My stomach turns when i watch documentary's like this.

11 years ago

But guess what folks there is not gonna be a cure for Alzheimer's , Autism Aids or Cancer. Its an Industry.

11 years ago

the rate is now 1 in 88 children affected. Is this acceptable? What is causing this? I truly think there is a link.

11 years ago

This makes me think about connections to fluoride, lead and the mercury in vaccinations causing Autism.

11 years ago

What freaks me out about this video is I had a dream last night about mercury poisoning before getting to the last part of this documentary which just happens to also be about that. It takes me a couple days to finish a documentary because of time. That just blew my mind. And another thing my youngest daughter also had teeth problems and guess what I used that Nursery water too. I didn't use it for my to oldest children who are adults now(it was not available then), and had no dental carries. Never had any problems with theirs. Makes you really wonder what they put in our water and food.

Dal Pompeus
Dal Pompeus
11 years ago

"DO NOT SWALLOW" in BLOCK LETTERS is on most TOOTHPASTE TUBES, and Other Tubes sneakily state "as with other Toothpastes" !!!
Why would these words in BLOCK be on toothpaste tubes ?
MOST people do not READ -- just use toothpaste & even think it is Quite OK to Swallow. SADLY, NOT REALLY AWARE OF THE DANGER OF FLOURIDE.
Since my Advanced Cancer, I stopped drinking Tap Water which has way too much. I am NOW CURED OF MY ADVANCED CANCER, ONLY 7% Survive. I AM A SURVIVOR & STRONGLY FEEL WE ARE OVERLOADED WITH FLUORIDE & OTHER CHEMICALS.

11 years ago

My opinion on this topic is still out. What I do know is : Using cute little children as a front for any agenda is not only morally & intellectually reprehensible, it is plainly ignorant, if not child abuse. These sweet little children quoting facts or ideas they have been coached on is nothing more than a photo op & grab at the emotions of parents of children just like the little girl speaking at the beginning of this film.

These children's brains are still undeveloped & will continue to grow far past puberty & into young adult hood. How can any intelligent adult be swayed by a child spewing forth information they are not responsible for. Monkey see, monkey do. Now, all you parents out there don't be offended by this last comment. It is a fact that our brains are not fully developed until we are past our teen years. These children are nothing more than pawns used in an emotional plea to grab your attention.

I find it beyond unbelievable that a child in the 5th grade can actually form an opinion on their own let alone research & have a critical opinion on a scientific matter other than recite what they have been told to believe. Don't you all remember your high school years & first year or two of college before you actually understood the difference of recitation of things you have learned & actually having an original thought.

Sorry, again I'm not fully briefed on all the facts regarding fluoridation but I am constantly put off be adults who should know better using children to advance their agendas.

11 years ago

Floride is inside of everything made to drink that isn't 100% juice. Laws are made to also administer floride into all new born and baby drinks. Countries not using floride indeed have less dental issues then this country. Two tips: Use distilled water,(for babies add it to 100% juice yourself) it delivers proteins evenly through the body just as well. Use floride free Tom's Toothpaste. I'm not an expert, it's only compassion for human kind. Take the tip or leave it, logicly. Respectfully.

11 years ago

Though fluoridation (first 'successfully' used in concentration camps) is only a marginal aspect of the multi faceted general attack of your services long since proclaimed 'authorities' on the health and life of their 'subjects', this documentary is worthwhile watching; incidentally it is hard to find any fluoride free toothpaste in most European countries today, and along with other toxins fluoride is increasingly added to processed foods, salt, etc.

Christopher White
Christopher White
11 years ago

Am I brushing my teeth with poison?????????????

Christopher White
Christopher White
11 years ago

Is it just me are Does China OWN US now????

11 years ago

i dont need anyone to tell me our generation and our kids are going to the dentist WAY more than our parents or we did!! Why? our teeth are rotting before us, even when we dont eat candy/juice.. i think it is the water, no one needs to tell me. Dentist are getting rich off of our kids and kids are losing teeth as early as 4 from what?? Flouride daily is not good for anyone..especially when swollowed... good piece, thanks for truth..

11 years ago

Perhaps if the emotional and conspiratorial segments were left out only leaving the science, this documentary might have come across more acceptably.

Jeremy Hughes
Jeremy Hughes
11 years ago

If these people truly believe that fluoride is so bad (when most of the rest of the world says it is fine) then why do they not complete a series of double blind and what not studies? If they can prove that it does affect the human body and not in a good way, wouldn't that be pretty easy to prove. IE, look at how this person's vitals changed after being given a dose of fluoride, now look at this guy that's not on it, look at the massive difference! And if there's not a difference, then I guess this is just conspiracy garbage just like most of the rest of it.

Trevis Robotie
Trevis Robotie
11 years ago

we all need to detox ,at least once in a year.....we live in,of and off poison.this beautiful planet is a hell of place-blame it on money

11 years ago

in the past I always trusted the Gov't but with time I've come to realize that the Gov't is there to protect those who make the greatest profits. Hence, even a waste product with carcinogenic properties can become a recommended additive all for the benefit of children. Capitalism, we thank you...

11 years ago

Ever heard of Eugenics? The government does not care about you.

11 years ago

The only thing I am certain of is that anecdotal evidence is meaningless.

11 years ago

a well done piece with some strong information.

11 years ago

I'm concerned about this, I would prefer that water was not flouridated because I see people paying a premium price for pure drinking water every day and I don't see why we shouldn't have the most pure drinking water possible from our taps. Its seems like if people didn't get enough flouride then that problem could easily be dealt with separately to our water. I have just googled our own New Zealand ministry of Health website and actually our flouride level is at 0.7 to 1 part per million which is less than one fourth of the level that the people in this documentary are fighting against. I hope this makes tap water safe for our babies, not entirely convinced we need it at all. Hard to get a straight answer on an issue that allows major corporations behind the scenes to turn their harmful waste into a profitable commodity we are all forced to ingest.

David Axelrod
David Axelrod
11 years ago

We grew up on well water, and my mother was a dentist. She was a fanatic about brushing our teeth....now, as an adult, I have a mouth full of metal fillings from cavities.

My children, I have 5 of them, are all grown. They grew up on city water with fluoride, were cavalier about brushing their teeth, and not one of them has ANY cavities....NONE!

I know from personal experience that fluoride WORKS!!

11 years ago

excellent, just gonna brush my teeth with my trusty tooth paste and drink a nice large glass of water from the tap, settle down and watch this documentary.

11 years ago

hope this one hits the sceptic mind.

anon ymous
anon ymous
11 years ago

“Only the small secrets need to be protected. The big ones are kept secret by public incredulity.” Marshall McLuhan