The Kennedy Assassination: 24 Hours After
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The Kennedy Assassination: 24 Hours After

Ratings: 6.73/10 from 41 users.

The Kennedy Assassination: 24 Hours AfterWhile the moments and hours after his tragic assassination were some of the most formative and important, that story has rarely, and only partially, been told.

For the first time, using never-before-seen transcripts only recently made public, this film pieces together the 24-hour period after the shots were fired.

The timeline reveals startling new information about the death of the president and the traumatic transfer of power to his successor, Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson.

From new details about when JFK really died, to the truth behind LBJ's Oath of Office photo on Air Force One, The Kennedy Assassination: 24 Hours After uncovers an unfamiliar story born out of one of the most crucial days in American history.

Documentaries on the same topic: Evidence of Revision, The Men Who Killed Kennedy and The Many Faces of Lee Harvey Oswald.

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Research The Assassination
Research The Assassination
6 years ago

The perpetrators of JFK's assassination are not dead but it doesn't matter .The reason they got away with it is our government whsd him killed.There was nothing the Kennedy family could do about them killing JFK and there's nothing you or me can do either. If anyone would like to know the truth I strongly suggest you read everything you can find about JFK's murder except the government's version.
If anyone knew he was screwed JFK did which is why he gave the speech about secret societies but it didn't help him any either.

6 years ago

Remote viewing indicates both the Kennedy assassinations were mafia hits ordered by the Carbon family. The man they hired to kill JFK was not associated with the family. He was a mercenary.
And an ex army ranger. His first name was Lester. Trouble getting his last name there is alot of noise there. He was in his late 40s gray hair, tall and thin.

Terry c
Terry c
7 years ago

He actually says it was out of his forehead u still have the problem of bullet found on gurney watch JFK assassination,the transcripts too many bullets still no sense

Terry c
Terry c
7 years ago

Obviously one of the biggest conspirac theories of all time rightly so,with this case something. Always pops up and agai here in the first 1 minute i believe purposely one of the bodyguards sys clearly as I walked up to the president ,I moved his wife the saw JFKs head (ALSO finding the bulletts fragments,now apparently that bullet was only found on the gurney of JFK) which is it they car or on gurney in hospital ,don't forget he said next to the president so wasn't the magic bullet leaving head bullet but that can't be

what a cia agent told me
what a cia agent told me
7 years ago

Facts from a cia agent who was part of the bay of pigs cluster. JFK was killed by LBJ , brown & root ( wife connection etc.) the bush cia family( daddy bush) and the military industrial complex. ( no Russia , no cubia, just a good cover up. false flag etc. ) people are so stupid that like Hitler said the bigger the lie the more the believe it. 911 was a great government cover up. remember elections are a good scam for stupid people.
remember bush daddy said that if the American people knew what he did in the cia they would chase him down the street and lynch him. bush senior and Rumsfeld both said in interviews that the iraq war was a resources war, look it up people stop being dumb asses. government is just scum bags scamming the stupid religion believing 88 iq morons or anal pumping priest

8 years ago

Executive order #11110

8 years ago

What incredible Bull Shit! You made LBJ look like some kind of saint, that the presidency just happened to fall in his lap! The assassination of JFK was a well planned in advanced Coup de tat! Had JFK lived that day, Johnson would have been impeached and imprisoned for dealings he did as Vice President and a sub committee was meeting that day (11/22/63) to go forward with this until the news about JFK reached them and it was dropped! So, in any murder case, the question of WHO had the most to gained from JFK's death....the answer LBJ! I would liked to go on... but there are too many of you " ? intelligent people" (but NO COMMON SENSE!) that you want to keep leading the American public down the wrong path!!

9 years ago

hi, I just wanted to say, that even if there only was a lone gunman, it was still a coup de ta, and a cover up- look at the autopsy photo's and xray's. It shows bullet fragments at lower back and on top of jfks head. this would indicate 2 shots to the head. watching z-film on extra slow mo on my xbox 360, I noted first a shot of blood (cylindrical in shape) coming from just above jfks ear. then within milliseconds a spray comes from the top of his head and forward and upwards, just before this happens it looks like something skims acoss his hairline and parts it, the vision gets quite blurry, but I can almost certainly see something going on around the back of his head, the pixilation goes weird and I am sure I can see the shape of the back of his head distort.

Uzair Ahmed
Uzair Ahmed
10 years ago

this not should not happen to the president

Uzair Ahmed
Uzair Ahmed
10 years ago

i think that the president had nothing to come to him when the gun man attack this very sad

10 years ago

Lee Harvy Oswald was recruited by the Agency while he was a marine
studying Russian at the U-2 Spyplane Base in Autsugi, Japan. He was
assigned the designation number S-179, discharge early and sent deep
undercover within a few days to Sweden and then on to Russia.
Lee Oswald admired and respected John F Kennedy but those who
handled and used him as a 'Patsy did not....

An admirer.
An admirer.
11 years ago

The Israelis killed Kennedy because he sent an american team to check their
nuclear facilities.

Sidrah Zaheer
Sidrah Zaheer
12 years ago

Please can you put up this documentary on the site as soon as possible. It will be great help for those who were not able to see it when it was broadcast on the History Channel.

Paul M Webb
Paul M Webb
12 years ago

Killed by the us goverment.

12 years ago

Just a quick thought. Anyone who wants to learn some facts about the Kennedy assassination, would have their time far better spent checking out Evidence of Revision, and in particular, The men who killed Kennedy. Both links are located above this video, and are by far, superior!

12 years ago

After watching this, I wonder if maybe Hoover and Johnson were in cahoots to get rid of JFK & his brother, both appear to have hated the Kennedy's with a passion.

12 years ago

Some really interesting blogs regarding this topic. Here is some information for everyone to consider. Kennedy had fired genereal Cabott, the brother of Roy Cabott, who was the Mayor of Dallas, at the time of his assassination. Kennedy had fired Allan Dallas(head of the CIA), who was put on the Warren Comission, to investigate Kennedy's death. Kennedy under memorandum #263, was going to pull the troops out of Vietnam. 2 days after his death, LBJ signed memorandum #273 to ramp up the war in Vietnam. Kennedy had approached the USSR's leader Nakita Kruschev about a joint mission to the moon. The 1st attempt failed, while the 2nd was successful, 1 month prior to his assassination. Kennedy had removed the drilling subsidies the U.S government was giving to the oil companies to prop them up against OPEC, who was now providing cheap oil on the international markets. Kennedy was trying to remove racial segragation from the mainstream of U.S society's cultural divide. Kennedy was going to nationlize the federal reserve, and take it away from private interests. In part, he was going to iniate a silver backed currency, instead of a debt based currency which is what has been in place since the 1929 depression. Robert Kennedy was going after mob interests, which had been protected by top cop J. Edgar Hoover for 20 years because mobster Myra Lanski had compromising pictures of Hoover proving he was a homosexual. (political suicide in the 60's)
Now, this documentary would have you believe that top secret information regarding the Kennedy assassination had been declassified. The truth of the matter is this information was to be released 75 years after Kennedy's death -2039) yet after the release of the Oliver Stone movie JFK, the congress chose to freeze all material relating to the JFK assassination INDEFINITELY, meaning never to be released. To imply otherwise as is forwarded by those regarding this documentary is just plain false.
Let me close by saying the awful truth is there was no doubt a conspiracy(more then 1 person - collaberation) to kill JFK. Which one is correct is up to the reader to decide for themselves, but consider this. The day before 9 11, Donald Rumsfeld got up on television and said the pentagon had misplaced 2.3 trillion dollars that they couldn't account for. This was never discussed since, not during the 2008 economic collapse, nor yesterday when the currency rating agency Standard and Poor downgraded the U.S currency for the first time. I for one am not a coincidence theorist, because I understand the mathematics of the law of probability.(day after 9 11, give me a break) Considering how politicians are trying to blame Obama now for the U.S economic situation, while disregarding George Bush's insanity where the congress (republican and democrat) supported his war on terrorism unquestioned for almost 6 years, an absolute lie that has killed a million, and displaced another 4 million. Control over energy resources (oil) is predominant, not liberating people. In a nutshell, if Obama succeeded in taxing the rich, you can be certain he would end up just like JFK. Of course this is just my opinion, but at least it is based on the facts, not the FOX news propaganda that permeates the airwaves now!

steve crisafi
steve crisafi
12 years ago

Well you have to understand one thing, Johnson knew of something in the works and most likely was all for it. He needed Kennedy dead. LBJ was going to face prison time if not for the assassination because of his involvement with Billy Sol Estes and the vending machines in all government buildings in Washington contract that LBJ had awarded to his friend Mr. Estes. Johnson was getting a cut from all of that money. Also, Johnson was scaming the government with land contracts that allocated money for cotton growing. Johnson's fields were bare, but he still collected the money. The head of the agriculture office in Johnson's area, was threatening to go public. He ended up dead on his farm with 5 bullets. Mac Wallace, who was Johnson's hench man and carried out Johnson's dirty deeds, was the shooter. As a side note, there was a box in the sixth floor of the book depository that was part of the sniper's nest, and it had a latent finger print on it that they could not identify. Years later, someone got the idea to check it out against Mac Wallace's finger prints, and it matched!...Oh, and one other side note, the man from the agriculture office had, because of Johnson's influence, had his death ruled a suicide.....

12 years ago

@Roberta Dyer: I was just wondering if anybody besides me on this run of comments understood LBJ at his finest. I can't believe the cynical degenerates that encompass nothing but hate! One of the idiots, blind to his own putred maggot infested mind set had the odasity to tell me to shut up because of my comments made below when i would fight to the death for his right to speak.

Xercès Des Stèles
Xercès Des Stèles
12 years ago

this is insulting to my intelect. they dare to try and make me believe the fatal shot was from behind. anyone with a minimum of phisics knowledge can watch the footage and understand that the bullet in his head was coming from in front of the car.

Donald Edward Goodman
Donald Edward Goodman
12 years ago

THIS IS SUCH bullshit! I was only 12 and I just KNEW LBJ was "in on it." When they released the LBJ tapes (he was dumb enough to record all his conversations from the oval office), he was heard saying to Lady Bird on the phone, "After tomorrow, that S.O.B wont be laughing at me anymore."("That SOB was in reference to JFK) So, out of his own mouth, he admitted it to lady Bird. And who did the "investigation?" The same CRIMINALS that "investigated" 9/11. Like Lee Hamilton. Those "in the know" that are hooked-up. I guess you could call them "made men?" It certainly wasn't Oswald. Oswald was the "fall guy," like Sirhan Sirhan, McVey, further back than John Booth! There always has to be a "fall-guy." Someone to DISTRACT" US FROM THE TRUTH.Our government is as corrupt as the "mafia" ever was. Every time I listen to Congress on TV I just want to puke.(I sometimes watch it for laughs) Like that pig Pelosi. She's as crooked as a dog's hind leg! Once you come out of the trance TV has American's all in, (even Walt Disney's subliminal's) Disney is a 33 degree Mason too, they all are. The Masons have run this country since it's inception. Washington was a 33 degree Mason as well. All but 2 or 3 of our Presidents have ALL been 32 or 33rd degree Masons. Americans are ASLEEP. Literally. TV will rot your brain, put you in a trance, and you won't even know it. They can hypnotise you, and you won't even know , WAKE UP! Then, you "see" it every where. "THEY" are taking America and American's don't even know it. Whenever they want to do something BIG, like build Hoover Dam, they make it so everyone is broke and jobless. So they can get their slaves cheaper! Things haven't changed in at least the 61 years I've been alive.
Having guys like Lee Hamilton (he "investigated the JFK assassination too) investigating 9/11; would be like having Capone "investigate" the Mafia! The main problem is, the more money they have, the more corrupt they are. Plain and simple!

Nick Pwnsauce
Nick Pwnsauce
12 years ago

This is disgusting.

12 years ago

this is ridiculous 40 minutes into documentary is repeated - 'jonson doesn't know', i mean how stupid are we... hire a director and screenplayer... i think this is for usa market only... thumbs down

12 years ago

Whenever there is a murder you must always ask yourself, who had the means and the motive? Every time I ask myself this one name comes to mind LBJ . Look at what happened after JFK's assassination, LBJ increased our presence in Vietnam to a full out war when JFK was vowing to pull American advisers out. Lets not forget what runs our war machine, OIL. And who was deeply invested in Texas oil? You guessed it LBJ. Not to mention the impacts of the reverting back to the gold standard, on his Texas constituents investments. Trough out this documentary two great points are brought up. One: LBJ loathed JFK and his brother. Two: LBJ coveted the power and prestige of the office of the president and yearned to be in it. Other than that this documentary only glorifies the actions and character of the man behind the assassination. How about the means you ask? Look where the assassination took place, LBJ's home state. Enough said. This documentary is well thought out propaganda and I believe its obvious to anyone who has half a brain that its a farce.

12 years ago

Whenever there is a murder you must always ask yourself, who had the means and the motive? Every time I ask myself this one name comes to mind LBJ . Look at what happened after JFK's assassination, LBJ increased our presence in Vietnam to a full out war when JFK was vowing to pull American advisers out. Lets not forget what runs our war machine, OIL. And who was deeply invested in Texas oil? You guessed it LBJ. Not to mention the impacts of the reverting back to the gold standard, on his Texas constituents investments. Trough out this documentary two great points are brought up. One: LBJ loathed JFK and his brother. Two: LBJ coveted the power and prestige of the office of the president and yearned to be in it. Other than that this documentary only glorifies the actions and character of the man behind the assassination. How about the means you ask? Look where the assassination took place, LBJ's home state. Enough said. This documentary is well thought out propaganda and I believe its obvious to anyone who has half a brain that its a farce.

12 years ago

Whenever there is a murder you must always ask yourself, who had the means and the motive? Every time I ask myself this one name comes to mind LBJ . Look at what happened after JFK's assassination, LBJ increased our presence in Vietnam to a full out war when JFK was vowing to pull American advisers out. Lets not forget what runs our war machine, OIL. And who was deeply invested in Texas oil? You guessed it LBJ. Not to mention the impacts of the reverting back to the gold standard, on his Texas constituents investments. Trough out this documentary two great points are brought up. One: LBJ loathed JFK and his brother. Two: LBJ coveted the power and prestige of the office of the president and yearned to be in it. Other than that this documentary only glorifies the actions and character of the man behind the assassination. How about the means you ask? Look where the assassination took place, LBJ's home state. Enough said. This documentary is well thought out propaganda and I believe its obvious to anyone who has half a brain that its a farce.

12 years ago

I think these people that made this doc are reading to much into who thought what and what motives were involved in the statements that were made by Johnson or Robert Kennedy. For God's sake what a thing to befall this nation, i know, i was twenty years of age at the time and lived through it. The person who narrated this doc. doesn't seem old enough to have been there, by the sound of his voice? Most of us Loved President Kennedy and i was too young to understand that anyone could have hated him?! At that point and time i was still, MOM'S APPLE PIE AND THE AMERICAN FLAG. I am quite sure that we Loved President Johnson also or at least had much respect for him. After Nam, of witch i spent a year there with the 1st Inf. and the the next decade or so something changed or maybe i just came out of the either? At this point I feel the grief and hurt all over again?

12 years ago

I wish they would have talked about 2 other things... 1. MLK could have run with JFK as vice president... and 2. 6 months before he was killed he wanted to disband the federal reserve and dissolve the centralized banking system.

12 years ago

It's like a modern greek tragedy.

12 years ago

The irony is not the president's assasination but the temerity of those consipirators that they thought that they will get away with it....and they did get away