The Third Jihad

The Third Jihad

2008, Religion  -   193 Comments
Ratings: 8.62/10 from 138 users.

The Third JihadThe Third Jihad, the newest offering from the producers of the captivating documentary film, Obsession, explores the existence of radical Islam in America and the emerging risk that this homegrown jihad poses to national security, western liberties and the American way of life.

The film, which is narrated by devout Muslim American Dr. M. Zuhdi Jasser, opens with the following statement: This is not a film about Islam. It is about the threat of radical Islam. Only a small percentage of the world's 1.3 billion Muslims are radical. This film is about them.

In 72 minutes, the film reveals that radical Islamists driven by a religiously motivated rejection of western values cultures and religion are engaging in a multifaceted strategy to overcome the western world.

In contrast to the use of violent jihad and terror to instill fear in non-believers, The Third Jihad introduces the concept of cultural jihad as a means to infiltrate and undermine our society from within.

Directed by: Erik Werth

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3 years ago

America: Land of Make-Believe

If what happens in courtrooms across the country to poor people of color is justice, what is happening in the Senate is a trial. If the blood-drenched debacles and endless quagmires in the Middle East are victories in the war on terror, our military is the greatest on earth. If the wholesale government surveillance of the public, the revoking of due process and having the world’s largest prison population are liberty, we are the land of the free. If the president, an inept, vulgar and corrupt con artist, is the leader of the free world, we are a beacon for democracy and our enemies hate us for our values. If Jesus came to make us rich, bless the annihilation of Muslims by our war machine and condemn homosexuality and abortion, we are a Christian nation. If formalizing an apartheid state in Israel is a peace plan, we are an honest international mediator. If a meritocracy means that three American men have more wealth than the bottom 50% of the U.S. population, we are the land of opportunity. If the torture of kidnapped victims in black sites and the ripping of children from their parents’ arms and their detention in fetid, overcrowded warehouses, along with the gunning down of unarmed citizens by militarized police in the streets of our urban communities, are the rule of law, we are an exemplar of human rights.

The rhetoric we use to describe ourselves is so disconnected from reality that it has induced collective schizophrenia. America, as it is discussed in public forums by politicians, academics and the media, is a fantasy, a Disneyfied world of make-believe. The worse it gets, the more we retreat into illusions. The longer we fail to name and confront our physical and moral decay, the more demagogues who peddle illusions and fantasies become empowered. Those who acknowledge the truth—beginning with the stark fact that we are no longer a democracy—wander like ghosts around the edges of society, reviled as enemies of hope. The mania for hope works as an anesthetic. The hope that Donald Trump would moderate his extremism once he was in office, the hope that the “adults in the room” would manage the White House, the hope that the Mueller report would see Trump disgraced, impeached and removed from office, the hope that Trump’s December 2019 impeachment would lead to his Senate conviction and ouster, the hope that he will be defeated at the polls in November are psychological exits from the crisis—the collapse of democratic institutions, including the press, and the corporate corruption of laws, electoral politics and norms that once made our imperfect democracy possible.

The embrace of collective self-delusion marks the death spasms of all civilizations. We are in the terminal stage. We no longer know who we are, what we have become or how those on the outside see us. It is easier, in the short term, to retreat inward, to celebrate nonexistent virtues and strengths and wallow in sentimentality and a false optimism. But in the end, this retreat, peddled by the hope industry, guarantees not only despotism but, given the climate emergency, extinction.

Chris Hedges

8 years ago

Just start the war. Pick your sides and let's go until it is settled.

8 years ago

Strange how the US is in bed with both the zionist Israelis and the wahhabi Saudis? One is a lover the other a mistress.

8 years ago

Many comments calling this video rubbish, bs, propaganda and generally saying none of this is true etc etc. But no one give any facts, sources or documented information to prove anything they are saying. Just railing, ranting and raging against something with name calling etc. doesn't make it not true. Bring some proof. At least point out what things or information in the video are not correct. Just saying its not true means nothing but, I think, you don't have anything and that the reason why you can't prove anything. That's my challenge.

8 years ago

Those calling this propaganda and those atheists are so sheep being led to slaughter. Get ready to fight or learn to enjoy chanting "Praise Allah". The goal of Islam/Muslims is to either convert/make infidels convert and submit to Allah or to kill infidels- there is no other interpretation plain and simple. May God have mercy on your souls.

9 years ago

PAY attention to the word...RADICAL.....there are every religion and they are highly motivated and organize minority......whom we ignore them because they are a minority.....and not a serious threat......

12 years ago

make love not war

Connie Buckley Smith
Connie Buckley Smith
12 years ago

Islam without political domination cannot survive!

12 years ago

how do radical islamists pose a risk to western liberties? thats the biggest crock of propaganda **** ive ever seen. if you take this documentary serious youre an id**t.

12 years ago

Islam has been at war with the world since it's inception.
What were Islamic armies doing overrunning Spain and crossing into what is now France within 150 years of Mohammad's death if Islam is a religion of peace? A full 300 years before the Crusades.
Why were they slaughtering Hindus and Buddhists at the same time? Exterminating Zoroastrians?
Do some research on the 300 year period prior to the Crusades. The 300 year period before any Christian army ever set foot in the Holy Land. The Holy Land that had been Judaic for thousands of years and home to Christianity for 600 years before Islam existed.
What were Islamic armies doing invading Central Asia? They triggered the Mongol invasions, which started as direct retaliation against Islam.
History is proof.
What were Muslim Turks doing besieging Vienna in 1683? I could cite hundreds of examples of unprovoked invasion, piracy and genocide, all in the name of Jihad.
Even today, more people have been killed since 9/11 than were killed in 350 years of the Inquisition, but what does every hack apologist always reference?
80 out of every 100 people killed for their religious beliefs in the world, are Christian. Muslims are the perpetrators in 93% of those deaths. Yet what is the politically correct watchword? 'Islamophobia'. It is pure insanity that liberal Westerners would defend a 7th century death cult.
In the Koran it is taught that one day the world will be under the yoke of Islam. The same Koran the Muslims who invaded Spain in the 8th century read is the one that is read in Mosques across the world today.

12 years ago

Wow, so many of the Muslims here are, (as the documentary points out, completly brain-washed!

I say this as a Christian woman married to a Muslim, who believes in a secular society!

anthony wrifford
anthony wrifford
12 years ago

personally, and I think I can speak for millions upon millions more both in the United State, Europe and even Islamic countries; we want no part of your or anyone's religion. No part of it. And while I will never fight for Christianity in a predominately Christian country as is my home in the USA, I will die for the freedom to say "NO !"

12 years ago

Oh are so brainwashed. I am not an anti Muslim Zionist at all. I have many Muslim friends here in CANADA, and yes I really have read the Khoran and the bible,out of respect for my Muslim friends.I stated my view only. Does that mean I should have my heart or tongue cut out.You say that Western legal system is "corrupt beyond beleif"....I agree. But yet I a white immigrant in this fine country of canada ...have the same rights as my Brown or black brothers.its called EQUALITY. We in this Western world aspire to a greater spiritual conscienceness ...irregardless of religious beleifs. How and why would you deem this to be a "bad pursuit". Freedom of ones mind is like hitting the "Start button" on a computer.It opens up an avenue of great possibilities for THE WORLD.Its usually referred to as ADVANCEMENT of the human race.You refer to cutting off hands as the means to stop people frpom stealing. are you kidding me....desperation causes people to steal. Its a human ,condition .You speak of how the western law is corrupt and only works for the few that can afford to buy Justice. In a way you are right...the more money I have ...the more able I am to buy my way out of legal problems.yet that is not my life ....I am a lowly paid self employed painter here in canada.I have no power at all re the legal system.But also I do not follow a religious book at all . I follow my heart. God talks to me through my heart and guides me to be a good human and care for ALL other living beings.I am an animal rights activist with, because I beleive God does not find it necessary that I shoud perpetrate the beleif that animals are our slaves.let me ask you this Xmen....if God was to stand in front of you REALLY beleive that he would condone your inflicting pain and sufferring on other humans or animals....these are His creations. You or no others have the right to beleive you are doing Gods work (based on a book). These books are all written by men , all about men, and for the sole benefit of men.To know God is to sit in the woods and listen to your heart .To connect with nature is Gods language. Also daughter who is now jewish....doesnt even talk to me since she discovered I was an animal rights activist 6 yrs ago. You see , I fight the fur Ind and she has married into one of the 3 biggest fur purchasing families in the USA. So I am not a "Zionist supporter" as you have assumed just because my daughter is Jewish.I am a neutral human who listens to God as he talks through my heart. Yet I do agree that the USA Govt( and the worlds monetary system) are VERY controlled by the Zionists. You see "Xmen" ...I am not your enemy nor your opponent , I love my Muslim friends more than you can possibly beleive , they are good Muslim people. They live kind and peaceful lives. But they dont stand on a "soapbox" and tell the country that they live in ....that they will conquer one day. They adapt . Where do you live now.....have you adapted ? Belive one thing of me Xmen....I ALWAYS speak truth. I actually cannot lie ..and I dont understand why. I was not taught this by my parents. At approx 25 yrs old I just could not lie anymore . It was as if a force greater than me ...changed me. If I write anything must trust that all of it is truth. I would be so rich if I could only lie ...but I cant. Im sure God loves me for this. And Xmen....I never inflict pain on anyone as I beleive God wants me to be an example of kindness.If kindness wasnt in my heart ..I wouldnt be spending one hr/day fighting for the rights of innocent animals would I ? . Does that not sound like i have been "touched by God"? Does that not sound like I am doing Gods work? And I dont have a "Book"....but I have my heart...Gods heart. Its been nice to share with you Xmen. I hope you have listened to me least a little. Respectfully Fergus

12 years ago

Sharia should replace western laws. Western law is corrupt beyond comprehension. How many hands would have to be cut off before stealing and theft came to a stand still? Western law and the courtd are corrupt and only work for the few that have the money to buy justice.

This narrator is a tool for anti-Muslim zionists. All of the American government are the tools of zionism.

Islam is truly a peaceful way of life, not this filth and lies presented here.

13 years ago

Its interesting how in some of the comments below many are stating how the facts were "skwed"?/ twisted? / not real.? some claim this but offer no source of confirming their knowledge. can we call this "reverse propaganda" . Convince me of this ...were the live recordings of even public Muslim demos in the USA claiming the USA would be under Islamic control one day not real? can anyone prove to me that these video tapes were not real? Probably not. For that reason I (as a non muslim) should pay attention to the growing numbers of Muslims in (at least MY NA). I state this with great concern (as a canadian in canada) due to a conversation I had recently in a Home depot of all places.I have developed an aquaintance with a fine black guyanese male at the same Home depot. As a devoted documentary viewer , I share my thoughts with this gentleman regularly. I am a global thinker who cares for all struggles of all people. i want to learn of all struggles of all people through honest docs. I have countless indepth conversations with this fine black intelligent human being . I am a white 58 year old man , who has no religious affiliation. I was raised catholic, but do not beleive in ANY organized religion. Do I beleive in God ?...yes. Am I spiritual ...very much so.I am a vegetarian because I beleive god gave us humans the ability to leave the animal population alone. Let the balance of non human nature take care of itself.I beleive in God , I beleive not eating animals is Gods wish.I beleive that all religious books were CREATED by men, for the benefit of MEN, and all about MEN. Now ....getting back to Home Depot...I was conversing intellectually with my Guyanese friend re how people are divided and pitted against each other by religion /race or political beleif. A Muslim couple from pakistan were very near ...and listening attentivly. I could see that. After 5 mins the woman asked if she could join in this interesting conversation....'but of course' I said. As we all conversed and I spoke of how different cultures have such varied ways of raising their children ...I mentioned that my daughter had converted to Judaisim 16 years ago and how it had enhanced her life as one who loves children dearly ...since jews usually love to have many children.....her reply was " yes ...but Muslims have MORE there will one day be more Muslims. The feeling within me after hearing that ....was of confusion...I needed to understand why I felt this strange "loud" feeling of concern. So I began research for these last few weeks re growth of Muslim populations .Tonight I found this Doc...and within it , it refers to the avg Muslim family having avg 5 children while others are at 1.6 children per family. There are now 50 million Muslims in Europe today. That woman in Home depot changed my life in how I now view Muslims. I have defended the Muslim people ever since 9/11 many times . I always felt they were being treated unfairly. Now Im thinking I have been a naive fool. God is the energy of this world . Animals understand this. God is not a book. Anyone who beleives that God wants you to behead others , or as a missionary go to a land of indigionus people and persecute them for their nothing but a powermongering evil male. You will notice these situations are never led by women...its always men.Women who claim to feel the same are doing so out of fear of men,and in need of the approval of the dominating males . I will say it again These religious books are written by MEN/ all about MEN...and for the benefit of MEN

13 years ago


13 years ago

Why dont the American people understand that by invading numerous foreign lands and killing millions of innocent people destroying peaceful communities in Islamic nations as well as secular ones that their making the world a better place. Do they actually think people will love them for that. This crappy propaganda pragram (most probably from the Bush Administration) wouldnt convince a child of 12 in the UK. But dopey Americans believe it like its was Christopher Columbus was the first dude to discover America, but we all know he may of been a first white European spaniard to discover it because America was already a thriving peaceful cultured nation of people of darker skin tones. Its that very nature of these Europeans Americans trying to contol the world and Britain gave them their language, politics and everything else, thats why americans are like the Europeans but much more aggressive. Rupert Murdochs media got banned in the UK for a very simple reason, we dont wont scum tactics over here. The American crusades on Islamic lands will have to stop.

13 years ago

am glad Britains got rid of that Rupert Murdoch bullshit media. Cant let them scumbags control decent people of UK. Britains a bit more smarter than America. Documentaries like this garbage wont get aired but Murdochs Sky programs get through to our screens. seems like muslims are invading foreign soils and conquering lands and taking valueble resources and killing woman and children by the hundreds of thousands just reminds me of Great America.

Truls Markus Kjellberg
Truls Markus Kjellberg
13 years ago

In Sweden I know plenty of Christian families that would never accept for their children to marry a Muslim, and actually my friend's brother was assassinated by the Christian Syrian family because they wouldn't accept the marriage b/w their daughter and him. Now she's left to raise their kid on her own, dishoned and living under constant threat from those terrible Christians.

Of course I feel disgusted by how people try to force their particular religion on to people but just take a trip to the U.S. and you'll find some pretty radical and sometimes militant people lving in the "greates gemocracy in the world", who try to spread and force their religion onto other people. These people also is in a constant battle to incorporate Christianity into the U.S. society by supporting different politicians and lobbying.

Another interesting case of Christianity is their missionaries. My friend who is from Thailand had the worst experience of them, and how they turned over his sister to Christianity (protestant) and then urged her to throw out and destroy old inherited Buddha statues b/c they were considered to be idols.

All across the globe there's aggression from all the different religions towards the others and in many instances people try to incorporate religion into the ruling system and laws of the country they live in, it's something that isn't just unique when it comes to Islam. Who do you think poses the greatest threat to wold peace, the worlds biggest super power (some would argue the only) who votes a president into office, which talks about crusades and is radical Christian which believes God is speaking through him, or poor countries in the Middle-East with it's percentage of radical Muslims.

13 years ago

I do not want to speak about the report as a whole.I want to write something about a particular picture at Part 2 09:12s , these two person are Kurdish and they did not hanged because of Gay, they were killed because Kurdish nationality and working for the rights of their people.

Corey W.
Corey W.
13 years ago

Normally i dont comment, i watched this bulls*** from beginning to end. It is a load of nothing but anti-Muslim propaganda., watch it as it degrades from "we only hate RADICAL MUSLIMS", then towards the end its "islam is trying to take over the world, and ruining your ipods and starbucks". What a f***ing crock of s***. I'm athiest, i think all religions are complete asinine bulls***, but this was mind numbing. If you watched this and thought any of it had any bearings at all, maybe you should be beheaded, not that you had anything up there anyway.

13 years ago

BS. A snippet show. Nothing looked at in depth (or anything resembling distance from the shallow). What Fox would look like if they started worrying about what other people thought of them but still wanted to cling to their views unwaveringly. Cut from one Islamist nut job to another to yet another, none of them shown speaking for more than 30 seconds (for many 10 seconds even) Follwed by the calm, sane reason of a person opposed to their views. Thats called a hatchet job where I'm from. Reading through the comments some mentioned facts but I'm afraid that this doc was light on facts and many statements were factually questionable. "Where are the voices of the moderate Muslims?" Some drip whines. They are in the same place as the voices of the other muslims, only aired when the mass media can benefit from them. A true doc on the 3rd Jihad will question the House of Saud and the powers doing very profitable business with them, not low level, low impact agitators like the (perfect for cast) bearded ranters. Utter BS

Nathan Lagotte
Nathan Lagotte
13 years ago

The real importance of life and the spiritual meaning of it is not found with religion. It is about letting behind violence, pride, selfishness for love, sharing, helping and most of all return to our creator and say, yes you are God, you made me and I don't want to be mad at you but listen to your wisdom

13 years ago

These radical jihadis were used by USA against USSR in Afghanistan. These monsters were created by American CIA under the name of Islam.. What is the problem now ???

13 years ago

funny, and a bit tragic too......

13 years ago

god is not love, god is not war, god is not hate.

god is funny.... . .. hahaha funny...

13 years ago

some idiot thinks there should only be one religion. what a friggin genius. .
thats just too funny. . ...
yeah i hate cultural diversity too so he's got my vote.

13 years ago

The terms Radical and Islam don't go together. You are either an extremist or a fundamentalist or negligent unlike the author of this piece I can be a Muslim and recognize that your founding fathers are not mine and still be law abiding and not support terrorism I despise people who misrepresent Islam and hijack it both the author and the extremist do just that.

13 years ago

Muslims were NOT behind 9/11 attacks, but Bush Administration. Muslims are just convenient scape goats in this situation. The atrocities were committed by so called Christians. They are as bad as "So Called Muslims" - - - Psychopathic, religious fundamentalists, no matter what religion they belong to, have nothing at all to do with the "god" they say they believe in. As for the "holy books" they are following, they are anything but about love and tolerance . . . . I compare those books to Hitler's Main Kampf . . .

13 years ago

Firstly, on a lighter note. Some of you have mentioned the 72 virgins..... Google "72 raisins" There is now strong evidence of a face-palm mistranslation. If there does turn out to be an Allah / heaven etc; more than a few suicide bombers are going to have been very disappointed!

I've watched most of the doc now whilst reading the comments and yes this is propaganda. But not all propaganda is untrue. Everything in this doc so far is evidenced and true. Sure it's slanted but in this matter I don't see that as a bad thing. It's irrelevant anyhow. It is not going to change anything......

Because Islam's real WMDs are the muslims. The real threat is their breeding strategy which is discussed openly by smirking Islamics on their home TV networks. Muslims on average have 5 kids. "Westerners" have 1.6. Do the maths. Eventually our fake democracies will be our downfall as Muslims vote in block and who and what do you think they will vote for? It may take another two or three generations and it may take longer to affect the US but by that time the US will be an island.

It doesn't take long for a trickle to become a flood.

EDIT and the doc went on to exact the point I just made Doh. (well, except for the raisins)

13 years ago

@ Don

I hope you don't think that I condone Hitler's actions. Hitler rose because the German people had gone through great economic and social hardships because the winners of WW1 imposed those hardships on them. Hitler's response was a sick and depraved answer to this unfairness and his actions can never be justified.

Western wrongdoing in the Middle East or the extent of it is debatable. What isn't though is the extreme Muslim response.

13 years ago

Interesting doc, it is obviously one sided (but arent they all) and while there were some facts they had wrong and as a rule I never take everything thats said as 100% accurate it certainly does give you something to think about.

Jesus in another guise
Jesus in another guise
13 years ago

thankyou Aaran if everyone goes by what Tiercel is saying then by rights the people of Britian should be suicide bombing the Muslims in Birmingham, Bradford Luton etc, the jews were in Israel before Islam even existed.

13 years ago

Its both there lands, and they should share equally.

13 years ago

At the turn of the last century (1890) the ethnic makeup of Palestine was something along the lines of 86% Muslim, 10% Christian & 4% Jewish. Palestine was never "Jewish land"!

13 years ago

The Jews, and the Palestinians have lived in, and around Israel way before the crusades even happened. Truthfully they live at peace up until crusades, and a little after world war 2.
If you don't believe me the read up on Acre. This place also predates the Hebrew bible. I'm not 100% sure about this but I do know there is a castle, or a citadel that was owned by the Jew way before the crusades I tried my best to look it up, and in future post I'll post if this one was right or not. Also not 100% sure if this right, but there was a man called William Marrion Branham who preached after world war 2 that Israel was the homeland of the Jews, and its the reason why so many Jews live in Israel now, before most of the Jews lived in Israel the once who did live there all their lives got along with the Palestinians for a long time, but the Palestinians became very alert when William Marrion Branham made his speech, and a lot of Jews came.

13 years ago

everyone here should listen to Bob Dylan's "Talking John Birch Paranoid Blues"

13 years ago

@ Ken, "We in Canada has blocked any attempts to bring such media to our soil. " You don't think the CBC is biased? Better think again. The price of food went up because there was major flooding in manitoba nad Saskatchewan right at the crop insurance deadline, and many Canadian crops failed. I went out in June and purchased hundreds of dollars of grains, being pasta, cereal, rice etc in anticipation that when the fall harvest came and the annual crop yield was low, prices would go up. And that it did. I am Canadian, and to a fellow Canadian I say, brush up on your grammar if you are going to be a self proclaimed Canadian representative. Your poor grammar makes the rest of us look foolish! To everyone here debating WW 2, The Germans killed 6 million Jews. They actually released documents around 2004/5 that they had kept hidden since the war. They have a written record for every single Jew that they imprisoned and/or killed. They also kept records of the gypsies, homosexuals, Russians, etc...The Russians alone suffered around 6 million casualties, both from Germany and from thier own army. Hitler never killed himself, he got away, along with sooo many other Nazis. If you want to draw parallels, or compare, you don't compare the threat of muslims to the threat of Hitler. You can compare this documentary to how the Germans used thier propoganda machine to make everyone fear and hate the Jews. As this documentary makes people fear and hate Muslims. The comparators, America, Germany being world powers, Muslims, Jews being "threatening religious groups that need to be stopped". But I for one, actually believe most of the facts in this documentary for the simple reason that they are facts, not propoganda. Do not kid yourself, the Muslims want you dead. I do not agree with alot of what is going on in the middle east, I do not know all the facts, but I am certain many innocent women and children are dying. But I will not say, nor will I let anyone else say, that the Canadian, American and British forces are baby killers! Ever notice how when foriegn religions come to western society they are invaders pushing thier phony church on us, yet when our Christians go to Africa, South America, etc they are "missionaries, saving those poor wretched people from sin"? As if Christianity is sooo correct and everyone else is wrong. Don't be so bloody arrogant and foolish. All religions are wrong, there is NO god, and religion is the root of all evil. Common sense tells us this is true.

13 years ago

Another Jesus, Those video links you put up are just mendacious, Pro-Israeli, Zionist propaganda. The 1st one starts off in 1946 stating "It's time for the Jews to officially RETURN to the land of Israel!" As if it was always their land. That's rather misleading. No not misleading, actually it's a downright lie. The supreme lie to which Israelis lay claim to Palestinian land.

Jesus in another guise
Jesus in another guise
13 years ago

@Don it would be good if you could elaborate on what you were saying there, I know it going off the subject a little bit it wont hurt for a few posts. Well I've looked into German history too. The Germans are definitely demonized because in reality they did nothing that any other nation didn't do in the first war, they shouldn't have been so unfairly punished. It was a different world back then and I think the rise of Hitler and the Nazi's is very understandable and you could even argue justified if the claim that the french ame into Germany and beat some Germans with truncheons because they didn't keep up payments. The evil things the Nazis did weren't so evil either when you consider how evil the soviets where. Killing Jews was sick though but I'll leave that out because the Russians did it and no European nation wanted them in their country even after the war. People should talk about these things in the context of the times.
You could draw a parallel with the Germans and the Muslims in a lot of things.
I think that if you judge things which the US has did in the middle east by today's standards of Human rights etc it is appalling but the middle east isn't a modern society anymore if they ever really were. Things seem crazy but at the end of the day the USA decided to use force because they had had enough, some of it seems suspicious but I don't think the Muslims from other countries except Iraq and Afghanistan should have any grievance with the USA, after all the Americans saved Kuwait, they saved the Muslims in Bosnia they also saved the Muslims in Kosovo and even made sure they could create a little Islamic state for themselves so they could kill all the Christians and burn down the churches.

13 years ago

Most people have no idea of the real history that many people have independently researched. I've researched Germany for years. Propaganda has been good to those who distort the truth. Many times I was warned by people "not to go there". It's, for the most part, history turned upside down. It's a pleasure to meet fellow seekers, that by experience, know what has been hidden from the public. I'm still hearing of warnings not to discuss WWII because a certain people will be upset.1984 is a good read a second time around. Especially these day's.

I agree with your opinion.

Jesus in another guise
Jesus in another guise
13 years ago

@ Tiercel I told you to watch the links on missing links but I guess it would be good to put this right here where everyone can see it without the hassle of looking for it, and while I'm at it I'll include another video to break your theory. Just wait for the approval for it.

13 years ago

@ Tiercel

No doubt that there are casualties that have gone unreported. To get the numbers suggested in some of the earlier posts, however, one would need 10 times the violent incidents. That doesn't take into account the injury rate which increase the incident rate by a much higher factor. The city of Mosul which has had the most violence with at least one action a day reported. At 10 times that amount, it would not take long for that city to be completely laid waste. The truth is the city has grown since 2003. That would seem unlikely if the number of violent war related incidents were over 10 a day. Also much of the displacement in Iraq is due to sectarian action and oppression and not directly the fault of invading armies.

I compare the potential of Muslim extremists threats to that of Hitler in the 1920's. Germany was unfairly demonized at the Treaty of Versailles. Hitler had every reason to be upset at the Allies and it was easy for him to gain followers to his ideas. History tells emphatically how his attempt to address those grievances went wrong and led to the most destructive time in human history. Many Muslims have justified reasons for being upset at the west. They do not have a Muslim Hitler to organize them into a cohesive force. If they ever do, you may long for the days of Zionist and American imperialism. It is a potential that is simmering in Muslim communities around the world.

13 years ago

I fear the actions of Zionist Israel & the right wing Christo-facist fundamentalists in the USA. Far more than a few Islamic militants in W Pakistan. The former 2 have nuclear, chemical, biological & advanced conventional weapons. The later have some obsolete left-overs from the Soviet Union.

13 years ago

Jack.....Iraq body count only includes deaths that have been in the press. Many of the casualties in Iraq have went unreported. There have been many more deaths directly caused by the invasion. There are horrific birth defects & cancers as a result of the use of depleted uranium munitions. It is estimated that 4 million have been permanently displaced.

Jesus on another place. To say that "the Palestinians don't want peace" is the height of ignorant, right wing, Pro-Israeli propaganda. It has been proven that the PA have offered many concessions that have been refused by Israel. Israel is the one who doesn't want peace! After all they are NOT the ones who are suffering. They just see the situation as a security issue. They go through the "peace process" merely as a way to garner sympathy & wrest aid & concessions from the West

13 years ago

@ Ken

First of all, we here in Canada we do not block American news. American media is everywhere and I can flick through the channels and watch all the major networks. Our media watchdog does require a percentage of Canadian programming. This is so our own news and cultural events are available to us. (Hockey Night in Canada's theme song is really our national anthem) It's not always easy to live beside a country that has the economic and cultural clout that the States has.

The United States has a great many facets that I personally do not like and I am glad that I live in Canada. However, after reading your posts, it is quite obvious that we have our own racial bias problems. Before you accuse me of being an Islamaphobe, it is not Islam I have the problem with. It is the words of the Quran that allow the radical Muslim to justify his hatred. I grew up in an extremely fundamentalist Christian environment. The hateful things that I have heard some of my peers say still resonate. I know what religious zealots feel and have felt that anger directed at me. As far as they're concerned I am destined to spend eternity in hell. Some of them seem to take a great deal of pleasure in the thought. From what I have read in the Quran they are even more obsessed with fire and retribution than the Christians. Even if I acknowledge your argument of the dangers of Zionism, I am positive that Islam has a potential to pose a greater threat. The Zionists will never insist that you adhere to their religion. It is guaranteed that radical Islam will.

13 years ago

What is your "We all have to comply with the world’s acceptable practices." Islam?

13 years ago

What? What school, or where did you here that's what they taught in US schools? I think you need to go to school in my country to find out just how wrong you are. All my teachers I've had from middle school up to college have encouraged free thinking, and have never said the earth was only 6,000 years old, and even if they did say that one would only have to look at how old the solar system, or the sun is.
Also once again your wrong about the death count once again you need to read up instead of just throwing how numbers like 1.5 million, and 700,000 widows.

Yes my country is in bad shape financially, but I'm also quite sure Canada will be right behind us. Don't be so high, and mighty to think your country is sin free, or free from debt,hyper inflation, or inflation in general.
Again you just point the finger America because your troops are over there, your troops, and your country has the right not to fight if they didn't want to, but they did I'm grateful that they helped us, but for you say that its not justified going to war with extremist who would surely love to see your head loped off, and not honoring or giving the respect your soldiers deserve. I can't believe you come on the internet to rage at how horrible the war is over there, and how your country, and mine are killing only innocent people over there which is screwed up considering they are fighting for your safety from another 9/11, or another Beslan hostage crisis. Oh go watch the Beslan video please maybe it will wake you up out of your little fantasy world your in.

By no means am I saying Israel is a Angel they've done some horrible things to the Palestinians, but the Palestinians have also done the same thing right back.

Jesus in another guise
Jesus in another guise
13 years ago

The palestinians don't want peace, in public they pretend they are being oppressed for the propoganda war but they want the whole of that land and it isn't just a minority. You are talking about Bullies Ken, what do you call 5 Arab Nations launching a full scale offensive against the Jews in 1947 and in 1967. I will forgive the Jews for wanting to get these nutcases as far to feck away from them. If I was in charge of Israel I would kill everyone of them and thats problem solved.
The Islamic faith is a War religion full of hate and so it is no accident that the Muslims are killing each other, it's part of everyday life for these devils, there is no Allah and the prophet Mohammad was a Pedophile Pirate and the Islamic followers of Mohammad are exact replicas.
You can't blame Islam completely have a look on the Bloody Cartoons video and at post 90, you will see a completely different Islamic world which I would defend if Israel were attacking them even in self defence but not today, I have no time for the hate they spew and their intentions for us.
It's a case of feel sorry for the Muslims and let them take everything from you have or stand up and be counted, after you do that and look at facts without tunnel vision you will realise that the USA have did nothing wrong and that Israel look like angels in comparison to palestine and the rest of the Muslim world who repeatedly try to attack them in various means. I used to think the Jews were bad also but thats the propoganda machine the Muslims have operating all over the world which makes you think that.

13 years ago

And also Aaron, when you are standing infront of a cash register and wodner the price of food went up by 2% in a month remember: All the money they are printing to finance these wars on behalf of select few people, is what is contributing to this hyerinflation. And your country might be facing a severe economic storm like Greece did, very very soon. Thanks to your grand masters grand scams. I am glad I am not in US and in Canada we have our politicians under control.