

2018, Society  -   80 Comments
Ratings: 8.19/10 from 273 users.

Is there a white genocide occurring in South Africa? That's the conclusion reached by controversial alt-right activist and filmmaker Lauren Southern in her new feature-length documentary Farmlands.

The basis of the film is the country's complicated history with land ownership, and the hysteria that has arisen from these issues in recent times.

The crime rate in South Africa is disturbingly high. Dozens of protests are gathered on the streets every day, and municipal buildings and school houses are commonly burned to the ground. Since lawmakers passed a resolution that allows for the seizure and redistribution of land without compensation, there has been a spike in the murder of white farm owners in the region. These murders are described in graphic detail by crime scene personnel, activists in the area and relatives of the fallen.

The film accuses the government and law enforcement officials of fudging statistics and concealing the truth behind this slaughter. In defense of their practices, these institutions insist there is no evidence that these attacks are racially motivated.

During the course of the film, Southern stacks the deck against the country's "black economic empowerment laws". In one segment, she visits a squatter camp populated by white families who are destitute and forced to live without basic comforts and medical care. "There's no help for whites in South Africa," the camp land owner explains. Southern also points to the tens of thousands of minority whites who have fled the country, and the protests mounted in opposition to the farming issues that have gone unheeded by the government.

Southern and her film have been met by vociferous voices of dissent who claim that her message is motivated by thinly veiled racism. Her critics say her narrative is a cautionary rebuke to the end of apartheid, and a delirious warning call to westerners who are quickly becoming the new minority. Viewers can decide for themselves if the events and personal stories depicted in Farmlands are distastefully misleading or indicative of a larger epidemic of racially motivated violence.

Directed by: Lauren Southern

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Mo D
Mo D
5 months ago

Orania sounds like the place to be away from the murderers, rapists and thieves.

Chris Parsonson
Chris Parsonson
2 years ago

I've lived in South Africa for 50 years. I am British naturalised South African. I am 79 years old. I have a black Sotho social partner, and we act as guardians to a school going 14 year old Sotho girl. I have white friends, I have black friends. I love this country, and the people in it. I have many more black friends than white ones. By friends I mean people who I invite into my home and into whose homes I am invited. I have heard it said that black people want to be rid of the whites. There are some people who think this. But they are a minority. I have experienced nothing but friendship from black people. I struggle to speak a little isiZulu and also a little seSotho. I think this documentary is presenting a very one sided picture

3 years ago

This is white supremacist garbage.

3 years ago

First Rhodesia now South Africa.

3 years ago

Watched this entire documentary (skipped a few parts) just so I could say this... Research is very important. Especially unbiased research. It's clear to see that this documentary is subjectively researched and poorly supported. Crime and corruption are confused with an oncoming genocide. It's sad. Please read more if you truly want to be educated on a matter.

4 years ago

A very one sided view of a terrible situation.Is this really a documentary? Reggie Yates did a far more balanced view of some of SA issues .

4 years ago

The politician is the enemy!

Teresa Smith
Teresa Smith
4 years ago

I watched 10 minutes of this garbage and then hit the "stop" button. If I want to watch and hear racist far/alt right lies and propaganda I'll watch Fox News.

5 years ago

Too many comfortable, left wing idiots on here saying karma this blah blah If that’s the case then, and the native Americans had sufficient numbers to rise up and kill white Americans, would you so calmly be saying karma then??? Gutless leftist cowards, liberal @ss wipes!

5 years ago

I stopped reading after the second sentence misclassified Mrs. Southern at being alt-right. If you can't do enough research to know what the alt-right is and that Ms. Southern isn't that, your "journalism" don't deserve my time.

Urban dweller
Urban dweller
5 years ago

Let's see. You take away people's land without compensation. Abuse them. Jail them. Segregate them. Relegate them to the outskirts of society. Kill them. Torture them physically, mentally and emotionally then you're SURPRISED and SHOCK when they retaliate.
Unfortunately, we do live in a one-sided world of some white people.
They actually believe they were and are special but world circumstances of their abusive behavior towards people of color, the land and their inability to discern "fair-play" for all has been going on too long and has reach levels of frustration that leave too many people across the globe to an early death because of warring over resources, infiltration of drugs and prostitution into once quiet and productive communities.

Ian Bell
Ian Bell
5 years ago

Lauren Southern is a Zionist employee. Even though this is a very relevant subject, be careful of her and her slant on issues in future.

nigel hay
nigel hay
5 years ago

The trouble with comments is that we never have the full story and we take our own emotional view on one aspect. Ie Its white peoples Khama so F....them!

Lets not worry about the over all doco and try listening to what individuals are saying.
Decide wether they were saying it from the heart or wether they were coached.

The pre 1800 immigration/ migration. Is that factual or not?

What I do know is that there are many South African immigrants >about 25,000 I believe Blaming the past and radicalizing the present will not create jobs and well being. Nor will just “getting the land back”

The thought “we are poor because we had our land taken” is like saying “ my great, great grandfather went bankrupt so that’s why i’m poor now” You just have to get on with it in the present environment and work towards change for the better.( Without killing people)

Watching the DVD Shaka Zulu (Or was that propaganda to?) You realize that the hate in Africa between tribes still emanates from that time.

NZ was active in helping abolish apartheid in SA. Does that make us(NZ) now responsible for all the murders happing since its demise?

The irony is that the people of Africa, where our life started millions of years ago, just don’t seem to be able to grow up and create a stable and prosperous environment for all.

Do we need another million years?

PS I am of Maori, Scottish and Viking descent

5 years ago

propaganda machine. you can tell just by the music in the first scene. if you are scared go to church and pray for what your ancestors did. karma is a bitch.

5 years ago

This is mind trash.

5 years ago

It doesn't take $300,000 to go back to Europe. This is the equivalent of Native Americans in America coming together for their land, or Native Australians doing the same; or native anything getting the colonials back for their atrocities

5 years ago

Southern needs serious psychiatric help.

Rory Phillipson
Rory Phillipson
5 years ago

SA is headed for disaster. There is a genocide going on. Zimbabwe ruins will pale by comparison. You liberals need to pull your heads out of your asses and see the world these commie bastards have created.

Urban dweller
Urban dweller
5 years ago

Seriously? Journalist
? Journalism requires a study of historical background! Gruesome murders? Wow! The theft of the African's land! How do you settle on other people's land? And building a settlement somehow made it okay? And what are your credentials? Education? Background of credible experience? None. None. And ...wait for it ... None!

5 years ago

What goes around comes around and unfortunately the innocent ones end up paying for what their forefathers did.

steve hughes
steve hughes
5 years ago

ABC Australias Foreign correspondent also did a piece on this called Bloodlands. Worth a look if your after some balanced reporting!!

steve hughes
steve hughes
5 years ago

ok so between 45 and 80 white farmers were violently killed last year depending on who you believe. In the the whole of South Africa upwards of 19000 as many murders go unreported. I dont think its about race. If you have something and someone else wants it ,they take it. Black or white.

Mark Gaboury
Mark Gaboury
5 years ago

Technically, this is as polished as what the CBC is capable of, with the truth instead of fake news, without it costing millions of dollars, and without the hatred of men and whites. This is a huge accomplishment by a young conservative woman. South African blacks have never thrown off their savage ways; that is the problem, essentially.

5 years ago

Lauren Southern isn't alt-right what lol

5 years ago

Not really a good documentary. This doesn't mean that the situation in South Africa is not dire. It needed someone from the government who could actually say something. She spoke to a few Afrikanners but what about the English descent South Africans. Liked the illustration of the migration of peoples, brown, black and white. Too many illustrations of the brutality. She seemed to be looking to create revulsion and fan emotions.

5 years ago

I call bull****: right wing propaganda. Sure, some white colonialists have been killed, but nothing like what the movie portrays.

And just think about it: white, christian, rich (comparatively speaking), european (descent) people are getting killed... and there's almost nothing in the news? Fox news and other media outlets - let alone Trump - would be raising hell over it.

5 years ago

all whites could move out give them what they want and they will run it in the ground. They elect thier own race NOW and whats happened Kill whitey mentality. when the enemies gone they will eat thier own.

5 years ago

This was inevitable, too many unrealistic promises were made and accepted by people who wanted to believe them.

5 years ago

It sounds like karma to me. I'm white, but I don't agree with what was done here in the US to the Native Americans, and I don't agree with what went on all over the world when various white imperialists were trying to "settle" the whole damn world with their "colonies" purely out of greed. I don't agree with anyone taking what does not belong to them. I don't like murder in the name of any reason, but on the other hand, how can we expect better than what we gave to them in the first place?

Roger Andout
Roger Andout
5 years ago

The shoe is firmly on the other foot, post apartheid. The oppressed is now the percieved 'oppressor', as is the case in all such circumstances, think post WW2 Europe. Politically, the situation is very similiar, except that there is no 'allied army' to impose government without vengence. Nevertheless, it's very unfortunate.

Tom doss
Tom doss
5 years ago

Whatever they touch, they f ck up.

5 years ago

Mandela didn't keep his promises to his supporters after he was elected changing nothing.

5 years ago

I stopped at the first sentence..."something sinister in South Africa" and I knew the answer...APARTHEID.

5 years ago

Just watched the film. The elephant in the room isn't whether or not it's a racial war but the fact that all of the radical groups in government are in fact, Marxists. They are using race, as a lever to prise the people apart. Divide and conquer. If South Africa were a majority white nation, the Marxist would use an means of achieving their goal. South Africa was a developed country with a thriving economy and after the ANC took power, it has suffered a "brain drain" of wealthy and educated people over that past 30 years. Whilst the coastal cities enjoy tourism and foreign investment, the interior is languishing in squalor and the blacks are blaming the whites. I pray that war is averted and a peace can be made before things become worse.

5 years ago

A tint of racism?! Lol... here’s the advice they give in my country: GO BACK WHERE U CAME FROM!

5 years ago

I did find it a bit more emotionalized than might have been fitting but I can get how the west needs to be shocked into realizing how bad the monster they helped create with their clumsy short sighted meddling has become. You don't get to just wave a magic wand and overnight civilize group of people that were mostly still barbaric at 1900.... Africa is neither America nor Europe, things don't work the same.

5 years ago

We are all human we all fight for the same resources. At the start of the documentary it talks of the whites leaving cape town to escape their own enslavement. When you have a competition based society then it makes logical sense to group together along class or racial lines to improve your odds of gaining those resources. what we need is less people on this planet so we do not have to fight to survive.

5 years ago

An interesting documentary showing hate and violence didn't stop after apartheid. It just changed sides.

Richard Jenkins
Richard Jenkins
5 years ago

Far Right propaganda with no balance and a tint racism. The director fails to show a balanced report and us only sympathetic to colonialists with no point of view of thise that were colonized.

5 years ago

No comments. Weird