Obsession: Radical Islam's War Against the West

Obsession: Radical Islam's War Against the West

2007, Politics  -   102 Comments
Ratings: 8.44/10 from 186 users.

Obsession - Radical Islam’s War Against the WestIn the wake of the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, Islamic fundamentalism has, in the minds of many, taken the place once held by communism as the leading threat to the safety and security of the industrialized West. Filmmakers Wayne Kopping and Raphael Shore explore what they regard as the most dangerous force since the rise of Nazism in this documentary.

Obsession: Radical Islam's War Against the West features footage from Arab television outlets with interviews which are compared with newsreel images of terrorist actions staged by the PLO and other groups in an effort to show parallels between hate-based groups of the past and the current mood among Islamic extremists. Obsession also includes interviews with guerilla fighters, former Hitler Youth members, and terrorist operatives as they discuss the role and function of extremist political and religious groups.

Obsession is a film about the threat of Radical Islam to Western civilization. Using unique footage from Arab television, it reveals an 'insider's view' of the hatred the Radicals are teaching, their incitement of global jihad, and their goal of world domination. The film also traces the parallels between the Nazi movement of World War II, the Radicals of today, and the Western world's response to both threats. Featuring interviews with Daniel Pipes, Steve Emerson, Alan Dershowitz, a former PLO terrorist, and a former Hitler Youth Commander.

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Real Quengakwenga
Real Quengakwenga
4 years ago

All people in comments cant see over religions. Hahahahah. CANT YOU PEOPLE SEE THAT EVERYTHING IS A RICH MAN'S TRICK TO GET PROFITS.

Nathaniel B. Comehn
Nathaniel B. Comehn
9 years ago

The best way to conduct an independent investigation of the actual origin, doctrine and goal of any religion is to study its founder and his believes and deeds. Mohammed fought or planned over sixty battles in ten years which led him to capture the Arab peninsula and proximal parts. Were these all defensive and evangelical wars? Are the stories of his slaughter of enemies and advice to kill the kafars (unbelievers) authentic. Are the practices of current jihadists obtained from his teachings? This is the best way to know if Islam is peaceful-not by arguing that billion muslims are peaceful. Majority of Germans detested war, but Hitler still did massacre with his loyal Nazis army. May the True God Yaweh and our Lord Yahua help us persevere in these end time days!

I Am
I Am
9 years ago

If "Peaceful Islam," has a goal of converting others to Islam, having lots of children and trying to become a majority in Democratic Countries, then is that really peaceful? When they become the Majority," (Remember in a Democracy, the majority rules) then they will simply take over by elections. Once they do take over, they will force "Sharia Law," on all of us and take away our rights and freedoms in a peaceful and democratic way.

While we worry about the Islamic extremists and terrorists we will be sleeping to the "Peaceful Muslims" sneaky and so called peaceful way of taking over all democratic western countries. That's like "Pretending" to be our friends until they can sneak up behind us and kill us "Softly," and "Peacefully."

What I really don't understand is, why doesn't their God, Allah, simply destroy all non-muslims and prevent any muslims from dying horrific deaths and from torturing, raping and killing innocent non-muslims.

I would like to interview Allah and ask Him these questions. But He will not answer my calls.

10 years ago

Interesting video. One thing's for sure- it's easy to understand the Palestinians' hatred for Israel and the superpower that supports it. The links between Nazi Germany and Palestine are also revealing, but the whole comparison of radical Islam to Nazi Germany was far too simplistic imo.
Two questions: Where is the geographic center of Modern Islam? Where are it's millions of soldiers, its factories, and its armed forces? How is it to take over the world unless through conversion? Does anyone see a pan-Islamic state rising and engaging the rest of the world in battle? Possible but unlikely.
It is most certainly fair to look at what effects imperialism and domination have had upon these states, and therefore their people, and therefore the revolt and backlash. It is simple political cause and effect the likes of which we have seen many times. There are parallels here with Germany: one might say that WWII began with the Treaty of Versailles.
The most troubling thing is not hateful dogma, brainwashing, and propaganda that comes and goes with the turn of each century, but rather war itself which our species cannot seem to get under control. Until we can do that we will live in hate and will continue to bomb our own children. If any one person believes that there is dignity and value in being human, he or she will fight the persistence of war in all its forms.

Opara Chinedu Justin
Opara Chinedu Justin
11 years ago

We must join hands together to fight against terrorism in this world, cos YHWH so much values His creation.

Opara Chinedu Justin
Opara Chinedu Justin
11 years ago

This is madness of islam and muhammad

11 years ago

they forgot to mention radical christians trying to convert all jesus worship.. oh and that zion jews did the attacks. not muslims.the accents are israel jews. they are the 9/11 terrorists

Rachid Talal
Rachid Talal
11 years ago

My God ,this is the worst simplistic populistic and most stupid propaganda film i've ever seen : disgusting .

Rachid Talal
Rachid Talal
11 years ago

Moderator :

Why were my comments here removed ?

yes, i did check the newest comments and i did not find mine there .

Talking about the so-called freedom of speech ...pfff...


Hollis Evon Ramsey
Hollis Evon Ramsey
11 years ago

radical islam -- there is no such thing. it is merely islam -- submission -- practiced as it was intended to be practiced, in the qur'an and in the hadith. muslims who do not "speak out" are either too afraid -- apostates may be, or shall be, killed -- or too acquiescent. in other words, they either fear or agree. don't go blaming america or any other country or group of people. this is islam, pure and simple. all religions are bad, but among them islam is really really BAD.

Hafiz Umar Aliyah Farooq
Hafiz Umar Aliyah Farooq
11 years ago

hahaha! this is so stupid

11 years ago

I'm not going to watch this since it seems like crap to me.
One thing: looks like they forgot that "Radical Islam" is in itself a response to western power mongering, unconditional support of Israel and the support of dictatorships who wouldn't have survived so long without that support.

Marlon Berend
Marlon Berend
11 years ago

War is just a small Jihad. The Real Great Jihad is to resist the temptation and lead a good life.

11 years ago

oh and I strongly believe (with more witnesses, evidence and scientists to count) that 911 was an inside job... don't be fooled... the American government IS that evil and hungry for war, power, oil and control of more and more of the world and every aspect of it that they can... including keeping its own people supporting them through ignorance and fear.

Why? well... for the comfy living and all the usual percs that only a very few in this world of billions seem to have.

Its a real pity but your government is looking more and more like a dictatorship that you fear too greatly to do anything about.

This is a direct result of illegal wars and unjustified occupations.
Hundreds of thousands of innocent people are getting killed and everyone that dies has a whole family that begins to want retribution.

11 years ago

America needs to stop making enemies... Because basically everyone in the world wants to live in peace... ooooooh theres no money and power in peace... sorry, I forgot... carry on

Dean Edgington
Dean Edgington
11 years ago

America has much to be proud of but a lot to answer for also. Just look at the obesity problem that’s spreading thru western countries, American food companies are not much different to tobacco companies is certain respects.

11 years ago

Radical Islam is nothing new. It surfaces from time to time, and therein lies the challenge to the West (and to China). This is because of the ideological message of the Koran: the order to wage war on "infidels", which includes most of the world. The Koran is a declaration of endless war against everyone who does not submit to Islam.

Irrespective of how peaceful most Muslims living in the West is today, there is no guarantee this will be the case fifty years from now. All Muslims are and will forever be potential jihadists.

Reuben Boipai
Reuben Boipai
12 years ago

Do unto others as Prophet Muhammed did, or as he would have done!!!

Arnab Banerjee
Arnab Banerjee
12 years ago

muslims are not peaceful people. they never were peaceful people. they hate non muslims and i as a non muslim, hate them.

12 years ago

so the turks were both ends of this history ....amazing

12 years ago

I think we need a clear list of semetic tribes to get to the bottom of this all.arminians are semetic...but there genocide was not considered antisemetic.

12 years ago

can anyone explain to me,why critisim of kharzite jews is called anti semetic when they are semetic by race and the palastian people are semetic by race and related to the semitic real jews..../please some one explain this backward hypocracy.

Mel Chezidek
Mel Chezidek
12 years ago

Obviously Jew propoganda. The Jews whine constantly about what a dangerous place they live in yet they are the richest, most armed, nuclear power in the region and they also have the US military on call 24/7. I must give the Jews credit though, they are expert at carrying out the lessons the learned from Hitler on the Palestinians and every other nation in the region. This one sided jew propoganda makes me want to vomit....how can anyone not hate jews...

Xercès Des Stèles
Xercès Des Stèles
12 years ago

4:48 part 4/10 omg lady get over yourself

12 years ago

randyandyknickers, you are right and they normally do it on behalf of powerful people to help them maintain there wealth and power.

Todd MacDonald
Todd MacDonald
12 years ago

Religion kills.

12 years ago


Your post is so cute, like a dog wearing a hat or an infant pretending to read a book.

Keep 'em coming buddy.

12 years ago

One-sided propaganda much?

12 years ago

This is the type of propaganda that steps right up to the edge of advocating violence against Muslims. This ideological current in the public discourse is fueling far-right Christian nationalism in the US and Europe, which recently culminated in the Oslo bombing and shooting. The filmmakers are clearly seeking to profit from the current environment of media-manufactured fear and provide baseless intellectual ammunition for anti-Muslim groups.

12 years ago

Absolute propaganda... Those scary "Reel Bad Arabs" just keep on rearing their ugly (albeit towel covered) heads, don't they? What? Big-ole bad America can't just blow-up all those slingshots? How convenient. Of course not! (There's more oil and resources to steal!...Sshhhh!)

12 years ago

No doubt this documentary presents a biased perspective where only those who agree with their POV are the ones allowed to present their information. This documentary could have improved its credibility by providing the other POV also. In spite of the documentary's one-sided argument, I DO think it has a point. And certainly, there IS an issue of hatred in the muslim/arab world. The MEast is hardly the only country and culture that has, historically, been victimized by the west. But the MEast is the only area in the world where their people are so accepting of hate that they kill indiscriminately. Their's is a tribal culture where they not only hate foreigners, but they also hate each other, and they don't even like people of different villages, and within their own village, they don't like people of other families (which explains all the forced cousin-marriages). They shun EVERYONE, except "their own". I don't understand this mentality, and I'm not sure ANYONE does.

Sure, foreigners all over the world grumble about the west a lot but the vast majority of them generally like americans, or at least tolerate americans. MEast is the only area where adult hatred for the west is so strong that they would sacrifice their own kids in the name of jihad. What parent wants to hear their child declare their willingness to kill themselves as a suicide bomber? I would have thought these parents didn't exist if not for the videos.

12 years ago

Christian jihad! we will call it "rolling up our sleeves for Jesus"!

pick a camp folks! the war drums are beating!

12 years ago

yet the bombs keep falling fueling the fires! this is what i like to call one sided! not one mention about the situation that is allowing jihad fighters to even exist in first place! 100 bucks says this was made by fox news! fair and balanced!

pick a camp folks! once again no one wins but a very small amount of people!

13 years ago

I think every American should see this documentary, very informative of what these radicals truly believe!

13 years ago

PURE PROPAGANDA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

and i am from israel ... the real terrorists are the American government the kill and kill and kill some more in the name of defense.

Spirit Seeker
Spirit Seeker
13 years ago

I agree with Charles Batten and Religionisntallbad. I think that the West has done much in history to create the circumstances which have led to the spread of this awful radicalism in Islam. This doc does nothing to illustrate this fact, but it does show the real results of it. Europe put Germany in similar circumstances in the aftermath of WWI. This, however, did not make Nazism any less dangerous to contemporaries. The fact is that radical Islam is dangerous, whether its danger comes from the actual distorted religious doctrine or if religion is just a mechanism for delivering the message. And the West cannot simply be complacent or write it off.

Here in America, people get scared about the silliest things concerning our own society. The right-wingers are scared of change, diversity, and basic progress, and the left-wingers are scared of looking like right-wingers. Perhaps more than any Western country I know of, we get wrapped up in economic and social issues which only serve to divide us. Yet, when a crisis threatening our very existence emerges, we somehow manage to step up to the plate and actually unite. This has happened a handful of times in our history, so I have faith that it will happen again. But how much longer will this be, and what has to happen to the world before that happens? And what will be the means, and the end?

The doc is DEFINITELY one-sided, but the side it shows does seem painfully relevant to me. I am enthusiastic about learning more of the bigger picture.

Charles Batten
Charles Batten
13 years ago

I think it presents a well considered but determined view, that the West is not seeing the true dimensions of the danger that extreme Islam poses. I disagree, I believe that there has been (to put it generously), an overreaction by the West to 'terrorism', just as it did to communism. Both seeking world domination and both fighting asymmetrical warfare to achieve there aims of a communist or Islamic world.

The west has failed to see the true complexity of what is an Islamic renaissance which includes, radicalism as a by product. In turn this radicalism has ignited fierce debate within Islam about the nature of Islam in a contemporary world. The West needs to understand this debate and its geographical, political and socio economic nuances. Only by understanding it's complexity can we effect it by measured and not necessarily military response. Lets give the poppy growers of Afghanistan, a reasonable income from the alternative crops we have supported them in growing - don't just leave them to market forces that leave them struggling to feed their families! No wonder, they are joining the Taliban to supplement their incomes.

John Doe
John Doe
13 years ago

Let's see you have Jihad and Mein Kampf. Both mean the same thing. Both preach thier own propaganda. Both indoctrinate their innocent youth teaching them nothing but hate. Neither one is about peace, tolerance, or the respect and love of life. This documentary is a scary reality about radical Islam, and moderates fear for their lives if they are to speak out. Sad truth regarding such a pieceful religion, which we believe the vast majority to be. Radical Islam is a political agenda to transform the world, and it stretches to every corner of the globe. If the women keep producing children like rabbits, it just might happen. However, I am willing to give my life in an effort to protect the freedom and liberty I hold so dear, and their are hundreds of millions just like me. May God continue to bless us all.

Peaceful Paul
Peaceful Paul
13 years ago

Spanish Eyes: I don't know your motives but I can see that you are an ignorant bigot. I do however believe one thing that you state, "Wake up America."

Spanish Eyes
Spanish Eyes
13 years ago

muslim countries are all backward countries, thanks to islam. The problem is not the west, Jew, or anyone else but their false religion started by a warlord, pedophile, sodomist, pot-smoking lyer. They will blame their wows on anyone but themselves, since they are indoctrinated from childhood, to believe the lies propogated by the hate-spewing, genocide-inciting koran. It is the only religion that promotes and provokes murder, including civilian children and women. IT SEEMS SELF-EVIDENT, JUST LOOK AT WHAT HAPPENS IN THESE MUSLIM COUNTRIES, NO MORE EVIDENCE IS NEEDED, THAN WHAT IS PLAINLY SEEN.


13 years ago

As I read through some of the comments, I was sadly dissapointed. It seems as though, no matter how logically, calmly, and factually you present an argument, those who appose it (for whatever reason), not only lack an open mind but resort to ignorant, ridiculous, infantile fallacies such as e.g "The Jews run the world/media", "this is zionist propaganda", "this is anti-muslim" etc... Anyone who was any understanding of history(of cultures/religions/politics) will immidiately dismiss these idiotic comments, as what they truely are: pathetic attempts to divert attention from the problem at hand, and an excuse to blame the jews/zionists for the world's problemes. Bonus points for originality!

John Works
John Works
13 years ago

@Ed Singleton,
your points are well stated; couldn't have put it better myself.

Ed Singleton
Ed Singleton
13 years ago

This is just nonsense "fear-ridden" propaganada. I looked at the first pompous 6 miniutes of this film (I won't call it a documentary- it sullies the the word). With it's over-use of dramatic music and repetitive footage of minor flag-burners, and are told by numerous "pro-semetic" contributors that we are at war. I think military commanders of any generation would say the conflict that all religions exhibit today, doesn't amount to a "hill of beans" in both conflict, organisation or casualties. So to pass it off as war is massively disengenious. You can substitute islamic fundamentalist propaganda in this film with any other religious bias, whether that be fundamentalist christianity, Zionism or any other you care to list, and you will get the same type of lunatics on all sides. All zealots have t
to be watched but not Islamists more than others...

A technically awful film, containing a warped sense of research and contribution from those who were interviewed. Utterly unbalanced and it reminded me of the utterances of the Bush "Neo-cons" on the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, spewing out fear-ridden nonsense and the obvious cliches of one religion that is unashamedly biased. Not clever, not subtle. Anyone with a midicom of intelligence saw right through this film in the first five minutes. Is this the standard of American documentaries today? Looks like AIPAC and Fox News have funded this piece of nonsense. Thank god we're more questioning in the UK about everything. Talk about agenda-driven.

13 years ago

Wow is all I have to say.. Anyone with half a brain should figure out how disgusting and misinformed this documentary is. Also, conspiracy theorists, whether for or against the west, please give it a rest. The world is not out to get you!! Two thumbs down for this Islamophobic doc..

13 years ago

I can't even watch this for 6mins. Caroline Glick ruined all credibility when she stated that all conflicts involving Islamic militants was part of a global conspiracy. People don't believe the hype. Most of these conflicts are geopolitical and are influenced by historical grievances. Although there is international financing for such movements and different movements praise one another, there is no global terrorist network pulling all the strings. Even Al-Qudea is motivated by geopolitical issues surrounding the stationing of US troops in Saudi Arabia (that's why Osama hates the US and not because of its freedoms). Just because these groups in-vision a world under Islam, doesn't make establishing an Islamic Empire their goal. They believe that this will be achieved by the return of Jesus Christ. Sounds familiar doesn't it.

13 years ago

pLEASE PLEASE anyone who is watching this realize how full of propaganda and lies it is.

There are bad people in every culture. this documentary depicted only the bad arabs. I can do a similar documentary about jews and christians against arabs.

ARABS ARE NOT A THREAT. they do not want to destory christinaity . All they want is for the west to leave them alone and stop doing injustice to them
educate yourself before you believe any media out there!

Chris Williamson
Chris Williamson
13 years ago

So, let me get this right. Everyone is lying. All footage is fabricated. Everyone's 'peaceful' religions are being high-jacked by psychos who cower under the protection of legitimacy offered by unsuspecting moderates. Everyone's slimy agendas are just a cover to grab oil money (actually, that one does sound kinda true). It's really not about religion at all, but geopolitical boonswaggling. Anyone who criticizes any of the above is racist. Anyone who doesn't criticize it is complicit. There's no real hope for peace because any temporary cease-fire is simply a tactic to regroup. On and on and on...

I'm sick of all of this. I'm sick of being afraid, and I'm getting more terrified every day. But not of the terrorists. I'm terrified that we as humans, with all our potential, are satisfied to live in a world with all this pathetic hatred and violence. We should all hang our heads in shame. We imagine that we're so clever, but how clever are we really to accept these intolerable circumstances? I'm not anti-anything. I'm pro-american, pro-israeli, pro-muslim, buddhist, hindu, whatever. If people insist on deluding themselves it's not up to me to disabuse them of their illusions. And yet that is exactly what I would like to do.

13 years ago

@ researcher thank you very much, your info is much appreciated, since it does often go unnoticed

14 years ago

Yeah, yeah, yeah...And Fundamentalist Christians(60 million strong in the US.) want to Christianize the world.

I'm more afraid of what will happen here in the US if they ever gain control of the government. Talk about the Taliban - we'll have own Taliban, and nay God help anyone who does't go along - even other Christians!

I really do believe the Gov. wants to Democratize the Middle East, but not the sake of the innocent Muslims who are living under tyrannical governments. It's because it would be easier to get/keep control the oil. (One day yet to come our young men and women (other then those already doing it in Iraq) will give their lives so we can continue driving our SUV's.

James Hunt
James Hunt
14 years ago

`So what are we supposed to do? kill all the jihad warriors?
Or perhaps the USA and Israel could give the people of Palestine a viable state to live in? I'm sure this action on it's own would go a long way to getting some of the fundamentalist to see sense?

Let's not forget the conduct of American and it's foreign policy, has contributed in no small way to the incitement of such hatred. Just wait until America invades Iran then the s**t is really going to hit the fan!