A Lamp in the Dark: The Untold History of the Bible

A Lamp in the Dark: The Untold History of the Bible

2010, Religion  -   274 Comments
Ratings: 7.10/10 from 124 users.

A Lamp in the Dark: The Untold History of the BibleAn exciting documentary that unfolds the fascinating untold history of the Bible, revealing critical information often overlooked in modern histories. Enter into a world of saints and martyrs battling against spies, assassins and wolves in sheep's clothing.

Throughout the Middle Ages, the Papal Inquisition forbade biblical translation, threatening imprisonment and death to those who disobeyed. Learn the stories of valiant warriors of the faith, such as John Wycliffe, William Tyndale, Martin Luther, the ancient Waldenses, Albigenses and others who hazarded their lives for the sake of sharing the Gospel light with a world drowning in darkness.

Once the common people were able to read the Bible, the world was turned upside down through the Protestant Reformation. The Reformers subdued whole kingdoms by preaching the grace of God, and exposing the unbiblical doctrines of Rome. In response, the Vatican would launch a Counter Reformation to destroy the work of the Reformers, including the bibles they produced.

This video covers subjects ranging from the Gospels, to the Reformation with Martin Luther, the Counter-Reformation and the Jesuits (the Black Pope and Sovereign Military Order of the Knights of Malta), and the fascinating story surrounding William Tyndale and the different Bible translations.

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6 years ago

comes off as a paid advertisement to bash Catholics

6 years ago

Watch this is you want to sit for over an hour hearing how Catholics should burn in hell forever

6 years ago

dangerous video that clearly doesn't fit into today's culture of tolerance. I had to turn it off due to the absolute "hate speech" going on against Catholics. It was disgusting to think any of these so called "scholars" would go along with this. Shame on them!

7 years ago

Religion: an elaborate coping mechanism built on delusion and maintained with conformation bias.

mike m
mike m
7 years ago

You all get so worked up
It's ...............well,,,sad

7 years ago

One day we will all stand in judgement before God and I pray that i get to meet all of you haters of Jesus on that day.... You are going to be in for a massive surprise or a million.

8 years ago

I just watched all 3 hrs of it and found it very interesting! Makes me more greatful for even having my King James Bible...off to watch the sequel :)

8 years ago

It's just history people. You can't change if just because you don't like it. This is the churches history - true church & false apostate church. Learn a little!

8 years ago

Paul Leonard's problem is in his last paragraph.... "I'm a protestant seminarian".
The Jesuits took over the Seminaries long ago.
Though Paul may be well educated.... he is educated in the wrong stuff.

This Chris Pinto Documentary is VERY good... though a little dry.
I suggest watching number two in the three part series.... TARES AMONG THE WHEAT.... first.
THAT one is very fascinating and will peak your interest to then watch LAMP IN THE DARK.
I only hope that Chris survives long enough to produce #3 in this series.
Too much truth about the RCC will get a lot of attention from the Jesuits and another dead body means absolutely nothing to them.

8 years ago

@ Bob Roberts, thanks for this comment and I totally agree with your point. @truthquest absolutely right...I find amazing how can most of you guys post some comments without going through the whole doc. I have watched this one and the sequel - Tares amount the wheat (another 3 hours) and I just loved it and reminds me how the enemy has gone this far to twist the gospel and persecuted those who believed in it... Thanks to Christian pinto for this wonderful documentary..

8 years ago

And, btw, the Catholic church is NOT a Christian religion. It goes against so much scripture, which Catholics are told not to try to read or understand. That is because they want your faith to be in your priest, who is to teach you, and they know that if you get into scripture, and ask God to teach you, that you will find, that Most of what the Catholic church teaches comes from Scripture that they have mis interpreted and taken out of context. When you read scripture, Please read in context. There are some great internet tools, like blueletterbible.org where you can do word searches...if you come across a verse you don't understand, you can type in the keywords,and other verses with similar phrases will come up. YOu can also look up each word in the original Greek or Hebrew that Scripture was given to us in. (using Lexicon or Strong's in the tools section).

I am going to take one topic to show you what I mean about the Catholic church. You have priests. Who you deem as the nearest to God. But Scripture tells us that 'Christ is our high priest" (Hebrews) and there is "ONE mediator (go between) between man and God, the man Jesus Christ" (I Timothy 2:5). He is our go between...it is our sins that are placed on Him, and He presents us as forgiven before the Father.

My prayer is that everyone on this page becomes a seeker of truth, and not merely man's opinion.

8 years ago

So, I haven't seen this film. But I know of a few people who have dug into history to prove the Bible to be untrue. They found it, instead, to be quite true. Lee Strobel being one of them...he was an athiest and an investigative reporter for the Chigaco Sun (or Tribune...can't remember which).

I don't know where you get your ideas about Christianity...probably from the biased Media, or from extremists who I am embarrassed that I share the same name with, because that is NOT what Christ has called us to.

I am also not going to argue and debate with you, but I do know, that every time an archaelogist puts his spade in the ground and uncovers something from Biblical times, it ALWAYS, supports Scripture.

To the person who thinks that Christians are trying to achieve diety, you have your religions wrong. NO ONE can EVER achieve diety. That comes from Mormon ideology, and that whole religion is a cult. Christians desire to be more like Christ in character, but we will never achieve diety, and that is never taught in scripture that we will...the idea is there, because Satan himself wanted to be like God and was kicked out of heaven because of his pride and rebellion.

I am not a theologian, but I have spent my life studying and living by Scripture...and even when I questioned it most, I asked God Himself to reveal truth to me and He did. YOu cannot dispute my personal experience, and I am not exaggerating. God is a God of truth. And He promises in His word, the Bible, that if "you seek ME, you will find ME, when you seek for ME with ALL your heart."

So, if you are searching for truth, ask the author of truth to reveal Himself to you, to make Himself known, HE WILL, because that is what He is all about. And while there are times that He has poured out His wrath throghout history, what you find predominately about Him in Scripture, and in real time life, is that He is loving, forgiving, gracious and kind.

I don't know what all of you are out to prove to each other, but the God and 'religion' I KNOW, is NOT the god or the 'religion' that you all have been talking about.

God is not calling men to religion. When He was alive, on the earth, in human flesh, we call him, Jesus, he, in fact, rebuked the religion that He himself instituted because the leaders weren't getting it. They were leading their own people away from God because of the way they were practicing their religion ( in the spirit of it all). God wants a personal love relationship with you.

I highly recommend that you go to you tube and find "Church without Religion" or Andrew Farley and find the kind of Christianity that the Bible really teaches. A Christianity that is about love, forgiveness (complete), and grace.

And by the way...my guess is that each one of you are angry at God about something that has happened in your life. I have been there. But my conclusion, and Scripture teaches, that the bad things that happen in this world are because of sin which brings illness, death, tragedy. Those things are not part of God's plan. However, in spite of the terrible things that can happen in our world, He offers His hand to walk with us, to give us strength, to carry us when we are too weak to put one step in front of the other. So the evil is because of man's own sinfulness...that is something that we as a race brought upon ourselves. God's love and grace says, in spite of your sinfulness, I offer forgiveness, and I will be your strength and your rock.

So I ask you...are you really wanting to hang on to all the lies that you have been told about religion or by athiests, or are you TRULY wanting to embrace truth, whatever that is? Because you pray to and ask God to make HImself real to you, He will. He desires to have a personal relationship with you...no matter what your life history is, no matter how sinful you think you are. God is big enough and loving enough and gracious enough to forgive you of all you have ever done, no matter how bad. He tells us in His word that he removes our sins far from us, when we depend on Him for forgivenss... He will teach you how you can be forgiven, if you seek Him in sincerity.

There are two kinds of religions in the world.

One teaches that you have to do x,y,z to get to heaven, whether it's church attendance, tithe, religious journeys, cutting yourself, be good to others, etc. Almost ALL religions fall into this category.

Christianity, and the Bible, teach that we can do NOTHING to earn God's favor. That we are sinners, enemies of God. The ONLY thing we have to do, is trust Christ as our SAviour...His sacrifice on the cross satisfied the JUST demands of a Holy Judge (God) for sin...all sin. But it is only applied to you personally when you by faith, believe that the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus is the required sacrifice to pay the penalty for your sin. That's it. You can do nothing. You cannot be good enough ("all our righteousnesses are as filthy rags"). Only Jesus, the sinless sacrifice, was good enough to do anything about YOUR sin debt, because he lived a perfect sinless life. He was God in the flesh, come to pay a debt that you and I could not pay. And He did it, because He loves you and wants to have a personal relationship with YOU!

So...what are you going to do..are you going to continue to be angry at God, or will you seek Him in truth? He is faithful. He will teach you...He will guide you, if you ask Him.

8 years ago

By the summary, I know this documentary is fictional propaganda, based upon the foundation of bias rather than reality.. The Catholic Church never forbade someone from Reading the Bible- but the person would have to know how to read (& thanks to the Catholic Church, the poor gradually obtained literacy), & would have to read at the Church (as each Bible was meticulously hand written by monks, & reviewed by other highly educated monks for accuracy, as the printing presses did not yet exist, thus making a copy invaluable to a community).

It is also a lie to claim the Catholic Church forbade the translation in the vehicular, or that a translation in English did not yet exist - by the Long winded rhetoric preface in the King James Bible (which was included until the late 19th century/ early 20th), it even states that the Church had such translations, & was angry that England had to go through the Church for permission; which even that is hypocritical & obvious (again, by the preface words), as it was forbidden to translate w/o the King's authority the KJV. The Church gave permission for many translations in the vehicular, but the Church had to insure that no wolf changed the actual words or poor translation changed meaning. Pretty obvious WHY the Church would desire such oversight- look at the nonsense translations we have today, even a 'pro-homosexual' version. And we see how quickly Luther removed 7 entire books, & added "Authorized" to give the impression of authority that the lay people knew the Church had held for centuries..

John Kevin England
John Kevin England
8 years ago

All of these people would not have believed in Jesus or god had it not been for the indoctrination by the Catholic Church.
So they rise up and go against the Catholic Church. Calling it the anti christ. Solipsism at work by the masses of the brain washed.

Paul Leonard
Paul Leonard
10 years ago

The propaganda aspects of the first 24 minutes are pretty bad, the Albigensian’s are the Cathars… the guy also mentions Donatist as good guys, the Walensians are from the Middle Ages, etc. They try to make Protestants/ bible believers from heretics! I suggest skipping the first 24 minutes.
This is sad because Protestant Reformers themselves normally point to Benedict, Augustine, etc. and stress that they are simply aligning with the early church till 500 (which had Bibles in different languages). Honestly, I think the producers are some kind of Baptist/ Mennonites. Pointing out the humanistic pro-Classical era bias of the reformation could actually have nailed the pro-medieval Catholics a LOT harder, but have an anti-Catholic in bias that is too strong for them to see the separations pre- and post- Pope Gregory I.
I am all for sola-scriptoria, but the film is too biased and ignores that there where darn good non-biblical patristic theological and even some medieval theological arguments used by the Reformers and perhaps even more tellingly that there where Pro-Bible arguments among them too.
But the politics here won’t allow the producers to admit text criticism started in A.D. 300 etc. Google the producers and you see all kinds of meaningless junk documentaries like one against sinaiticus when ½ of the times I see “txt. א 1 “ in most Greek New Testaments anyways (that’s real technical, means they take the correction in the margin, not the original text). The whole “lets wail on the vulgate” section is also skewed a bit unfair, it wasn’t corrupt on purpose (at least not by the 15th century monks).
This really comes out when they blame bad vulgate readings for bad Catholic theology, when I think the Catholic theology is simply pure paganism given proof texts.
It just goes on and on.
I'm a protestant seminarian and don't dig rome, even think the Pope is an Anti-Christ, but these guys go to left field.

10 years ago

youtube walter Veith total onslaught series and see all your errors vanquished right before your ears and eyes . this is the only documentary that has the truth . while all the rest are fraudulent.

Stephen Sopko
Stephen Sopko
11 years ago

this video so well done and beyond that has instructed,captivated and opened my eyes those words describe in a minimum the power of the information provided ,it all makes sense now who is behind the ever darkening darkness quickly descending down upon us ...the evil would be incomprehensible but for the realization of "WHOM" is actually behind this grand scheme the sinister,demonic other-dimensional being ,the "mastermind" of upcoming fulfillment of prophecy rev.9/11 you've done quite a service GOD directed my friends thank you i eagerly await more material from you

12 years ago

Are there any Roman Catholics here who can tell me the offical Roman Catholic Church's position on this documentary?

12 years ago

Catholic Church/Papacy/Vatican is The Antichrist/Beast/Little Horn power of Revelation and Daniel

Who thought to change God's Holy Times and Laws
Who was drunk on the blood of Christs Saints and martyrs
Who wears Purple and Scarlet
Who Sits on 7 Hills & also many waters
Who's mouth speaks Great Blasphemy constantly (daily) towards God

Simon Magus is the Father and Mother of The ROMAN CATHOLIC SYSTEM
Simon Peter Never Went to Rome Jesus Commissioned Him to preach to the Jewish people

Simon Magus a Man Witch is Why The Catholic Church is Full of Every Pagan type of Worship Since Nimrod, in particular Sun Worship, Fertility worship and He married IT all to Christianity.

Simon Magus: Bones are The Bones in the Vatican Square worshiped as Simon Peter, Simon Magus Also claimed to be Christ Re-incarnated No-wonder The concept of a Vicar of Christ is still around today.....

12 years ago

The Catholic Church/Papal System/Vatican State is clearly the Antichrist/Whore 0f Babylon/Beast Power mentioned in the books of Daniel and Revelation

Drunk on the Blood of The Saints and Martyrs of Christ
Thought to Change God's Holy Times and Laws
Sits on 7 Hills
Controls and empowers the kings of the earth
Does Great Blasphemy in The sight of God
Home of every unclean Bird

Research Simon Magus The Man-witch who Married Paganism with Christianity He Is the Simon Peter who's bones are in The Vatican

12 years ago


The quick (Word) and the dead (religion).

Who is your Father?

Never ceases to amaze me how people
can be taken in by the fancies
of titles and garments.

12 years ago

Certainly not my idea of a documentary. It is clearly anti-catholic and makes claims in regard to Jesuits and even Abraham Lincoln which I suspect have dubious factual basis.

12 years ago

The roman catholics believe in salvation by Grace and works so its human and man working at salvation. The Bible teaches its by Grace through faith and this not of yourself it is the GIFT of God NOT by WORKS so no man can boast. -ephesian 2:8-9 so God the father calls you to the lord Jesus Christ, Jesus justifies you with his finished work on the cross and reconciles you to the Father, and at the same time the Holy spirit indwells you and seals you up. This is all Gods doing from begining to end and we get the benifit and he gets the Glory. I only boast in the Lord.
Salvation is free its a gift but it only comes through faith.....which he also gives you.

Kendall Lladnek
Kendall Lladnek
12 years ago

The Dark Ages were the Dark Ages because of the hold of the bible, not in spite of it.

Louis Starwind
Louis Starwind
12 years ago

“The recipe for perpetual ignorance is: Be satisfied with your opinions and content with your knowledge.”
From: Julius Caesar
Why, man, he doth bestride the narrow world
Like a Colossus; and we petty men
Walk under his huge legs, and peep about
To find ourselves dishonorable graves.
Men at some time are masters of their fates:

Louis Starwind
Louis Starwind
12 years ago


An Unbalanced Act of Structure in Chaos.
Reborn from the Ashes of its former self.

William Christopher Schauer
William Christopher Schauer
12 years ago

Just can't get the fact that the guy sounds like the professor from the library episode from avatar.

12 years ago

Ian Paisley uses the Reformation to sprout bigotry against the local Catholics. He also encouraged paramiltaries to take action against Catholics.

As for the Cathars, they were indeed herectics- they denied the trinity and believed that there were 2 gods: the good god of the New Testament and the bad god who was the devil.They believed that the good god had no power over earth because it was ruled by the bad god, so they frowned upon marriage and intercourse.They also believed in re-incarnation.They had an idea that if they were given a kind of blessing by one of their ministers (Perfects) they must starve themselves to death and only then would they get to return to heaven and to the good god.

12 years ago

Not a word of the New testament was written by someone that knew the man names Jesus - Not a single WORD. Go research it. Most of the authors of the Jewish testament (OT) are unknown. All of it is a crock. Just read it - it is full of rape - cruelty - slavery and death. Far more humans ( by the hundreds of millions) have died because of the persecution by the faithful; than believers have ever been killed by others.
The Self Proclaimed Apostle Paul never knew, saw, or heard Jesus and he wrote the majority of the Christian Testements (NT), This vile book known as the bible has no authority. The Creators only written work is in the creation, no man made book. To deny nature, and the proven evidence of the creators works is to spit in the face of GOD.

Zachary Griffith
Zachary Griffith
12 years ago

This is really anti-catholic. And that is coming from a Christian that has no love for Catholics myself.

Jaxxed Not
Jaxxed Not
12 years ago

The commentary here is better than the documentary.

As mentioned above, the documentary starts off good, with credible sources, and then devolves to biased story using a few select sources and unheard of authors.
This documentary also misses the decisions made about what content is included in the bible.

12 years ago

I note that the so-called reverential language of the King James Version is used throughout this film. This suggests the films sponsors/directors/writers have an "evangelical right wing" posture which colors their understanding of bible development. I note from the beginning the absence of factual historical evidence, e.g. the suggestion that the gospels were compiled before the letters of Paul. Sad! If you want an accurate story, don't watch this film!

12 years ago

I have sat i watched this documentary and finished it at once. At one time tears filled my eyes when i recreated the whole picture of what those who were trying to translate the Bible went through...the immesurable torture,being burnt alive, and untold persecution.I know they were received happily in heaven. But on the hand, it is a pity for those who are followers of the Papacy,the Roman Catholic Church..I pray God opens their eyes. Even before i watched this documentary, i knew and have always known that the doctrine of the R.C .C is wrong and deceptive. I donot contrast from the view that,indeed the Papacy is the Anti-Christ spoken of in the Bible.

12 years ago

Just a propaganda piece.

Louis Starwind
Louis Starwind
12 years ago

"The world is in chaos. Honorable dealing is
deteriorating, good friends are few, truth is
held in disrepute, good service is underpaid,
poor service is overpaid. Whole nations are
committed to evil dealings: With one you fear
insecurity, with another, inconsistency, with
a third, betrayal. This being what it is, let the
bad faith of others serve not as an example,
but as warning. The real danger of the situation
lies in the unhinging of your own integrity:
accepting less than your best, being overly
tolerant of stupidity, forgiving incompetence,
fraternizing with the nonspiritual. The man of
principle never forgets what he is, because
he clearly sees what the others are."

To All of You: Speak prudently: cautiously to your rivals, and
with dignity to everyone else. there is always time
to utter a word, and never time to take it back...

Balthazar Gracian
General Jesuit Priest 15th Century.

12 years ago

Hardly a history of the Bible. No informtion at all about who may have written the original texts from which the various bibles have been translated.

There have always been many competeting factions in Christianity, and this seems to be no more than another propaganda by one faction decrying another.

I have no problem with the attack on Roman Catholicism and being fair, I would have no problem with a similar attack upon the faith of the promoters of this documentary.

Both factions have some truth and in both cases, the few spiritual truths they have in common are buried and hidden beneath a plethora of doctrines which contain no spiritual truths whatsoever.

Indeed, both contain downright lies, same lies, expressed in different ways, such as the requirement of a saviour or an intermediary between a human being and 'God', the only difference being that they define different men as being the necessary intermediary - Jesus, a pope or some priest.

An aside re Tony Blair - upon resigning his premiérship, he converted to Roman Catholicism and then began his "World Faith-based Initiative" after which around two hundred (2008 figure) faith-based schools, using the Bible as the basis for all history and geography, have been created.

The E.U., of which Blair is a devotee, is famous for its Catholic imagery and symbolism.

All in all, hardly a useful documentary, contains no new information, leaves out much known information and serves no purpose other than to put down the opposition.

The Buachaill
The Buachaill
12 years ago

I wasn't really watching it with great attention, but after starting out as a reasonably interesting historical reflection of Christianity for the first hour, somewhere in the second hour it had rather deceivingly evolved into a brazenly biased thesis on the justification of Protestantism as the true religion over Catholicism.
It would have made for an interesting story, except the bias was so obvious it made the whole thing a bit distasteful.
It was here while I was trying to figure out what I missed, when up pops Ian Paisely! Not exactly a man known for an open, unbiased opinion on Religion.

Nuf said

12 years ago

i agree this is pro protestant- hardly objective at all, but interesting viewing though! should not really be in the docu files methinks

Art Vinette
Art Vinette
12 years ago

This is a modern version of what people think the Bible and Christianity are all about. From what I have learned it is incorrect. Christianity is simply the MOST recent adaptation of a series of similar stories that have been retold no less than 12 times. Meaning that there was no Jesus who died on a cross 2,000 years ago.

A much better documentary that explains the Bible and religions around the world back to the time of the ancient Egyptians is "The Naked Truth" that can also be found on this site.

I mean no disrespect to Christians (of which I am one) or any other religious faith but the story of the Bible has been distorted over the past 2,000 years to evolve into something completely different from its original intent as Astrotheology and the study of the stars in the heavens.

Jesus = Son of God = Sun God = Sun

Cross of Christianity = Zodiac Cross = Spring Summer Fall Winter.

Jesus dying on the cross = Sun's lowest point on the Zodiac for three days. The winter solstice which occurs around December 22 each year.

The crown of thorns of Jesus's head (modern times) = the rays of the sun.

Jesus never existed before modern times. A circle representing the sun was in the middle of Zodiac cross. Over time the circle representing the sun, was replaced by a man representing the son of god. A play on words where Sun God becomes Son of God. And from here the symbolism of Christianity emerged.

Jesus born of the Virgin Mary.

Jesus = Sun

Virgin Mary goes back to ancient Egyptian times.

Virgo is one of the 12 sections of the sky.

Mary is the Egyptian goddess of wisdom.

Jesus born of the Virgin Mary. = The sun rising in the constellation of Virgo born of the Goddess of wisdom = Mary.

Jesus has 12 apostles. = Sun / sky has 12 zodiac symbols.

All of the stories in the modern day bible originate back to ancient Egypt. These original stories are Astrotheological stories and past historical human events.

Christianity worships the Sun God = Sun = Jesus.

Christians worship on Sunday because that is the ancient Egyptian day to worship the sun.

Jewish people worship on Saturday because the ancient Egyptian day to worship Saturn is Saturday.

The Jewish people never killed Jesus, for the simple fact that Jesus = Sun.

English - French - Planet to Worship

Monday = Lundi = Moon Day

Tuesday = Mardi = Mars Day

Wednesday = Mercredi = Mercury Day

Thursday = Jeudi = Jupiter Day

Friday = Vendredi = Venus Day

Saturday = Samdi = Saturn Day

Sunday = Dimanche = Sun Day

The seven days of the week for worshipping the planets as started by the ancient Egyptians.

Christianity became the dominant religion of the Earth because people quickly realized that without the light of the sun life died. Therefore the only god that really mattered was the "Sun God".

The "Sun God" is not really relevant in modern times because we have not had an asteroid strike or major volcanic eruption since 1348.

All major human catastrophes on Earth are proceeded by an asteroid / comet strike or a major volcanic eruption that results in the sun's rays being blocked out. This causes crop failure and starvation.

In dire times the "Sun God" then becomes the MOST important god to pray too. And this is why Christianity exists having evolved from ancient Egyptian roots.

Modern Christianity may have a man dying on the cross as a symbol but it simply is not true. Jesus = Sun and the cross is the Zodiac cross of astrology. To be accurate as all Medieval churches are the symbol of Christianity is a round circle on a cross. The round circle = sun and the cross = the zodiac cross of astrology. In many cases there are 12 sectors around the cross representing the 12 zodiac symbols of the heavens as partitioned by the ancient Egyptians.

12 years ago

I believe all spiritual paths hold the basis of truth. However, this "documentary" is pure fantasy. It is not even in fact a documentary - it is a "His"-Story with very little historical fact (I don't accept internal apologetics as fact) and is more in-line with docu-dramas. I guess if you consider "Little House on the Prairie" or "America's Most Wanted" as docs, than this deserves a place.

There is much better Christian-oriented historical documentaries available - even on this sight. Those of you who support this, please open your minds and stop believing the dogma an unqualified bloodsucker sells you on your day of rest....

12 years ago

not sure I'll make it through this one, but fyi for those commenting on the "angle" or the leaning of the doc, it is done by the guy who did extensive illuminati and freemasonry conspiracy docs which seem to have a right wing christian conspiracy theory tinge to them. So, as far as considering the source...

Tangata Whenua
Tangata Whenua
12 years ago

Re: this being a 'documentary'... I find it laden with 'agenda', therefore unwatchable!

12 years ago

There seems to be a lot of confusion about whether this is pro or anti Cristian, history or propaganda. After watching the first hour and a half or so I would say it is pro protestant Christianity and anti Catholicism. It has some good history in it, and some I am not so sure about, and some that may be mistaken or mistranslated sort of, and some that is flat wrong. Is it propaganda, well yeah of course it is. It was clearly made by someone that supports protestant Christianity so it is slanted toward that goal, as well as criticizing Catholicism. It also spends a great deal of time talking about how the bible itself was translated incorrectly by Catholics and Christianity corrupted by Rome, Constantine to be specific. As far as I know this part is true, I remember it from my theology classes as well as western civics. But we also found mistranslations in all the other versions of the Bible written in English when comparing the old testament to the Torah left in Hebrew and Aramaic, not one was actually correct according to several professors I spoke with about it. I don't read Hebrew or Aramaic so I have to take their word for it. Any way, if you enjoy religious history and can stand to wade through some pretty deep b.s. to get to it, roll up your britches legs and come on in- the waters fine boys, fine. Why who knows you might have some Lutheran in there trying to get out right now. If so I recommend turpentine, kerosene, or coal oil that stuff will kill anything.

Dean Fitzpatrick
Dean Fitzpatrick
12 years ago

The true children of God and servants of Jesus will soon no longer be called christians as that title has become accursed. They will simple prefer to be called the Children of God, Servants of Jesus the Christ.

12 years ago

Religion should be classified as a mental illness and medicated appropriately

David Foster
David Foster
12 years ago

Glad to see that you guys were again able to find something tasty to re-kindle your hatred of all things religious. Keep up the good work!

Meaghen :P
Meaghen :P
12 years ago

Didn't make it through the into. I could understand if this were claiming to be pure theology, but it's not. It's claiming to be history. Which it is not. The history of the Bible is only barely about Catholic vs. Protestant. Moreover there are a LOT of Christians in this world who are not Catholic or Protestant.... who have their own bibles. Then you the bajillion forms and sects of Christianity that were around before the Council of Nicea popped up to regulate everyone.

I hate when folks want to discuss or teach theology from a religious or personal perspective, but swear up and down they are serious scholars who are purely looking at academic evidence. There's nothing wrong with having your beliefs or theology or dogma.... just quit trying to pretend it's fact. IT doesn't MATTER if it's factually true or not. Truth /= fact. Fact/= opinion.

12 years ago

In summa ,(my thoughts) the saga of the bible is like the Da Vinci Code novel.It's a forbidden book and possession and authority over its interpretation has always been coveted.It is a secret knowledge that must be kept from the common people.It was jealously guarded by the Church of Rome and the rulers of her Empire.Its influence on western politics and culture cannot be overestimated,and the lust for power and Divine Right has always come at a terrible,violent price.The film clearly indicts the Roman Catholic Church as a power-mad,inhumane,evil corporation whose global ambition and influence politically continue today.The growing movement to create a Christian,religiously driven government in America is an ominous,dangerous spectre of the past. I often think that Prof.Richard Dawkins is right..It would be a better world without religions and the divisivness it creates.

12 years ago

Considered in its whole content, it is the history of the (Catholic/Protestant) feud in England, rather the Ireland thing.
Whatever that doc. relate to outside the UK is a tool to the main tropic (Protestant/Catholic) feud. I liked the translation (Childish) of the term "Vicar" becoming "Anti" or contra, againts...
Thus catholic priest = Antichrists! HiHiHi! Sarcasm at it best!

Vicar is an old (Anciant) French term that meant: -"An assistant to some leader (Whatever leader...) can count on, can lean "Against" to find support".
As carpenters beam that stand "Against" ("Contre" in French) a column of the foundations of buildings ...
Whouh! Crooked ideas in poor translation. (A bit biaised).
French is closer to Italian than English can be even if the 3 languages mingled through centuries.
Oh! Also a good thing to learn what was, where the Jesuite brotherhood came from. The medieval root of the CIA that later mingled with NAZI war criminals?

Anyhow, they conclude by what they should have begun with: The "Apocalypse & Book of Revelations". EG: Paul holy scriptures.
I would have greatly appreciated that they would have first mentioned the non-holy scriptures some archeologists found lately.

Maybe too recent to be in that doc but telling us so much...
Some Greek who knew Paul (Since Paul traveled a bit) state that some mushrooms from the north were pretty, pretty much funny to gobble.
Mohammad and many others had the same "Reclusive" behavior normally observed in psychotropes consumption at the age of maturation in these and thoses days.
In short, it is to figure out that knowledge through the consumption of weird mushrooms and hashish date back to days much earlier than year "0".
Humankind used these before it ever though of any Gods or "After-Life".
It could even be the reason why human beings began to "Think about these spiritual things", the brain starts to rev up!

There's the right dose and there's the excess but as time goes by, the excess or the habit always shown to be detrimental.
There were peoples on drugs in those days!
And today, we still discuss what their thoughts meant exactly?

Go figure!

Adam Christopher Rohaley
Adam Christopher Rohaley
12 years ago

I must, with respect, tell you that you are wrong. I see where you are coming from, because one must be born again of the spirit in order to understand the things of the spirit and of Christ. I hope the best for you.