The Forgotten Man
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The Forgotten Man

2012, Society  -   24 Comments
Ratings: 8.49/10 from 71 users.

Second only to Julian Assange, Bradley Manning is the most important figure in the Wikileaks controversy; his is alleged to have handed over hundreds of thousands of secret US war files and diplomatic cables.

But, while the world watches Assange's trial with bated breath, Manning is already wasting away in solitary confinement; this is the story of his daring intelligence heist.

We hear the only recording of Bradley Manning's voice and we listen to the logs of alleged conversations with the man who ultimately betrayed him.

It's a case that has all the hallmarks of a spy thriller. Bradley Manning was a U.S. soldier serving in Iraq, when he allegedly downloaded classified files onto a disk storing Lady Gaga songs. It's alleged he then confided what he'd done to a computer hacker. A short time later the authorities arrested Manning and he's been in a military jail ever since.

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john smith
john smith
5 years ago

Cannot view in the UK/EU for some reason.

john smith
john smith
5 years ago

Cannot view it in the EK/EU banned for some reason.

6 years ago

you know its an old doc when the "guy" in the story is actually shemale now and has been released on a pardon. precious little snowflake wanted some attention, so he tried whistle blowing and when that didnt work, he tried to become a female (didnt work out so great, think a young post-op Bruce Jenner) and still nobody cares.
Snowden made a judgement call i can justify, this other little boy just didnt like his job and got a little butthurt.

7 years ago

Dear Lana (and others), I wouldn't be surprised if I am older than you. "Killing the messenger" as you (and el governmente) have attempted is age old. Show me anyone without faults and weaknesses. It is quite common for those sipping on a known poison (alcohol) to point to those who don't as weird, apparently out of grace and humility? Ha. I'm no fan of LGBT or whatever they call themselves today. I wish they would go get some real help. However, I also have come across people who could be considered a lower watt bulb that know right from wrong and walk it, unlike the supposedly bright weasel banksters, weasel attorneys, extensively corrupt judiciary, and corrupt govt in general.

Hero or not he did the world a huge favor in exposing wrong things, same as any whistle blower. Those who do so are certainly more courageous than those who have the opportunity but don't expose it. "All it takes for EVIL to prevail is for "good" men to do nothing." He did something about evil. He exposed it.

What actually does it take to keep a people safe? Does it make people safe to have secret groups controlling secret activities which foment and incite war? That is exactly what the CIA has done, from the words of former and retired agents; see that docu on this website. Does it take the communist agenda promoting CFO pushing its agenda through its emissaries like Hillary through govt? Make no mistake, the CIA has their people in the military, the media, in govt. They certainly don't work for the people, even though that is what they claim to their young recruits. Whether they are aware of it or not due to "the need to know" management approach, they are working to get rid of as many people as possible. To ignite WW3. Their benefactor's position seems to be that they are rich and comfy but all these other useless eaters are unwieldy and need to be eliminated down to about half a million, so say their Georgia Guide stone monument. Much of the govt, including the military whether they know it or not work for those who own the federal reserve, a private banking cartel hell bent on controlling the world by transforming the usa into a socialist communist state.

They have made great progress and will continue to do so via their bought college socialist professorships and their owned media. Where else do the young learn to become emoters(emotioners) rather than thinkers? Why is it they cannot see that ANY govt must take from one group before it can give to another? That if they ever came up with an idea and made it big they would have it all taken to give to the former them. If they do realize and they don't care because they simply have no desire to work (bred by continual obama unemployment and purposeful economic depression), then it shows not only their character but how willingly they volunteer to be trapped by such what they think would get them some quick-ish benefit. Rather than changing govt to be more fair to them, they have ensured that they are dependent on and subservient to those who buy their votes with tiny promises. And they yell and cheer for those who enslave them, simply because these enslavers point to others as the evil doers. Works for the leaders in the middle east as it does in the West. Ironically, these college socialist indoctrinated think they are the smart ones while the Lenins, Stalins, Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Warburgs, Morgans, Soroses, Buffet, Gates, Kissingers, Clintons, Bushes, Obamas, etc. call them the useful idiots.

Clearly with such an overbloated multi redundant govt there is way too much secrecy and wrong doing. One can readily imagine that what has been exposed is only the tip of a much larger iceberg.

As other above and I have stated in other commentary, it takes involvement to correct. Expecting others to do it means it will never happen and that you are part of the problem.

7 years ago

And by the way, your "hero" is profoundly mentally disturbed: he has Borderline Personality disorder, Narcissistic Personality disorder and wants taxpayers to pay for his gender reassignment surgery. Yes, he certainly has Americans' best interests at heart and wasn't desperate for praise, fame, and attention like BPD-ers and narcissists do. He was caught in part because he bragged about it, which certainly shows that the unsung revolutionary just did it "because it was right." What the selfless hero...

7 years ago

Is there anyone older than say, 21, with actual life experience, who comments on these videos? Someone whose opinions should actually be considered since they actually know what they're talking about and aren't all full of entitlement and faux outrage? No...yea, I didn't think so. So who of you is actually doing anything offline to change what you complain about? (And no, protesting and attending rallies doesn't count, I am referring to measurable change with tangible consequences.) Ok, so you all do nothing in real life and yet pretend to have any idea about keeping hundreds of millions of people safe and think you're all somehow experts. Uh huh...

Shannon L
Shannon L
10 years ago

When there is corruption it should be revealed. They do NOT give us privacy period and we have to pay for our crimes..we pay their salaries...why is this information private? It should not be period. They should be answering to US the public and if they have corruption we need to know about it and they must be treated the same way they treat us. No favor, no mercy, tried for their crimes. This crap goes on in Iraq etc everyday. They kill, rape etc innocent people and normal citizens. We have no right to be there period.

john Palermo
john Palermo
11 years ago

Honor-trader-espionage, Words that when used with scorn have the irrational ability to sanctify the villains and vilify the saints. FBM

Harry Nutzack
Harry Nutzack
11 years ago

Manning is no more a "hero" than any other whistle blower. I suspect those of you that praise him so heavily never actually read those files. He deliberately sacrificed his freedom, and the largest revelation was "shooting team spike" had about the worst drivers on the planet. No cat was released from any bag. He reacted idiotically to video footage he saw without context, and now will spend a very long time considering the intelligence of his actions. Please explain to me where his "Heroism" comes into play, I must have blinked or something.

Deborah Macaoidh Selim
Deborah Macaoidh Selim
11 years ago

Bradley Manning is not forgotten and will never be forgotten as long as I and my descendants are alive on this earth (maybe places other than Earth one day, too).

There is a worldwide revolution going on and he played a key role. He changed to way we look at each other and our governments. I hope it will continue to play out in my lifetime, even if i never see much of the results. A few years ago, i wouldn't have thought it was possible, but I have hope for humanity again. Those who support him and the cause of Wikileaks and the free press are on the right side of history.

Thank you, Mr. Manning! I'm sorry you won't be able to transition in private like you wanted. That was a huge sacrifice, especially now that LGBT rights are such an issue and you many not be able to enjoy those rights yourself for awhile. We will be eternally grateful!

11 years ago

And USSA wonder why no one like them. They have not won a war since WW2

Timmy Poo
Timmy Poo
11 years ago

The truth is now a crime.

Timmy Poo
Timmy Poo
11 years ago

Manning is a true patriot.

Geoffrey Grekin
Geoffrey Grekin
11 years ago

Also I total disagree with Daniel Domscheit-Berg point of view, and others that feel that Manning is a greater "hero" than Julian.

Julian Assange, may be a clandestine individual, but he has made himself a public figure to promote an idea and avenue in which sources can remain anonymous. He willingly puts his neck on the line so that other sources afraid of prosecution are given a chance to release to the public classified information.

Although Manning is a somewhat courageous source, no doubt about it, his courage only extends so far.
Had Manning truly been a courageous hero surpassing Julian in the principles of truth, he would have leaked the source publicly without though or consequence for his own well being in much the same way Daniel Ellsburg did during the Vietnam war.
Instead he used Wiki leaks to remain anonymous, and was only caught because he second guessed himself, or wanted vindication and told an untrustworthy source.
He's a tragic figure, but heroically courageous he is not.

11 years ago

Manning could become the Mandela of our age, as the hypocrites convicting him as the criminal are no longer tolerated for the blood on their own hands. It's a sad fact that a man's life must be wasted, again, while the world's abhorrence gains traction. U.S. President Manning? Mandela was a 'terrorist' didn't you know? Same sh*t different era. Let the boy go free or meet your nemesis.

11 years ago

"The United States strongly condemns the illegal disclosure of classified information. It puts peoples life in danger, threatens our national security..."

Oh b.s.!!! it exposes the lies they want to keep hidden from the American people and the rest of the world. No one's life was put in danger from a single cable that was released, we have not heard of a single death or injury in any way linked to this disclosure. Adrian Lamo is the real worm in this story. He didn't do what he did out of some ignor@nt, misguided sense of patriotism, he wanted his five minutes, that is why he went to the news organization he went to, not because he was scared. If he was scared he would have kept his mouth shut. If he was so concerned with national security he would have kept his mouth shut about the whole incident to anyone other than the government officials he reported it to. Instead he exposes the whole incident to a news organization and now does a documentary, using his own name and image, for the world to see- yeah, he seems terrified and real concerned about national security (LOL). He is a worm, period.

Bradley Manning is my hero, he acted on principle putting his neck on the line for what he believed in so we could all see real evidence of what our armed forces were doing in Iraq- which was worse than most could have ever believed if not for this video. I don't know why he confided in a worm like Lamo, it sounded like he was second guessing his actions and looking for support from Lamo that he had done the right thing. Well, in my opinion you did the right thing Bradley I'm just sorry you have to pay the way you do for doing it.

11 years ago

Adrian Lmao is a grass.