Trump, QAnon and the Return of Magic

Trump, QAnon and the Return of Magic

2020, Conspiracy  -   92 Comments
Ratings: 6.08/10 from 223 users.

Common sense ain't so common anymore. That's the overriding message of Trump, QAnon and the Return of Magic, a lively, but distressing portrait of our current state of disrepair. The film issues a scathing critique of our cultural and sociopolitical climate, which is being driven by harmful and irresponsible rhetoric, social media proliferation, and lack of distinctions between truth and fantasy.

Conspiracy crackpots have always existed, but social media has provided them with a more dominant and attention-grabbing public forum. This has also greased the wheels for larger numbers of followers who are perhaps similarly disenfranchised or susceptible.

At the center of this mayhem is QAnon, a social movement started in 2017 which alleges a widespread operation of child sex trafficking led by Satan worshipping pedophiles. Supporters of QAnon overwhelmingly stand in strong support of current U.S. President Donald Trump, a figure they view as the hero who will stand against the cabal of perverted degenerates. Their mission is bolstered by the president's frequent retweets of their conspiracies and general disinterest in condemning their actions on a public stage.

Unfortunately, QAnon is not an anomaly. Conspiracy movements are gripping the public consciousness like never before. It seems to fulfill a primal human need. The film outlines the motivations behind this disturbing phenomenon.

It begins with the notion of magical thinking - a relatively harmless exercise characterized by fable and superstition. Taken to the extremes in our current environment of unprecedented fear and anxiety, this kind of thinking can deepen divisions and actually place lives in peril. The film reviews the tenants of conspiracy-minded perceptions, including their reliance on symbols and patterns, how they prey upon our basic need to find comfort through our search for meaning, and the social conditions that allow for the easy spread of their misinformation campaigns.

Utilizing reels of footage from pop culture spectacles, news reports and other popular media, the film itself represents a theory of where we have gone wrong as a society. But it's one that's deeply rooted in common sense thinking, and a firm belief in the work of scientists and other evidence seekers.

Directed by: Kirby Ferguson

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Michael Faison
Michael Faison
2 months ago

Very interesting ?

3 months ago

Trump is a cunning shill, a dumbarse, and a poor actor.

5 months ago

Well, this doc didn't age too well. It was crap then and is now unequivocal crap. Thank God, so many are awake to the corruption and crimes now.

9 months ago

It's no surprise that this guy is a Democrat Supporter and He worked with All of the following Democrat Owned or Democrap supported Companies such as
Google, The New York Times, Bloomberg, Participant Media, The Discovery Channel,, Generation Genius, and The Electric Frontier Foundation and HBO & Vice & the Cable Networks
He made up this "story aka a conspiracy theory, which is one of the democraps favorite terms"
These Geeks that you had hired to portray something that they are not & it was obvious that they don't even know what they are talking about & you yourself Don't have any clue at all on what or Who is or isn't "Q" & You have NO IDEA about What a "Qanon" actually is.
You should know what your talking about Before you try to portray yourself as someone that has a talent that is very Deceitful
Oh & here is a FACT "Q" isn't one person or a couple of basement buddies. "Q" Is a Group formed of The Highest Ranked Military Generals & Personal who are the Worst Nightmare for the people that you work for & THEY HAVE IT ALL.
BTW Democraps & msm said that Hunters laptop was a conspiracy theory created by the radical far right qanons TRUMP SUPPORTERS & Well it appears that THE CONSPIRACY THEORISTS, TRUMP SUPPORTERS WERE RIGHT AFTER ALL & ALSO RIGHT AGAIN!! ?
??WWG1WGA ??
Keep watching because a lot more physical Evidence & The Truth is coming and There is A LOT of Treason & Evil Crimes that is going to really tick off the TRUE PATRIOTS Who Are WE THE People & NOT PUPPETS

1 year ago

I am a scientist. I liked this video. It is an effort to explain a reality that is growing, For many of us looking at Qanon or other of these things generates a "these guys are stupid or mad". However, that reaction will bring us nowhere. If we do not stop the growth, progress will go down the drain. So the healthy reaction is " why is this happening? and how can we stop this from growing?". The video is in this idea.
I would add a reason for why is this happening: some people take advantage of nonsense. The republican party to mention one. How can you defend the interests of the minority of rich people and still win elections in which every vote counts the same? This is forcing clever 'evidence seeker' politicians to support these ideas in which they do not believe.

1 year ago

During my time spent at AIU obtaining my AS degree in criminal justice I developed a theory. One that I believe would help put an end to most of the violence twords police. Everyone has been searching for ways to improve the relationship between the police and the citizens they serve. Special committees appointed by congress yielded nothing. Top thinker have yet to put a name to this despair. For some reason the police have always been the cause. So, we have tried to fix them. My theory is , we are the problem. I think police officers should be considered there own race. They fit the description of being their own race. They group together, have similar interests and lifestyles. Today's definition of race doesn't always mean from the womb. We as a society discriminate against these people who pledge to protect and have given their lives to do so. If they are considered their own race it would make it illegal to show the hate they insure daily. It would hold those accountable in the courts the same way they do those who commit hate crimes. There is no other job in the world that allows the masses to slander or assault a group of people without consequences. I have felt the hate myself just by driving a retired police car. I've had things throw at my car for no reason. I've feared for my life in situations simply because I was precieved to be the police. The problem isn't the police it's the people who believe it's okay to hate them, hurt them, and even kill them because of who they are. That too fits the definition of racism.

David Dieni
David Dieni
2 years ago

As an activist of 30 years, the last 20 have been very disconcerting as I have consciously observed the infantalization of western populations for which the iPhone has played a crucial role in burying the truth and objective causes for the crisis that has unfolded in the west that is bound up in a society founded upon a finite resource in oil, that was unsustainable from the outset and its collapse inevitable, (we now use 6 barrels of oil for everyone we find, while, world oil production is in a permanent 9% decline)and an economic system that requires the impossibility of never ending expansion on a finite planet that is grounded in no science whatsoever, instead we are fed the BS of a magic hand that is insane, yet many subscribe to this ridiculous theory.

The last thing the population wants to know is the truth because it means taking action and responsibility completely reassessing our way of life that is no longer viable, so the scapegoats offered up via social media, in neo Marxists and immigrants being the cause are swallowed up whole sale, without any evidence to support these claims, while the populace turn to Trump, Obama and Sanders to save them, as Democrats are no less delusional than the Republicans they admonish for electing the lunatic Trump.

There are many concerned clinical psychologists that work outside of the system that are not beholden to corporate funding, and it was only a matter of time before studies started filtering through regarding the infantilization of the west to verify this phenomenon, studies that are now piling up one upon the other that are assiduously ignored by a sick psychotic culture in severe denial

The Infantilization of the Postmodern Adult and the Figure of Kidult
Jacopo Bernardini, The University of social studies Perugia (Italy)

Being young today is no longer a transitory stage, but rather a choice of life, well established and brutally promoted by the media system. While the classic paradigms of adulthood and maturation could interpret such infantile behavior as a symptom of deviance, such behavior has become a model to follow, an ideal of fun and being carefree, present in a wide variety of contexts of society. The contemporary adult follows a sort of thoughtful immaturity, a conscious escape from the responsibilities of an anachronistic model of life. If an ideal of maturity remains, it does not find behavioral compensations in a society where childish attitudes and adolescent life models are constantly promoted by the media and tolerated by institutions

The Terminial Self
by Simon Gottschalk
Professor of Sociology, University of Nevada, Las Vegas

If you regularly watch TV, you’ve probably seen a cartoon bear pitching you toilet paper, a gecko with a British accent selling you auto insurance and a bunny in sunglasses promoting batteries.
This has always struck me as a bit odd. Sure, it makes sense to use cartoon characters to sell products to kids – a phenomenon that’s been well-documented.

But why are advertisers using the same techniques on adults
To me, it’s just one symptom of a broader trend of infantilization in Western culture. It began before the advent of smartphones and social media. But, as I argue in my book our everyday interactions with these computer technologies have accelerated and normalized our culture’s infantile tendencies.

The Personality Crisis
Clinical Psychologist John F Schumaker (New Zealand)

Cultural infantilism (excerpt)
Immaturity has joined forces, as a cultural consensus, with a growing number of social thinkers warning of the dramatic rise of ‘psychological neoteny’, otherwise known as ‘cultural infantilization’. Bruce G Charlton’s influential 2006 Medical Hypothesis article ‘The rise of the boy-genius’ detailed the cultural evolution of a personality profile marked by delayed cognitive maturation, emotional and spiritual shallowness, and diminished ‘profundity of character’ that manifests itself in a ‘child-like flexibility of attitudes, behaviours and knowledge’.

While these ‘unfinished personalities’ may have increased adaptability in a mercurial culture of inconstant loyalties, abbreviated attention spans and compulsive novelty-seeking, they also expose society to the rawness and limitations of youth that hamper higher-order judgment and decision-making abilities, and culminate in a ‘culture of irresponsibility’.

David Dieni
David Dieni
2 years ago

Republicans believe that the democrats are socialist because some said they were

David Dieni
David Dieni
2 years ago

Indoctrinated and infantile
We swallow every insane lie
As denial, blind hope and optimism
Hold up walls that are our prison

Data stats, who needs all that?
They're just a bunch of useless facts
That only make me feel uneasy
A little sick, a little queasy

Its the migrants, no, it's the Jews
So many scapegoats, now which to choose?
And don't forget the Neo-Marxists
Hiding at home in your bread baskets

Now I haven't studied history
Or any political economy,
Don't know shit about psychology
Or the development of society
I haven't studied anything at all
No diplomas hang upon the wall
But I know all that there is to know
Because Jordan Peterson told me so
Now I'm registered with Jobster
Looking for work as a lobster

Hold on tight, we're going down
Slavish fools to knaves and clowns
No ,money left for the sick and poor
Its all been spent on endless war
And edumacation who needs that
When its all downloadable on an app?

Faster than the world's revolving
Humanity is fast devolving
While good old Donald is no ones hero
Why, he's a fiddler just like Nero
Can't believe it's come to this
My god we're bloody idiots

2 years ago

this doc is bs a typical millennial dumb ass who think reading a wiki page make you an expert

2 years ago

I'm glad the narrator is so supremely smart. He knows everything! And he explains everything so well that even low IQ viewers can understand it. You can tell how smart the narrator is because of the ease and simplicity in all his explanations. I honestly think he's underutilizing his intellect and should make the ultimate documentary - "The History Before The Big Bang, Why and How, And The Four-Dimensional Mathematics To Prove It". And from watching documentary, with this kind of intellect(!), I'm guessing "The History Before The Big Bang, Why and How, And The Four-Dimensional Mathematics To Prove It" would only take this filmaker 20 minutes!
In other words, I think this "documentary" is listed under the wrong category. It should be in the comedy section.

Jesus Doe
Jesus Doe
2 years ago

Chicken broth for lunatics

2 years ago

Watch this film with a critical eye. The filmmaker is gaslighting you. Message to the filmmaker: So much good here, Mr. Kirby. You are right on so many fronts. But you're missing the trick, and in the end, you've made a film that gaslights both "Magical Thinkers" and "Evidence Seekers". It's a small sleight of hand - I doubt you did it on purpose - but when you talk about how Evidence Seekers use reason and Magical Thinkers use feeling, you're flat out lying to your audience. EVERYBODY uses emotion to make decisions. Everybody has implicit bias. Everyone's decision-making is influenced by their lived experience and what's acceptable (and unacceptable) for their culture and sub-culture. And few of us really struggle to get outside our inherited viewpoint. While pretending like Evidence Seekers are always acting rationally, you're ignoring this fact, and invalidating what is otherwise a solid argument. By dismissing magic out of hand, you're stating that you would reject the ample evidence for a kind of 'faculty x' that has been suppressed in human being. Magic as you conceptualize it is hogwash. But it's your lack of imagination about what magic might actually be that invalidates your argument. Just because you can't conceptualize it or perceive it, doesn't mean it doesn't exist. From Galileo to John Harrison to Alan Turing, science is FULL of 'evidence seekers' rejecting new evidence based on their FEELINGS and their need for comfort and certainty. Like I said, watch this film with an extremely critical eye.

Tomas Coppinger
Tomas Coppinger
2 years ago

Super video with a lot of truth.
Are all Republicans just plain stupid or is it that they didn't go to school?

Jodi E. MacPherson
Jodi E. MacPherson
2 years ago

whats up now????

2 years ago

This is an incredibly insightful look at the human condition and I congratulate the author. For those who are heavily invested in 'magical thinking' and conspiracy, it will be dismissed out of hand.

Don Russell
Don Russell
2 years ago

So you hate Trump and religion. You seem young, but know everything about everyone. I give you credit for getting your documentary on this site though. One day you will grow old enough to realize that Kool-Aid is served on both sides.

3 years ago

hahahahaha the world IS run by a cabal of satan-worshipping, child sacrificing elite. The fact that this films disclaims this is disgusting to all our children who have been sacrificed for sex, slavery, and body parts. When a man can rape a child until it's dead and have a medical team standing by to harvest the organs, I would say that is pretty evil. Wonder how much this guy was payed?

3 years ago

well, you gave it a good shot, but I don't think you are on the right track cause the other side is not magic, but wanted to be proven wrong...gaslighting at it's finest.

3 years ago

I don't follow Q but the pedos are real...

3 years ago

actually this is all true.....wake up guys.

3 years ago

I couldn't watch all of this. It bored me!

3 years ago

I just came to read all silly, hateful, negative, mindless, robotic tappings of the internet nobody's who think they're experts on this, and every other subject, simply because they've watched or read stuff on the interwebs from their bedrooms in the last seven years or less... and as always and without fail, I wasn't disappointed!!

3 years ago

Very good video. I've been scratching my head, wondering why seemingly normal people believe the most ridiculous things. I think you have arrived at a very likely explanation.

3 years ago

Q is a figment of the Left's tin hat theories, believed by mindless, woke generation who can't think for themselves.

3 years ago

Pizzagate is real. It's the game of the depraved very rich.
Calling people conspiracists is just a deflection from the controlled media for the protection of their owners.

3 years ago

this documentary builds a straw man fallacy , aimed to kill curiosity and disconnect intelligent people with PhD's and degrees from whistle blowers in education like new york teacher of the year John taylor gatto , nsa whistle blowers William Binney ,Ed Snowden or investigator Steven Rambam ,and politics like recently passed away Allan Watt - it's full of rhetorical fallacies , your better off with Richard groves peace revolution podcast , great books of western world and last but not least The holy bible with books like wise king Solomon's proverbs .

3 years ago

So I'm a M.T , IMO Q is -was a psyop 2 make de ➡️ feel a false sense of security/winning , JFKjr 2 Tall 2be V.fsca ,pizza & WayF gained credibility because that group of pollis all had connection 2 Epstein , the body trails of ex -clinton guards & assoc was & still don't look good for them these people dark beings ,
Anyway don't agree but did enjoy
A different perspective

3 years ago

What left wing conspiracy BS!! People who believe this crap need to loosen their tin foil hat and stop watching the lame stream media.

3 years ago

This "documentary" isn't even a documentary. It offers nothing. It's 43 minutes of a guy complaining about "magical thinking" while lumping everyone he disagrees with as "magical thinkers". It's a waste of time.

3 years ago

Excellent work! lots of hard work has gone into this. Spot on!

3 years ago

Spot on!

Spencer L
Spencer L
3 years ago

This documentary is great. Don't be deterred by the sore losers in the comments.

Seriously what happened, did QAnon post about this site and make all the creeps come out in droves?

3 years ago

Qanon is idiotic but so is this documentary.

David of the Jews
David of the Jews
3 years ago

This guy is clearly a mindless, smug liberal. Just one example, “we are evidence seekers” … shows clip of trump asking about Obama’s birth certificate … ignores that two internationally certified digitize forensic labs independently certified that the birth certificate Obama provided on the White House is a forgery. Did this “evidence seeker” ask why that was , whatever the reason it is clearly a forgery? No he didn’t. Just bothered on about more self-entitled smug pseudo-evidence.

What the hell, let’s do another example: “we are evidence seekers” … “believes that surgical masks and cloth coverings can prevent virus spread in spite of all research showing that is not what science says and it is magical thinking like believing you can carry water with a mesh strainer … no, no, it’s really there, it is just invisible water. The mesh strainer works and therefore we must subjugate people. From an “evidence seeker”, science believer cultist that also does not call out the communist and socialist and diversity magical thinking that is WAY more prevalent and being pushed on the liberal side.

I lost interest in this hot mess, but the irony is that mr “evidence seeker” here totally ignores the fact that the real reality that is called a conspiracy, Jewish power and dominance over the whole western world, you know, the one even mr evidence here call out as the only ones really affected by all this. Or are we supposed to believe the magical thinking that somehow a tiny little community just coincidentally is able to magically dominate all the aspects of society and fully control both parties and the whole government of the USA? Thinking that Jewish domination and control is not intentional in spite of all the real and clear fact and evidence all over the place … now THAT is magical thinking.

3 years ago

There is so much stuff that you have either missed or just ignored,

Tony M
Tony M
3 years ago

Such cr*p. Worse than Q.

3 years ago

I used to listen to Alex Jones until the same shit he spewed about republicans he started spewing at democrats. Thats when I knew it was for money!!!

3 years ago

Some appear to believe that because one 'conspiracy theory' turned out to be true that validates all other theories they choose to believe.

That's not how evidence works.

3 years ago

Go Biden and Kamala Harris ??????

3 years ago

this guy is an absolute moron wow

3 years ago

Is this guy retarded?

3 years ago

Wow the trumpanzees and 4chin incels are out in force on this one. It's come to be that the low voted doccos are the good ones with all the pathetic right wing brigading.

3 years ago

The only good thing about this documentary is when you acknowledged it as your own opinions. It is pretty obvious there is no objectivity to all your theories in the name of science and dismissing all other thoughts as 'magical thinking'. Whether you believe there is God or not does not negate the existence of God. Similarly, whether or not you believe in the existence of satan or evil does not rid the world of their influence. I hope you wake up to the truth one day after uncovering one big lie that leads you to question your own theories.

3 years ago

horrible documentary..........

3 years ago

I thought it was important to sit through your documentary so that we could better understand the thinking that goes on in the minds of those that need to push forward the narrative. Your fatal flaw was off-handedly dismissing all alternative thought as 'conspiracy theories' . That of itself is very dangerous and dismissive. Putting the Technocracy in charge of fact checking has proven the point. Fortunately, there are lawyers in the world that have taken on the fact checkers that have removed the ability to debate. Their case is solid, I have read the evidence. The reality is history is full of conspiracy. The problem 'your people' are going to have should they follow your plan, is when the rest of world wakes up to the simple arithmetic they can do using CDC data, they will discover 1) there never was a pandemic based on the traditional definition, 2) As Dr. Fauci has admitted the PCR test is 100% inaccurate beyond 33 cycles of amplification which explains our current state of the Casedemic caused by the Testdemic 3) which explains why the test is being done to 40-45 cycles but those testing positive are asymptomatic because they are not infected 40 But the fatal flaw in your argument are all of the peer reviewed, published studies veryfying that mask wearing, social distancing, and barring gatherings are designed to keep people fearful, for when they are they will do exactly what you want them to do which again has been thoroughly studied and published in the journals. You forgot the last group; those that look at a scenario, exam the facts, and make up their own minds

3 years ago

This is great. Shame there are so many triggered trumptards in the comments, it would have done you some good to watch it through!

Moroccan for trump
Moroccan for trump
3 years ago

your docu is full of buls***

Steve Rogers
Steve Rogers
3 years ago

He said he was an everyday liberal, which is pretty obvious but he doesnt have a clue about Q anon.

3 years ago

This guy is just making up new terminology for people who trust in fact and people who trust in faith, also just taking clips from popular movies to try to explain his opinion and touch common ground with a wide audience, just like all the other sit @ home youtubers that feel like making a documentary one day...