9/11 Exposed

9/11 Exposed

2015, 9/11  -   446 Comments
Ratings: 7.95/10 from 367 users.

9/11 Exposed serves as a controversial inquiry into the terrorist attacks that occurred on September 11, 2001, calling into question the physics behind the collapse of three World Trade Center buildings. Essentially a mix-tape of archival newsreel, witness testimonials, and interviews with engineers, firefighters and architects, the film questions if the American Government was somehow complicit in the destruction of the structures that fell that day.

While the 9/11 air strikes on the Twin Towers are almost universally known, it is less publicized that 7 World Trade Center also came down several hours after the initial two impacts. The first segment of the film focuses on the symmetrical implosion of Building 7, with structural experts attesting to the fact that the collapse was more in the style of a controlled demolition than a sudden event. Yet the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) concluded, at the end of a three-year investigation, that the collapse of Building 7 was the result of massive, long-burning fires, despite numerous expert opinions to the contrary. The filmmakers ponder what motivation NIST could possibly have to deny evidence against a fire-related implosion.

The second half of the film turns attention back to the main towers and implies their respective collapses could also indicate explosives were at play before the planes hit. Testimonial from William Rodriguez, who had been working as a janitor and was the last survivor to exit the North Tower the day of the attacks, supports this theory. Although he does not offer an explanation as to what he heard that day, Rodriguez insists there was the sound of an explosion in the building before the first plane actually hit. Further input from engineers and architects supports the notion that the Twin Towers came down in a way that is consistent with a non-spontaneous collapse.

9/11 Exposed offers little explanation in terms of motivation for the conspiracy it attempts to reveal, relying instead on raising questions over answering them. Borrowing heavily from pre-existing documentaries, the film utilizes footage that some may find difficult to watch. The film raises unsettling questions about an event that is still sensitive for many, requiring an open-mind from viewers.

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6 months ago

Is there a Part 2? I've been bothered by the actual hijackings, lack of wreckage at Pentagon and Pennsylvania.

I heard an interesting thing yesterday about how in 2001 the capacity to remote control the planes existed and likely explained how the cavemen with box cutters gained access to cockpits and flew planes to exact coordinates. At least one of them instructor's said he couldn't draw a plane let alone fly one.

9/11 isn't the first time we've been suspiciously attacked and everything in place to protect just happened to fail. Also provided justification for war.

The left hand doesn't know what the right one does when it comes to this country. I'd recently learned Nixon bombed Cambodia for four years without the top airforce knowing it. And "we've" become notorious for false flags and plausible deniability.

Like that Baltic pipeline we either blew up or were privy too. Our govt isn't innocent. We stole Hawaii. I'm about ready to let Mexico have the border states back. Give the indians first shot at housing and and water.

6 months ago

This was very well done. I doubt Statutes of Limitations would apply. I sure wish the Bush-Cheney Administration, all of Congress, Pentagon and NORAD bigwigs, Air Force and Air Traffic Control, FBI AND CIA, Security, Investors, the major Media, NIST, all be thoroughly drilled. We may never find the "Master" but we can surely let them all know we know they're guilty. Confiscate their riches.

6 months ago

That most people in this country still are unaware of WTC7 demise is obvious enough proof to me there was more going on than the authorities in government and our supposed watchdog media want us to know... aka COVER UP.

Add to that it was the excuse to invade Iraq who we knew darn well had nothing to do with 9/11 and how it paved the way to invade Afghanistan for 20 years.

The fact of the shameful way Biden pulled out, erasing any good we brought to the people, that they snd us died for. Trillions lost and the TALIBAN now has a slightly used full military with our training. Biden's pull out was a direct tie to 9/11.

Plus everything else.

7 months ago

I'm just confused as to why a BBC reported had claimed trade centre 7 had already collapsed when it was clearly right behind her! All this in the live cross to the studio. Also how can a service station have to only footage of what happened at the most protected and serveiled building in the world! I'm skeptical because "terror" suspects that the FBI claimed to be on the planes, their expired passports were miraculously found at ground zero? Not a single jet scrambled! No wreckage at the Pennsylvania crash site or very little. And I have sent infernos engulf towers built to a lesser construction standard remain complete upright. The buildings were designed to take the impact of a 737.... According to the architect I am happy for anyone who could clear this up for me ... Literally anyone!

Michael DeSilvio
Michael DeSilvio
7 months ago

Dr.Judy Wood has the best explanation of what occurred that day in my opinion.
If you watch the towers collapse in slow motion you'll see what I mean. Buildings turned into dust.

7 months ago

Are any of these videos available on DVD? Some years ago I purchased many of these titles from a page called Dollar Video Project. I know they changed their name to Liberty Video Project or something along those lines but I can't find it anywhere. I bought tons of them to hand out to enlighten people and that time has come once again. I know times have changed however from a 2004 video Wake Up Call that was considered "Conspiracy Theory" what part of that has not come true or has been substantiated?

Karl Smithe
Karl Smithe
7 months ago

Almost 22 years. Try finding experts discussing the distribution of steel down the towers and demanding accurate data. Consider the shape of the Eiffel Tower which does not have to support twice it's own weight in concrete.

Dan Hill
Dan Hill
1 year ago

The way the buildings dropped, like stated is the smoking gun. I watched it all live on television unfolding and many times again over the years. I called it this way that morning of 9/11/2001. More than planes involved in the collapses.

1 year ago

One of the best documentary films made on the topic.

Little wren
Little wren
1 year ago

Greed.funny who building's built by.
Building's full of asbestos cut corners with fire protection. Cost to repair to make the building's safe cheaper to rebuild.my view. He only cared to rebuild asap.he didn't carry who or what was in the way.
7 came down to cover up controlled devices tto blow lower floors before they blow up.
7 left noone was allowed n building 7.
Why blame terrorism. To quick to blame. Bigg ball molten metal slag found. Governments I never trust.we are all a number..usa wanted oil those who are rich I mean gained cash from evil deeds control we follow like good little minions

1 year ago

On 911 I'm sorry

1 year ago

I am convinced that something is not right and that people are telling lies about a horrible event of evil, so the big question is why? Why would our own country, government do this to its citizens

William Draper
William Draper
1 year ago

INTERESTING , I am reading over some of these comments 01 - 10 - 2023 , now 62 , my initial thoughts on this , was that it had to be a DEMOLITION that brought the buildings down . I still believe that today .

about 6 months after this , I called the FBI with information which I believed was relevant . Didn’t hear back from them , guess they knew everything already , hmmm?

Today , I am a VICTIM of 20 years POLITICAL PERSECUTION. and a program of METHODICAL FORMS of COVERT TORTURE , VERY HEAVY SURVEILLANCE by DRONES , something else that isn’t real ? but it is , VERY REAL .

ALL being done , mostly by Freemasons , college students , police , etc….

Over 100 communications to the FBI about this , and not one reply .

A MAJOR DISINFORMATION CAMPAIGN IS AT HAND on the internet to detract from what is being reported by other REAL VICTIMS such as TED GUNDERSON former director of LA FBI , also Documentary by attorney MYRON MAY , shooter at FLORIDA STATE .

CIA , and …. is controlling the narrative Williamfdraper protonmail

Joshua russell
Joshua russell
1 year ago

1 of the last videos on YouTube. They are silencing conspiracies now.

Katherine Wright
Katherine Wright
1 year ago

all prayers are with all of the live that are lost

1 year ago

But they said that building 7 would either fall or they would take it down...these conspiracies are super bogus!! Simply a hallmark of people who have no trust left within them...but they are indeed delusional if they thing all these people would conspire to kill and blow up themselves like the terrorists!! If they choose to be unpatriotic...they should go live elsewhere...

1 year ago

I can’t find anymore of the videos that were on YouTube about all the witnesses who were going to testify against the government that this was an attack by our own government, all of the witnesses were found dead in very mysterious ways .

Tammi king
Tammi king
1 year ago

When I think of those souls leaping from those buildings knowing their fate makes me cry but more angry at our own government playing the Northwood card. As long as they're r non believers we'll always b lied too.

Billy Bob
Billy Bob
1 year ago

Did anyone ever notice what the teacher & kids was doing on the black board when Bush was told *We're under attack*? They was talking about Planes that hit buildings. How much $$$ did Dick Cheney make off their UNDECLARED war. The unConstitutionable Patriot Act is very similar to Hitlers Nuremberg laws. The NSA LISTENING POST Facility violates your 1st, 4th Amendment. The TSA is manned by pedophiles & criminals, and there has never been any PROOF they killed Bin Laden who they say they gave a proper burial to Americas number 1 terrorist? REALLY! Oh and they knew the names of every alleged hijacker within 12 hrs, and found the ONLY passport 2B found that belonged to an alleges terrorist. Lets not forget the aluminum plane that went thru 5 CASE HARDED Pentagon rings. Or the video of explosions from under tower 1's parking garage followed by dust coming out just B4 the plane hit. The U.S. Government is the worlds most corrupt & they do it under cover.

Mark Dickenson
Mark Dickenson
1 year ago

People go down too many wormholes with 9/11. If you start off believing it was a false flag event and not terrorism as you were told by the people who wrote PNAC. The entire event makes sense. The buildings were rigged with homing beacons. Planes were replaced with drones. Weapons-grade thermite was placed in the buildings. The people who knew made money on the stock exchange. The real targets were hit with military precision. The war games were all planned to execute the event without the normal responses. Simulations run on the day could easily have been real life without the operator's awareness.

1 year ago

If you understand free masonry masonic satanic rituals you would understand why these events took place on this particular day , which is the beginning of the year according to the Jews ... Keep in mind the two towers and building 7 wasn't the only building that was destroyed.. the pentagon was also attacked .. what shape is the pentagon.. this is deep .. you guys need to understand the enemy and these people are the enemy. Not the so called Taliban, or Iraq . They always has interest in the holy land . Open your eyes . 911 was a ritual.

1 year ago

We won’t talk about the people that reported hearing explosions retracting their statements or mysteriously dying soon after.

Mark Dickenson
Mark Dickenson
1 year ago

I think people go down wormholes with this day because so much happened. When people like Rosie say only building 7 it gives the impression they only controlled one thing. Whoever was behind 9/11 controlled everything. If they brought down building 7. They did everything. It wasn't people with boxcutters choreographed by an elderly man in a sandy cave on dialysis. It had to be a group of people who had financial interests with the power to coordinate the military, block the investigation, destroy the crime scene, shut down the financial markets and flood the world with disinformation.

Nononon Nana
Nononon Nana
2 years ago

The people jumping and falling are real many called out that day some were sacrificed. The fact that Tupac showed up at Coachella 10 years after his death shows the level of deception the level of technology to make things that are not there appear as they are. Why no footage of Bin Ladens capture.? Why no body for us to be 100% sure he even existed ? Do you actually think they care about Muslim religious beliefs? No they do not yet we just trust that because they said it it's so. Trust no man.

2 years ago

Produced by idiots, for idiots.

2 years ago

My sense is, no one died in those buildings. It was probably a legally conducted event with demolition permits granted, CGI, and fake victims lists disseminated. No conspiracy is needed when legal sting operations are used to justify money-making ventures that serve the clowns in charge of Wonderland.

Cheryl Perez
Cheryl Perez
2 years ago

Why do some people, know before hand or right after something happens, they say it and they call them dumb!! What if they know know stuff. I heard something else about pandemic no one listened to someone also there saying this is true!!! No one knew.

2 years ago

I'm no expert in explosive, demolition, or anything related to the physics of these collapses. But I do know one thing, and it's from facts... in fact, it's from our own military history.

The US Military and US Intelligence circle called this kind of attack: False Flag Operation. What it means is we attacked ourselves to give reason to go to war... and we did plenty of that throughout our history. Educate yourself by looking up "False Flag Operations". Here are some operations for you to look up:

1. The US militia attacked their own farms and farmers and falsely accused the British Red Coats.
2. The USS Maine exploded in Cuba's Havana Port
3. The Gulf of Tonkin incident in Vietnam's coastal water.

And, not only the US Government/Military have used this tactic, but many other governments around the world utilize this same tactic when it fits their agenda.

Jamie S
Jamie S
2 years ago

I think Ossma Bin Laden and his suicidal terrorists were manipulated, used as patsies to carry out this plan. The operation was carried out and headed by Dick Cheney. I don't believe they intended for the plane that hit the Pentagon to get through but it did.

3 years ago

2021 and I cannot view this video. A+E Networks has blocked it in my country on copyright grounds.

I live in the United States. Curious. Kind of adds a feel of conspiracy to conspiracy, eh? But the scary part is, I’m not surprised.

4 years ago

This is a very interesting documentary. The testimony of experts in engineering and demolition is for me, overwhelmingly convincing. Absolutely a must watch for the little known information on the collapse of building 7.

5 years ago

The human race deserves to be destroyed

I am right
I am right
5 years ago

You people who believe this is some sort of cover up, also believe we didn't go to the moon. No matter how much proof there is to validate either, some brains are just ****** up. You also may believe that Hillary Clinton would have been a better US president. (lol)
But I suppose, it would be a boring world without conspiracy theorists.

5 years ago

A non whatever you call yourself, are a fool.
Comparing the WTC to a steel warehouse. Geez, beyond stu...d.
The towers have many types of steel throughout each floor. They are manufactured to withstand temperatures many times higher then what you think you can create in your grill, warming up a piece of rebar steel.
Each and every steel beam in the towers would've had to be at or near blast furnace temperatures right up to the second global failure occured. They were not. Most of the fuel from the jets burned off in minutes. The cold black smoke fires are office furniture and other items. Not hot enough to compromise steel.
Those 3 buildings were pre rigged with cutter charges and pre demolished on
Several floors weeks in advance. They fell at almost free fall speed, there was molten metal pouring out the sides or the building. Video shows the explosions daisy chaining down the buildings just ahead of each collapsing floor.

Its time the liars at NIST come out and admit their lies.
The perps of this crime to the World must be punished.

Dan Marks
Dan Marks
5 years ago

Basically, the largest crime on US soil ever and no cordon or crime scene was set up, no evidence kept, all shipped off to hide what happened, watch Judy Wood - Cold Fusion video, more like science fact than fire fiction, the larger the lie, the more likely it will be believed - Adolf Hitler x

5 years ago

I suppose since office fires on two middle floors on only one side of an almost 50 story building where each floor covers an almost entire football field can somehow cause a global collapse at free fall speed, all firefighters should stay out of any highrise fire going forward right? NIST even says it's a "new" type of collapse, because it's never happened before. So at any moment during a highrise fire, even if the fire is isolated to a couple floors on just one side, the entire building might collapse at free fall speed. Are all firefighters and first responders being retrained to account for this "new" type of "fire induced collape"? I sure hope so. Right guys?

6 years ago

Have any of you people ever watched a controlled demolition? That's exactly what happened to WTC-7! The twin towers were also brought down by controlled demolitions. An uncle, brother, or relative of G.W. BUSH and G. H. W. BUSH was in charge if security for all three buildings. There was no security for several months prior to 9/11 which allowed plenty of time to rig charges. And no jet fuel does not get hot enough to melt steel however, termite charges placed to sever steel at a 45° angle will melt steel. And besides that the lease holder just a week prior obtained 7 billion dollar insurance policy against a terrorist attack! The twin towers were practically vacant and Mr lease holder was losing money hand over fist. I watched and heard the lease holder say "pull it" and guess who was in the room with him when the order was given to blow up T-7... John Kerry!!! If you people want to comment try doing some real research first.

6 years ago

It's obvious that these people are a result of the Bush administration's "Dumb down Americans" They didn't even watch the film and open their minds. It was so obvious that this was a controlled demolition that my 12 year old son said it as soon as it happened while watching it on the news that day. Bush committed the ultimate act of treason and got dumb america to follow him and his war for profits. WAKE UP AMERICA!!

7 years ago

Still to this day my stomach turns about all this. It was a crime, the evidence is there for everyone to see who the criminal is. My thoughts and prayers are with all families affected negatively by this, all victims since and all those real NYPD and nyfd true soldiers who had no idea and just tried to help. Some of their testimony is compelling as well. I feel firefighters are more reputable in some cases than NYPD ...Just my opinion.

7 years ago

Also look into other large steel structure fires and collapses. One of the biggest questions (I know why) should be is how these two massive structures were reduced to almost just dust, like just dust, when a fire cannot melt steel. Look into the girder tests done for the actual floors of world trade. You would know they could not fall like they did from what happened. The temperature of the site weeks after also provides clues. Also, as many of you real researches are prob aware, all bomb sniffing dogs were removed before 9/11 with many employee statements saying there was alot of structural/behind closed doors, structural work or repairs being done in the weeks leading up to this date. Look into the insurance claims, which are still in court today, after this event =red flag. Thermite, was obv there, but also could have been applied via a paint combo to look normal to the average passer by in the building. Keep your mind open, question gov answers and get smart!! :)

7 years ago

I was at work on this day when it happened. I remember it very well, and have been compelled ever since. There is obv alot of debate and mix feelings on this. Flat out, it was a crime. Another crime that happened directly after is the most information forced down your throats. Please don't believe everything, if this really matters to you, if your future really matters for you, please research this thoroughly. Pilots for 9/11 have done some amazing work, even with most information not being granted to them thru freedom of information act. 9/11 isn't even the first time. Catch up on history, even as far back as WW1 to see the full plot. It is a shame all those people died and even more of a shame all the wars that have started since when in reality it's those powers that send you to war, provide you with an 'enemy' etc etc that you should be fighting. Educated yourself, knowledge is power, question everything, why don't we deserve truth and rise up. Revolution in order before we loose everything and every right. Please be objective and comments/convos welcome.

john smith
john smith
7 years ago

As a late comer to the 9/11 conspiracy, i have read argument and counterargument, evidence for and debunk, yet one thing still puzzles me, there is no scientific evidence that can debunk this, it is a feeling, a judgement. 9/11 was a crime, terrorism is a crime but crimes are created by those with motives, they are done for a purpose.
But what did Al Qaeda gain from 9/11??? A organisation that had only attacked the USA with two minor attacks previously them committed the biggest terrorism act ever. What did they gain? They have almost wiped out.. So who has gained from 9/11???

7 years ago

this wasn't a collapse. this wasn't a conventional controlled demolition either. This was 2 buildings that exploded itself into dust from the top down to the bottom. It is something that we have never seen before, and we try to pinpoint what happened using examples of things that we know about. That is never going to work. There is no KNOWN technology that can explain the complete and total annihilation of solid material into dust. Which simply means that what we saw happen was something new; that is why we don't have the words to describe what we saw happening;the buildings turned to dust before our very eyes- we all agree on that. No known technology does that. Therefore what we saw was something that used some sort of new technology. A new weapon capable of hideous destruction.

8 years ago

Can you find one thing, only one, that indicates in any way that the three WTC buildings were not brought down by demolition? If no planes hit the towers. If all new yorkers were warned and alerted months in advance that these building were going to be brought down by demolition, would the collapse of the buildings have looked any different than it did?
I lived a half mile from the site, saw the 2nd plane explosion from my kitchen window. Grabbed my kids from school and stayed glued to the TV. When the North Tower started to collapse - the first thing I said as it was happening was "That can't happen . . . "

Large Professor
Large Professor
8 years ago

Does anyone else think Anon and Fabien just got owned in this conversation? Wow, I can't much people don't question the official story, who's really crazy now...

Former Trade Center Worker
Former Trade Center Worker
8 years ago

As someone who worked for Morgan Stanley at the World Trade Center, I believe the towers were a controlled demolition. It is highly improbably, in fact a defiance of the laws of physics to believe otherwise. With the many thousands of people entering the towers every day, and with a strong security apparatus in place, it would be easy for those in power to put their plans in action. There is no doubt in my mind that this was orchestrated by the CIA, with the cooperation of the Gulliani administration. And 15 years later, they have gotten exactly what they wanted, chaos in the middle east, where they can steal ad infinitum and spy on every American. If you actually believe this was a terrorist act, you are an idiot and sucker. Just one question: who benefited from 9-11? You or the CIA?

8 years ago

Israel did 9-11, as the Rotschild did both would wars, Thats how they profit, Kill the Goyim gain control, Uss Liberty, false flags Mossad, motto do war by deception WAKE UP JEWSA!

8 years ago

If it was that easy to destroy buildings with explosives, the terrorists would have used them.

8 years ago

Can you seriously be that foolish? The proof is everywhere on how those buildings came down, why and who was responsible and it's the same people that have been doing things and sticking it in your face ever since! They got bolder, now they don't care who knows what.
Better wake up soon pal cause your not going to see what's coming next, better be aware of everything around you.

Jurgess Ike
Jurgess Ike
8 years ago

I feel bad for Americans who deny the facts. Murdered by their own government, how terrible.