Year of Release 2011 - 10

Strain Hunters

Strain Hunters

Strain Hunters is a series of documentaries aimed at informing the general public about the quest for the preservation of the cannabis plant in the form of particularly vulnerable landraces originating in the poorest areas of the planet. The...

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Dirty Pictures

Dirty Pictures

Alexander Sasha Shulgin is the scientist behind more than 200 psychedelic compounds including MDMA, more commonly known as Ecstasy. Considered to be one of the greatest chemists of the 20th century, Sasha s vast array of discoveries have had...

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Capitalism Is the Crisis

Capitalism Is the Crisis

Capitalism Is The Crisis: Radical Politics in the Age of Austerity examines the ideological roots of the austerity agenda and proposes revolutionary paths out of the current crisis. The film features original interviews with Chris Hedges, Derrick Jensen, Michael...

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Me, My Sex and I

Me, My Sex and I

What is the truth about the sexes? It is a deeply-held assumption that every person is either male or female; but many people are now questioning whether this belief is correct. This compelling and sensitive documentary unlocks the stories...

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Faster than the Speed of Light?

Faster than the Speed of Light?

In September 2011, an international group of scientists has made an astonishing claim - they have detected particles that seemed to travel faster than the speed of light. It was a claim that contradicted more than a hundred years...

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Life in a Day (2010)

Life in a Day (2010)

Director Kevin Macdonald and producer Ridley Scott team up to offer this candid snapshot of a single day on planet Earth. Compiled from over 80,000 YouTube submissions by contributors in 192 countries, Life in a Day presents a microcosmic...

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Aberrican Me: Ross Capicchioni

Aberrican Me: Ross Capicchioni

Made by The Berrics, a skateboard park owned by the skateboarders Steve (Ber)ra and E(ric) Koston. The Aberrican Me series brings videos of pro skateboarders personal lives to light through interviews and reenactment. In this particular episode, Ross Capicchioni...

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Drain the Ocean

Drain the Ocean

Digital ocean mapping and CGI technology vividly illustrate the mountains, plains, canyons and creatures of the deep as never seen before, revealing a world of almost unimaginable scale right here on Earth. The oceans cover three-quarters of our planet,...

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Seeing Stars

Seeing Stars

Around the world, a new generation of astronomers are hunting for the most mysterious objects in the universe. Young stars, black holes, even other forms of life. They have created a dazzling new set of super-telescopes that promise to...

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Fast Food Baby

Fast Food Baby

Our junk food addiction is dropping alarmingly down the age ladder and we are now rearing a generation of fast food babies. This arresting documentary reveals babies and toddlers eating a diet of chips, burgers and kebabs, all washed...

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Ben Stewart and Dan Stewart, creators of Esoteric Agenda and Kymatica, focus the essence of this film around the journey through transitional and groundbreaking moments in a human's life. At a major juncture in his life, rob in the...

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Are You Good or Evil?

Are You Good or Evil?

2011, Psychology

What makes us good or evil? It's a simple but deeply unsettling question. One that scientists are now starting to answer. Horizon meets the researchers who have studied some of the most terrifying people behind bars -...