Year of Release 2004 - 4

To Catch a Predator

To Catch a Predator

Over 40 million Americans have seen Dateline’s ongoing popular series To Catch a Predator, which has caught over two hundred potential child predators. While the show exposed this epidemic, Chris Hansen’s book, To Catch a...

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The Bermuda Triangle

The Bermuda Triangle

The Bermuda Triangle, also known as the Devil's Triangle, is a region in the western part of the North Atlantic Ocean in which a number of aircraft and surface vessels are alleged to have disappeared in mysterious circumstances...

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The Genius of Mozart

The Genius of Mozart

An enlightening and enveloping reconstruction of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart's (1756--1791) life. Masterfully written and directed, every aspect of the film has been given thorough thought in order to ensure an accurate historical...

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The Divine Michelangelo

The Divine Michelangelo

To produce one of the world's great masterpieces is impressive. To create three is truly astonishing - but this is exactly what Michelangelo did five hundred years ago. With his own hands he designed and created the most famous...

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The Truth of Troy

The Truth of Troy

It's one of the greatest stories ever told. The legend of Helen of Troy has enchanted audiences for the last three thousand years. In May this year a Hollywood film staring Brad Pitt and Orlando Bloom will be launched in Britain....

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Salvador Allende

Salvador Allende

On September 11, 1973, he was overthrown by a military coup... The dictator of Pinochet crushed that democracy which had perfected itself over two centuries, and destroyed, day after day, for 18 years, the country I knew....

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The Truth About Vitamins

The Truth About Vitamins

Vitamins without doubt are vital to our health. And it remains possible that high dose vitamin supplements will one day be proven to protect against illnesses like heart disease and cancer. But so far, definitive evidence for...

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Light Fantastic

Light Fantastic

God is light. In all cultures, there's an intimate association between illumination and divinity, between life and creation. Light is color. Light is energy. It fuels life and it feeds the spirit. It inspires art, religion, and...

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Stealing a Nation

Stealing a Nation

2004, History

Hidden from Parliament and the U.S. Congress, the deal was this: the Americans wanted the island, in their words, swept and sanitized. An entire population was declared expendable; all of them were to be deported. Stealing a...

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The Future of Food

The Future of Food

There is a revolution happening in the farm fields and on the dinner tables of America - a revolution that is transforming the very nature of the food we eat. The Future of Food offers an in-depth investigation into the...

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Bill Clinton: His Life

Bill Clinton: His Life

His Life follows Bill Clinton through his college days as a war protester, his years of purported womanizing as governor of Arkansas, his possible connections to drug trafficking and subsequent murders, 'Filegate,' the Whitewater...

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The Power of Nightmares

The Power of Nightmares

The Power of Nightmares, subtitled The Rise of the Politics of Fear, is a BBC documentary film series, written and produced by Adam Curtis. The series consists of three one-hour films, consisting mostly of a montage of archive...

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Origins And Evolution

Origins And Evolution

This show attempts to explain our deep psychological questions such as, why we exist, why we try to stay alive and how we try to understand planets, other ecosystems, environment and species. From explaining the misconceived...

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